Dawei, Xiaowei, Qin and Xiaoqin still like to live in their own homes and be practical.

The Ye family has been ups and downs recently, and I can't take care of them. Hua Zhao hasn't been with them for a long time, so the day back home has been delayed for another day, so I'll have a big meal with them today. , go back tomorrow.

Standing outside the door, you can smell the tempting aroma inside and hear the laughter of children.

They all say whether they are big or small, and they like children, especially those who are diligent and diligent. They stay around Yunfei and Cuiwei, and they like to play with them.

Hua Zhao looked happy, and was busy with barbecues.

Since the last time she was shocked, her vomiting during pregnancy suddenly improved and disappeared at once. Now she wants to eat everything she sees, and she wants to take two bites when she sees the ground when she is hungry.

Li Xiaojiang knocked on the door, Zhang Guilan went to open it, and was stunned when he saw him.

Li Xiaojiang was also stunned and didn't know what to say. It was Zhao Cuicui who pushed him, and Li Xiaojiang squeezed out an embarrassed face: "Sister Zhang... Are you feeling better?"

"Hey, Xiaojiang! Come in!" Zhang Guilan immediately greeted Li Xiaojiang with a big smile on her face.

She is really grateful to Li Xiaojiang, otherwise that night......

Zhao Cuicui's heart fell hard.

Li Xiaojiang was also pleasantly surprised, and his face was bright like a flower for a moment: "Sister..." He wanted to cry a little.

This is a small yard with a single entrance. There is only a shadow wall at the door. Hua Zhao heard the conversation at the door and shouted, "Come in, you can eat right away."

Zhang Guilan greeted Li Xiaojiang again, and Li Xiaojiang and Zhao Cuicui turned around the shadow wall and entered the courtyard.

Zhao Cuicui was stunned when she saw Hua Zhao. Earlier, Li Xiaojiang said that Zhang Guilan's daughter was very good-looking.

Hua Zhao was stunned when he saw Zhao Cuicui, and immediately asked Li Xiaojiang with a smile: "Brother Li, is this your object? It's so beautiful."

Li Xiaojiang rescued his mother, and she is Big Brother Li again. She wouldn't count the matter of the Li family on his head.

When Li Xiaojiang heard this title, he wanted to cry again.

"Yes, it's my target, Zhao Cuicui." Li Xiaojiang said.

Zhao Cuicui suddenly gave him an angry look and retorted: "No, I just broke up with me a few days ago."

That way, at first glance, it is flirtatious, and the relationship is very good.

Hua Zhao was willing to give her face, and asked with a smile, "Break up? What happened?"

"It's not because he has completely turned into a pauper this time. He doesn't even have a penny on him. He was searched by his family. If the rent was not paid for half a year in advance, he would have to sleep on the street." Zhao Cuicui smiled. said.

But the tone was somewhat serious.

Hua Zhao glanced at her, she was really a virtuous helper, and knew that she would cry miserably for Li Xiaojiang.

She looked at Li Xiaojiang again and found that Li Xiaojiang's face was a little red, but she did not deny it.

It turned out that the Li family really corrupted him that day.

At that time, the assistant only inquired about the content of their conversation, and did not see Li Xiaojiang taking money for him and then came back to report.

She asked, pretending not to know, "They took all your money? Why?"

Li Xiaojiang hesitantly explained.

Don't hide it from Zhao Cuicui, let alone from Hua Zhao, what the Li family is like, they are victims, and they know more clearly.

"I'm sorry." Li Xiaojiang quickly apologized after finishing speaking: "They have gone too far. I'm sorry, I didn't stop it."

Hua Zhao didn't say a word, she felt that it was okay to say it was okay, as if she had forgiven the Li family, which was inappropriate.

Zhao Cuicui spoke again, half-jokingly said to Li Xiaojiang, "That's because you didn't know that before. If you stop your grandfather like today, you'll make up for it."

"Oh?" Hua Zhao looked at the two curiously.

Li Xiaojiang heard it, it was the object that said good things for him, but he didn't want to take credit for it, it was too much.

"That's right, my grandfather came to see me today..." But after all the words were said, Li Xiaojiang explained, and Zhao Cuicui couldn't be prevented from coming to the stage.

"Thank you Big Brother Li, I really don't want to see your grandfather. It's useless to see you. The policy has already been set, so you can't change it overnight." Hua Zhao said.

As for the cancellation of their village vegetable club because of her, she did not deny it.

Let them know, only then will it have a deterrent effect, only then will they know the pain and fear.

If the villagers knew from the beginning that the consequences would be so serious, they would not dare to rob Zhang Guilan together if they were killed.

And if only the Li family went, they wouldn't be Liu Qian's opponent at all.

Zhang Guilan would not encounter that crisis.

Hua Zhao felt that she was too low-key and wrong in the past, or that she was wrong to be low-key to those who were disgusting, and she had to show off her muscles at any time.

It came again and again, those terrible eyes... Li Xiaojiang glanced at Hua Zhao, and then quickly lowered his head, his heart trembled a little.

Zhao Cuicui sat on the side, but her eyes lit up. This "noble person" is extremely powerful, and one sentence can decide the fate of so many people!

She didn't know that this was just the Ye family taking advantage of the situation, she thought it was turning things around, and her eyes suddenly became hot when she saw Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao glanced at her, smiled at them, and handed over the grilled barbecue.

"You can still eat meat and vegetables like this? Who came up with it? It's so powerful!" Zhao Cuicui took it after politely, and then bragged: "Wow! It's delicious! I've never eaten something so delicious! "

Her expression is not exaggerated, it is completely from the heart, this time she is not saying pretty words, she has grown up so much, and she has never eaten such delicious food.

The Zhao family was quite poor. Grandpa Zhao Cuicui was in good health and gave birth to a family of 10 children. It took the couple a lifetime to support so many children.

It was quite a remarkable thing at the time.

Zhao Cuicui's father is the eldest. He inherited his parents' genes. He married early and gave birth early. Zhao Cuicui has 8 brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, she is the eldest.

What's more unfortunate is that she has 6 younger brothers and 1 younger sister under her, and the younger sister is only 3 years old this year.

The eldest brothers have reached the age of starting a family, but because they have no house, no money, and no targets.

Therefore, the whole family pointed to Zhao Cuicui to find a rich man so that he could lead the whole family to turn over.

But they don't know that Zhao Cuicui has a heart to turn around. She doesn't want to rely on men all. It's not reliable and not too much money. If she wants to make money like a man, she has to make a lot of money, otherwise I can't take care of so many brothers at home.

Zhao Cuicui has big eyebrows and big eyes.

Anyway, Zhang Guilan is very pleasing to Zhao Cuicui now. She is a native city girl, but she is rare without airs.

After dinner, Hua Zhao looked at Li Xiaojiang and Zhao Cuicui and asked Li Xiaojiang, "What are you busy with recently?"

"I'm pouring food stamps." Li Xiaojiang told the truth, and smiled naively: "Do you want to order? I won't charge you the price difference."

He knew that Hua Zhao raised a bunch of people, and those people's food relations had not changed. They usually rely on the black market for food, and they also bought food stamps from the dealers.

Then buy it from him, he doesn't make her money.

"Brothers clearly settle accounts, how can there be a business that doesn't make money? Even if I sell popcorn, it will make you the same money." Hua Zhao said.

"That's different." Li Xiaojiang, the trader, insisted that if Hua Zhao took food stamps from him, he would not make any money.

"By the way, how is your second uncle?" Hua Zhao suddenly changed the subject.

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