"There is another mission, which will take a long time." Ye Shen said.

"Where are you going? How long is the longer?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Where to go can't be said, the time also depends on the completion of the task, as short as one or two years..."

Hua Zhao's eyes suddenly widened, okay, as short as one or two years, or as long as ten or eight years?

"Can you give me an approximate location, southeast, northwest? How far?" she asked.

Ye Shen paused and said, "Not in the country."

Hua Zhao was taken aback, this is really a special mission, and she still needs to go abroad. At this time, there are no peacekeepers dispatching missions. All tasks to go out are not upright and capable.

"Seven continents and four oceans, where are you going?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Shen thought for a while and said, "Go to Country M."


"Don't ask for specifics, I really can't say." Ye Shen said.

After a while, Hua Zhao asked, "Just you go alone? Or do you want to go with a group of people?"

Ye Shen didn't say anything. It is said that he also has a partner, but this belongs to the specific content of the mission and cannot be said.

"Then I have another question, can I contact my family?"

"No." Ye Shen said.

Hua Zhao had nothing to ask, and only had deep helplessness in his heart.

He was wearing this dress, it was his duty to obey orders, and she had no room for beak.

Stopping him, crying and fussing, was of no use except to make both of them sad.

Hua Zhao approached him gently, leaned on his shoulder, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, my child and I will be fine at home. It's just that it's cheaper for you, and you can be a father directly when you come back."

Ye Shen was emotional, suddenly turned over and covered her, and kissed her deeply.


The next day, the last day of the holiday, Hua Zhao wanted to be with Ye Shenge, but couldn't.

She still has something to prepare.

So she could only instruct Ye Shen to go out with the children, while she pretended to be sad and went to plant a greenhouse.

In fact, she was fiddling with her ginseng seeds.

After obtaining the supernatural power, the most she grows is ginseng, and the one that mutates the most is ginseng.

After the last crazy birth, she accidentally got a slightly different seed.

It is red, round, and has the luster and texture of gems.

Holding it in her hand, Hua Zhao could feel its surging vitality, and she had experimented with it, she kept it at home and drove far away, she could still feel it.

radar? position? Signal transmitter?

Hua Zhao wanted to mutate it a few more times to see if he could feel it on Ye Shen.

She didn't dare to think when she directly sensed country M, but when she went to country M one day, she would go through all 50 states, hoping to sense him.

The red seeds were planted, and the energy was exchanged frantically immediately. A ginseng grew, and it grew a mutant seed, and the luster seemed to be brighter.

Plant again and get another...

After several rounds of testing, Hua Zhao found that only one mutant seed would appear. Fortunately, there was always one, and it had not been cut off, otherwise she would have lost the mutant seed.

In one day, whether she is in a greenhouse or a flowerpot, as long as she is sure that Ye Shen can't see, she will breed a round.

After dark, there was really no chance, so she stopped.

However, she was satisfied with the seeds she got.

It is still a round and red one, but the diameter is smaller, only 5 mm, the texture of the gem is still there, but the luster is gone.

At first glance, it looks like a southern red agate of general quality.

But Hua Zhao could feel its surging vitality, and when he held it in the palm of his hand, his body felt a little relaxed.

Does it have the effect of drinking medicine with it? good.

As for how far it can sense, it is too late to test.

"This is the Buddha bead I asked for at the temple last time, you take it with you, keep it safe." Hua Zhao handed him the bead: "I originally wanted to make a pendant for you to hang around your neck, but I didn't expect you to leave so soon. , take it yourself, find a safe place to put it."

She believed that Ye Shen wanted to hide something, but no one would find it, and he couldn't lose it.

Hanging it around the neck, the target is too big. When something happens, it will be searched out.

Ye Shen took it with a smile, without laughing at her superstition, and went to the temple.

"Can I bring medicinal wine or something? Can I wear it around my neck as before?" Hua Zhao asked again.

"No." Ye Shen said, "This time it's not in the country. It's different. If you go out, you will definitely be checked." He didn't want anyone to know that the medicinal wine was different, it would bring her a risk.

Hua Zhao knew it would be like this, so she didn't prepare, just took out some of the refined ones today and handed them to him: "Drink it, strengthen your physique."

Ye Shen...... He took it silently and drank it in one gulp. Suddenly, he felt like he was drinking alcohol, and his whole body was on fire.

But after a while of numbness, he felt refreshed, and he felt that he was now full of power, huge power.

Ye Shen looked at Hua Zhao, and it seemed that his daughter-in-law had a secret, but he didn't ask if she didn't say it.

He didn't have the slightest curiosity, he just knew that this was his wife, the mother of his child.

"Go to sleep." He looked at Hua Zhao and said.

The "madness" of the night passed, and the next morning, Ye Shen, as usual, made breakfast before going out.

Standing at the door, he stared deeply at the Hua Zhaohe child for a few seconds, then turned and left resolutely.

Hua Zhao waited for him to leave before opening his eyes, and his eyes were a little wet.

She didn't get up to see him off, she didn't know what to say, and she didn't want to see his back.


Ye Shen didn't go to the place where he usually went to work, but went out the door and got into a car, which took him to an ordinary house in the suburbs.

There were two people waiting for him in the room, a man and a woman.

The men are in their 40s and the women are in their 20s. They are very beautiful, the kind of flamboyant, mixed-race beauty.

The temperament of the whole person is also very sharp.

She squinted at Ye Shen, and looked at him from head to toe several times. Then she showed satisfaction on her face. She stood up and stretched out her hand: "Hello, my name is Zhu Manli."

She blinked, charming and moving: "Of course, it's the name of the task."

The man said to Ye Shen, "Your mission name is Su Heng. This is the character information of the two of you. Check it out."

Su Heng, a member of an intellectual family, his family was destroyed and he was the only one left. Prepare to smuggle to the M country, and then approach the mission goal with a heart of revenge.

Zhu Manli, from a disgraceful background, was persecuted here, and smuggled over to find her relatives. Then do your best to join an organization.

To put it bluntly, the two of them went out to be a disc.

Looking for them, because they have a good background, their temperament does not need to be specially cultivated, and their appearance conditions are good. When these two wear a suit and long skirt, no one would have thought that they were from the military.

Remember to remember, the two set off south and really went to smuggle.

This is the first life-and-death test. If you really die here, it is life.

Hua Zhao sensed it, and Ye Shen was about 500 miles away before she completely lost her perception of seeds.

She is very satisfied with this distance.

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