Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 626: When did he become a living Buddha?

"Miss Wen, of course it's very good..." He Jianning was so old and over 30 years old. In fact, it was the first time that a woman asked such a question, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Then, then marry me!" Wen Jing said with her eyes closed.

He Jianning put down the teacup, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face, but his eyes were full of ridicule.

What is there for her to be quiet and worthy of his marriage?

Some people just don't know how much they weigh.

"I know all the inside story of the Ye family!" Wen Jing opened her eyes, her face was flushed, but she still dared not look at He Jianning's face, she stared at the tea tray in front of her and said, "I know their relationship network and all the secrets, what do you want to know? , I'll tell you all."

This is her capital.

"I know you don't like me, and I know... I don't deserve it." Wen Jing gritted her teeth and said, "We can fake marriage! It doesn't matter if you don't like me, we can separate, and I don't even need to appear in front of you! I just need an identity."

He Jianning's eyes were stunned, that's it.

Still, she didn't deserve it.

"I don't really want to know the secrets of the Ye family. The Ye family and I are not mortal enemies, and I don't want to kill them. Why do I know so many secrets from them?" He Jianning laughed.

He wants Ye Shen, but also the Ye family behind Ye Shen. If he kills the Ye family, what is Ye Shen?

He never thought of fighting with the Ye family to the death, he just wanted to get some benefits within the tolerance of the Ye family.

For example, Ye Shen, like his cook.

Wen Jing's face was ashen, and when it was over, her trump card didn't work.

She was in her 30s, couldn't have children, and was divorced. She knew that she was a little unworthy of He Jianning, but she thought she had leverage.

Moreover, He Jianning is a sick seedling who is going to die at any time, so what are you being picky about? !

"Ye's house, no, there is definitely something buried under the Hua Zhao's house! It was your people who didn't dig it up last time. This time you go and dig a little deeper, and you'll definitely be able to dig it!" Wen Jing said.

There is something underground, and the Ye family basically has a tacit understanding, but of course they will not say such things.

Wen Jing used to not be, but now it is naturally different.

The ridicule in He Jianning's eyes was even more obvious, and he said with a smile, "Miss Wen is afraid that she has misunderstood. What does it have to do with me when the Ye family was dug underground last time?"

What he did, he never admits! But everyone knows it well.

Wen Jing's face froze. It was the first time she had a head-to-head conversation with He Jianning. He thought a little differently from her...

"Thank you Miss Wen for your love, but He Mou is frail and sick, and I'm afraid that she will have no luck. If Miss Wen just wants to find someone to compete with Ye Ming, I can recommend someone to you."

Wen Jing frowned for a while and asked, "Who is it?"

"Du family, Du Hanliang's grandson, what do you think?" He Jianning asked.

Wen Jing's eyes lit up when he heard the Du family, Du Lao, that was the family of the fathers. A year ago, it could be said that it was on an equal footing with the Ye family, or even slightly higher, because the Du family had extremely prosperous descendants, many in-laws, and a huge family.

Comparing the Ye family with the Du family, it seems that people are thin.

But now that the Ye family has medicinal wine and a larger and more solid relationship network, the two forces are a bit difficult to say.

But the Du family is absolutely top-notch, and she is satisfied.

But Du Hanliang? She hadn't heard of the name, wouldn't she be a sideline relative?

"He is the grandson of Mr. Du, the third son of the third child of the Du family. Mr. Du is like you... like the third child of the Ye family. Yes, it's not surprising that you haven't heard of it." He Jianning introduced.

"He is 35 years old and works in a ministry. He has a son and a daughter. His wife passed away 5 years ago. Now he is single. The family is arranging a blind date with him. ." He Jianning said.

Wen Jing was in a hurry, she wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

so good? Besides, it's not too late for her to know now? Will they make it? Is He Jianning willing to help her?

He Jianning took a sip from the teacup, put it down and said, "I have no grudge against the Ye family. There were some misunderstandings in the past, and now I am trying to resolve it... After all, the Ye family is already unstoppable, and I still need ginseng to survive."

Wen Jing's face was cold: "I have nothing to do with the Ye family now! Helping me is not helping the Ye family! Not only will the Ye family not appreciate it, it may even anger you! Mr. He should think about it carefully."

"Heh." He Jianning sneered, not hiding his sarcasm: "You look at the Ye family like that... Forget it, I don't understand." He suddenly understood Ye Ming's powerlessness, no, he suddenly couldn't understand How did Ye Ming endure it for so many years!

In terms of endurance, it seems that he can't compare to Ye Ming.

He only said a few words to Wen Jing, and he hoped that she would disappear from his eyes quickly! Best ever!

"I made an appointment with Du Hanliang to notify you. I will try my best to facilitate this matter so that you can have a good home, and the Ye family will naturally remember my feelings." He Jianning said, "But if he doesn't like you, I can't do anything about it. You might as well ask Gao Ming."

He Jianning got up, intending to see off guests.

Wen Jing was too embarrassed to stay, and turned away without saying anything.

He Jianning looked at her back with an inexplicable smile on her face, so that she could have a good home? When did he become a living Buddha?

Du Hanliang's "knowledge" is great.

As for letting the Ye family appreciate it, that's impossible. The Ye family doesn't care what kind of destination Wen Jing has now. After being swept out of the house, the Ye family will no longer pay attention to her.

Except for Hua Zhao, she will definitely pay attention to Wen Jing's movements.

If he really finds a good home for Wen Jing, Hua Zhao will definitely anger him. He can't make her angry anymore, he wants ginseng to continue his life.

Sister Li suddenly appeared at the door and said to He Jianning, "Sir, it's time for dinner."

He Jianning smelled the faint smell of medicine wafting from the kitchen, and sighed, he still wanted to eat his own meal.

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