Ye Shen slapped her with a whip: "Tell the truth."

He doesn't believe it.

Sister-in-law, it's not like... is it?

"I'm telling the truth! She begged me to do this! She begged me to find people too! She also called me to do it today!" Liu Su shouted.

Ye Shen raised the whip again, but Ye Ming held his hand, looked at Liu Su, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why did she look for you? When did she look for you? How did she... explain? "

He didn't want to believe it either, but reason told him that it wasn't impossible.

Wen Jing's recent unusual performance flashed through his mind, and his heart sank into the abyss.

"She wants to have a child. She knew me not long ago and asked me to solve it for her. I told her to bring the two children over and I would perform a ritual for them, and the evil spirit in her body would melt away, and she would be able to give birth to a child. ."

Liu Su said loudly: "It's really just doing a ritual, reciting sutras or something, it doesn't hurt anyone! We didn't think about hurting anyone! Really! And we've agreed to send the child back after the ritual!"

She was actually caught... Of course she had to save herself, so how could it be in her own interest at this time?

Moreover, the Ma family must not be explained. If she explained the Ma family, her guilt will not be alleviated, but she will lose her last hope.

If she doesn't say it, the Ma family is afraid that she will always save her!

She said that people would only leave her alone and would not care about her.

A whip hit her hard.

These words are completely unbelievable.

"You contacted the five people outside? How did you contact them? How much did it cost to hire them?" Ye Shen asked.

"It cost 500 yuan." Liu Su said.

The person was hired by the Ma family, she didn't know how much money, and she didn't even know what the other party came from.

"You can't get the Five Tigers in Cangshan for 500 yuan." Ye Shen sneered and slapped the whip again: "Tell the truth."

Liu Su barely fainted. She was old and not strong enough, so she couldn't hold it any longer.

"I'm telling the truth. I'm a doctor at Shanghai Friendship Hospital. I came to Beijing to visit relatives. It was Wen Jing's sister who found me and took me to her house..."

She carefully explained the process of dealing with Wen Jing, how Wen Jing went from distrusting at the beginning, to full of hope later, to finally formulating a plan.

Ye Ming turned around and went out, his back was heavy.

"Go, bring Wen Ruo and Liu Su's relatives." Ye Ming explained to the people outside.

He also has to check it carefully, to make it clear and clear, and he will never wrong Wen Jing.

But if she really did it, he wouldn't... let her go!

Ye Shen came out, stood behind him in silence for a long time, then slowly reached out and patted his shoulder.

After checking, I didn't expect this result.

From another place, if Hua Zhao did such a thing to Wen Jing, he couldn't imagine how he would feel now.

Ye Ming put down the phone, didn't look back, and said softly, "I'm fine."

"Well." Ye Shen didn't know what to say.

Ye Ming had already straightened up and said, "I'll bring Wen Jing... She, I'll ask myself."

Ye Shen pursed his lips and said, "You don't have to bring it here, you can ask at home."

He also began to believe Liu Su's words. Asking must be asked. Asking at home was the last respect he gave to this sister-in-law.

Ye Ming opened his mouth and wanted to refuse, but in the end he said softly, "Thank you."

However, he insisted on pulling Ye Shen back with him. This kind of thing could not avoid Ye Shen, or even Hua Zhao and other family members.

Here, Ye Mao also heard the result and rushed over, watching the two brothers and sighing.

Ye Ming smiled wryly and said, "Call grandpa too."

Ye Mao looked at him for a while, then nodded: "Okay."


Ye Zhenguo only knew the news. He immediately smashed the big tea jar that he had loved for decades, and rushed to Ye Mao's house, holding Yunfei and Cuiwei and not letting go.

What a sweetheart, a good grandson, the nasty words that were never spoken in the past come when you open your mouth.

No one responded, and Ye Zhenguo's love for the two children was obvious to all.

But Wen Jing had a creepy feeling. She always felt that the sight of the old man occasionally passing over her was sharp and piercing.

He doesn't know what?

Ye Ming and Ye Shen walked in from outside, Ye Ming looked up at Wen Jing.

With just one glance, the chills all over Wen Jing's body exploded.

She has never seen Ye Ming look at her with such ruthless eyes, and there is no other emotion in those eyes except cold.


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