Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 617: God's chance

After entering the door and sitting down and greeting each other, Hua Zhao looked at this Zhou Rui, who was tall and well-proportioned, beautiful, with a round face, white, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a dignified atmosphere that people like nowadays.

The temperament is also very good, sitting there smiling, neither humble nor arrogant.

He looked calmer than Zhou Lihua.

Zhou Lihua took her to the door and always praised her. What does it mean?

Hua Zhao looked at this, looked at that, and guessed, this is probably the object for Ye Ming.

Hiss... Zhou Lihua's niece! No matter how good she was, she was heartbroken.

Miao Lanzhi may also have the same thought. She is not very enthusiastic about Zhou Rui. Zhou Lihua praised those things, how good she was from childhood to adulthood.

Now just graduated and working as a teacher in an elementary school, how can he be loved by students and praised by leaders.

Miao Lanzhi didn't give face very much, she just catered for one or two times.

Zhou Lihua gritted her teeth in her heart, and her face had already brought out something.

Zhou Rui has been very calm, and even pulled Zhou Lihua to leave: "Auntie, don't you want to buy something for Jiajia in the afternoon? Let's go now, or we won't be able to buy everything today."

Zhou Lihua glared at her and said, "It's already noon. You can go after dinner. You can also taste Hua Zhao's craftsmanship. Well, learn more from her in the future."

Zhou Rui smiled and pulled her up: "Let's talk about the future, let's go shopping first, the school starts the day after tomorrow, and there are other things to do tomorrow. If I can't buy it today, Jiajia will be angry."

She seemed to have a lot of strength, and dragged Zhou Lihua affectionately to drag her out of the door.

It's all like this, Zhou Lihua can't stay any longer, so she can only say goodbye.

Miao Lanzhi breathed a sigh of relief, stood at the door and looked at Zhou Rui's back and said regretfully, "It's okay to look at, and she can do things well. It's better than your third aunt, but unfortunately, she is your third aunt's niece."

She doesn't want to be in-law with Zhou Lihua, she can't even turn around! Otherwise, in the future, thinking about it will give her a headache.


Zhou Lihua, who went out, was complaining about Zhou Rui: "Why don't you stay for a while? After staying for a long time, Miao Lanzhi will find out that you are all right!"

"It's the first time we meet, don't be too impatient, it's good for everyone to get to know me, and I think Aunt Miao doesn't like me a little bit, and staying here will be counterproductive." Zhou Rui said slowly.

"You don't need to worry about her, she's just a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person. Back then, she didn't like Hua Zhao. She didn't go home every day. You can't even imagine what you get."

Zhou Lihua said: "But what do you think now? Hua Zhao gave birth to a child, and she made a 180-degree transformation, and she couldn't keep up with her pet girl! So you don't need to worry about her. When you give birth to a child to Ye Ming in the future, she will still be the same. pamper you!"

Zhou Rui's calm face finally turned red: "Auntie, what are you talking about, it's still early!"

She knew Ye Ming, and she had seen it when she was a child. At that time, Ye Ming was still a high school student. He was tall, thin, and gentle. His smile was clean and warm, just like the sun in spring, which made people look warm.

She was still young at that time, just thinking about how she could have such a beautiful big brother.

Later, she grew up slowly, and her mood changed a bit, but it was too late. The big brother already had a sweetheart and got married.

But who would have thought that when she was in her prime, her eldest brother was divorced again!

She must firmly seize this opportunity given by God.

Zhou Lihua looked at her blushing face and was satisfied: "You just need to know the numbers yourself. You don't need to worry about the rest of the Ye family. You only need to deal with Ye Ming alone. As for how to deal with it... you can decide for yourself."

Zhou Lihua is not good at this either, and she thinks Ye Ming is so difficult! She doesn't even want to meet him now, and she feels bad when she sees him.

She also believed that her niece, who was smart, capable and thoughtful since childhood, would be able to do it.

Zhou Rui did think of a good way. If she wants to get Ye Ming, it is impossible to approach him directly. It is too reserved, and it is easy to be offensive. It is better for her to have a good relationship with Hua Zhao first.

"I heard that Ye Ming and Hua Zhao have a good relationship? Like her two children?" Zhou Rui asked.

"Yeah." Zhou Lihua nodded strangely. Wen Jing's mind, it's not that she doesn't understand, she is jealous of Hua Zhao's childbirth, and jealous of Ye Ming's good care of Hua Zhao.

As for what Ye Ming has with Hua Zhao, she doesn't believe it, but she can trust the upright family style of the old Ye family, that is, women like to think more.

"That Wen Jing is a lesson from the past, you must not follow her old path!" Zhou Lihua said.

"Well, I know, Auntie, tell me, what has Hua Zhao done since he came to Ye's house?" Zhou Rui asked.

She didn't ask what kind of person Hua Zhao was, she couldn't trust her aunt's evaluation.

Zhou Lihua curled her lips and told Zhou Rui about Hua Zhao's affairs bit by bit. When she talked about this, she became troubled. Hua Zhao was stingy and stingy. She would not let them live if they had a spare house. Thinking about her 50,000 yuan, she even invited the Qiu family to dinner on her own initiative. So many things happened, which ruined her son's marriage...

Zhou Rui listened carefully, eliminated her comments, and picked out the truth. Hua Zhao saved her face. She should not take advantage of her relatives, and it would be difficult for anyone to do it.

Hua Zhao is rich... but not generous, and there is still no way to take advantage.

She is also very enthusiastic, and she is still willing to help relatives without touching her principles. For example, invite the Qiu family to dinner.

What was going on, their Zhou family knew clearly, it was Qiu Mei, and the aunt's future daughter-in-law asked to come to the door, and they agreed to treat the guests. Attend.

Zhou Rui glanced at her Zhou Lihua, who was a neat and straightforward aunt back then, but she was blinded by jealousy and changed beyond recognition.

She should also take precautions.

Everyone has inquired about it, and they are about to find an opportunity to come to the door. This opportunity depends on Ye Jia to create.

The next morning, the door of the courtyard house was knocked on, and Ye Jia brought Zhou Rui to the door.

"Why are you here?" Hua Zhao greeted the two with a warm smile, but the accident was really unexpected.

She thought that Zhou Rui would frequently kick the door of Ye's house since yesterday, but she didn't expect it to be so fast, and she came here.

The mind is very flexible, but what reason will she use to come to the door? But don't stop by... She has a headache when she hears these two words now.

I don't know how many medicinal wine He Jianning used to talk to Ye Ming about going back, and he had a chance to ask.

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