Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 588: Not so much, right?

"You don't want to go anywhere today, just stay here." Miao Lanzhi hugged the child and didn't let go, no matter how rare it was, it was not enough.

If something happens to the two babies, they are still thrown from her hands. She really doesn't want to live anymore, she can't live anymore.

"Yeah." Hua Zhao didn't refuse.

She squeezed the child's little hand, her body completely softened, and she collapsed on the sofa, suddenly feeling very tired.

She used a lot of powers today, and most of them were desperately outputting, and she received very little feedback. Coupled with the shock, she was so tired that she was about to collapse.

"I'll go upstairs to rest." Hua Zhao said.

"Go quickly." Miao Lanzhi and Zhang Guilan urged her. They know that when the child is lost, the most worried person must be the mother, and they all have to stay behind.

Hua Zhao went upstairs and went back to his room, then hugged the flower pot and didn't let go.

She needed green plants at home. She had planted a ginseng seedling in a flower pot before. She didn't expect it to do anything. It was purely ornamental, but now it came in handy.

Hua Zhao locked the door, held the flowerpot in a frantic exchange, absorbed wave after wave of energy, and finally stopped after harvesting a small bag of extremely variety seeds.

These seeds have completely detached from their original appearance. They are ruddy and crystal clear, like the best red jade, with fluorescence. The ginseng planted is at least ten thousand years old.

Now Hua Zhao only feels that he is full of energy, and he can go up the mountain to fight tigers~

"It seems that you have to bring some ginseng seeds with you in the future." Hua Zhao sewed a small pocket quickly, and put the hundred or ten seeds of the extreme variety close to his body before he was relieved.

This is her energy supplement, which can save lives in an emergency.

In addition, various vegetable seeds may also be brought with them, as well as various essences.

It looks like she has to sew a hidden compartment in her bag.

After planning, she did not continue to work, but went downstairs to watch the children and cook by the way.

She is not hungry, but the two mothers must be. There was also Ye Shu, who followed her busy, worrying and suffering.

There are two more babies, and it is time to eat solid food.

Arriving downstairs, passing by the kitchen, Hua Zhao found Wen Jing busy inside.

But her state seems very wrong.

She even took the garlic and washed it under the faucet, but she didn't respond for a long time.

The oil in the pot next to it has smoked black and is mushy.

She finally woke up and hurriedly threw the whole head of garlic without peeling into the pot.

Hua Zhao....

That's not all, she still didn't find anything wrong, and went to throw the whole eggplant that was not cut on the cutting board into the pot.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the eggplant not being cut, and it can be fried whole, but these two eggplants are obviously not suitable, and the pot is too big to fit.

Wen Jing finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly fished out the eggplant, and planned to fish for garlic with her bare hands.

Hua Zhao couldn't stand it any longer, and reminded: "Be careful."

Who knows her voice, but startled Wen Jing.

She looked back and saw Hua Zhao, and threw the shovel out with an "Ow".

The voice was terrifying, as if Hua Zhao was an evil spirit.

Hua Zhao raised her eyebrows and squinted at her.

This situation is really wrong...

Stimulated by the loss of the children, it should be in the state of Miao Lanzhi and Zhang Guilan.

What's more, how could Wen Jing like her child so much? It would be nice if she could pretend to be worried.

But she looks now, not worried, but afraid...

"What's wrong?" Miao Lanzhi and Zhang Guilan appeared at the door with the child in their arms.

"It's okay... I'm okay, I just got burned." Wen Jing forced herself to calm down, bent over to pick up the spatula on the ground, and didn't look at the crowd.

"Be careful then." Miao Lanzhi smelled the scorched pot and didn't know what to say, so she immediately left with the child in her arms.

But she didn't think much about it. Today, she and Wen Jing took the child out together. Although the main responsibility for the loss of the child lies with her, Wen Jing is not at all wrong.

There is a pharmacy next to it, I can't come back after half an hour after buying medicine! Although I heard later that she went to buy food, wouldn't she send the medicine back to the children to use before going?

I can't tell which is lighter and which is heavier.

If she had come back then, she would not have stayed in the park, she would have gone home earlier! There will be no disaster like today!

The child is back safely now, otherwise she will definitely be angry and quiet.

"Sister-in-law, go to rest, I'll cook." Hua Zhao entered the kitchen.

"No, no, I'll do it." Wen Jing said.

Hua Zhao washed the two eggplants again, and said while cutting them, "I think you are in a wrong state."

Wen Jing was so frightened that she didn't answer for a while.

She quietly raised her head and looked at Hua Zhao, watching her start to cook seriously, she didn't seem to notice anything, she just said casually...

Wen Jing paused for 2 seconds, then immediately quit.

Only then did Hua Zhao turn around, looking at the empty doorway, thinking a little.

Shouldn't it be what she thought? Not so much, right?

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