Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 586: How did you come?

"We are people with the same purpose as you." Hua Zhao said.

The man was stunned for a moment. He also robbed the child? Is it a team sent by the employer? Or someone else with the same purpose?

But anyway, the other party also wants children.

"That won't work, quit now, or I'll crush her to death," the man said.

Hua Zhao's brain was running wildly, trying to figure out a way.

The yard seemed to be uninhabited for a long time, let alone any plants, only a few clumps of weeds in the corners outside.

It's not enough to attack them with the power of plants.

What's more, there are still three of my own people outside, if they see it, they can't keep their mouths shut...

Relying on her own, apart from her strength, she doesn't have many skills, and she has no confidence to defeat these two, not to mention that Cuiwei and Yunfei's small necks are still in their hands.

She was afraid that if she just took a step, they could pinch the necks of the babies.

"How much did your boss give you? I'll pay 10 times more to buy your quest items." Hua Zhao looked at the two children and said.

Fortunately, the two little guys seemed to be very uncomfortable and aggrieved. They patronized and cried, but did not reach out to hug her.

Otherwise it's hard to explain.

The two men looked at each other, the woman was generous, but unfortunately, they were reputable, and they would not have to mix in the future when they defected.

"Don't talk nonsense! I'll count to three, and if anyone outside doesn't stop fighting, I'll strangle her to death immediately!" The man was cold and calm, without any hesitation.

"One, two..."

Hua Zhao couldn't afford to gamble and turned around immediately.

Liu's first three also stopped.

They also saw the situation in the house clearly, it was really the two babies of the Ye family!

Why they were found so miraculously, they didn't have time to think, they only thought about how to save people.

"Exit, don't appear in our sight." The man said while pinching Cuiwei.

Hua Zhao had no choice but to do as he did.

But when she went out, she seemed to accidentally knock over the bottle of anesthetic.

The glass bottle fell to the ground and shattered instantly.

A special smell drifted away, which suddenly made people feel dazed.

"You!" The man instantly covered his nose and jumped out of the window.

"Sorry, sorry, my hand slipped." Hua Zhao stepped back apologetically: "It wasn't intentional, we'll just go."

She smashed the anesthetic bottle not to stun them. Except for inhaling directly through her nose and mouth, the possibility of stunning them from such a long distance was very small.

She just didn't want the man to stun the two babies again.

"Humph!" At first, he didn't inhale much, but after breathing in fresh air, the numbness of the anesthetic was gone, and the man just snorted coldly, seeing that she retreated simply, and did not make any drastic actions.

Hua Zhao and the others retreated.

Several men in the yard, without even looking at the unconscious Liu Su, took out some ropes and said to Hua Zhao, "Come here, let us tie you up."

Several people did not move.

"If she doesn't come, I'll strangle her to death."

This threat worked, and several people had no choice but to capture it.

A few "human traffickers" didn't seem to want to kill people, they really just **** Hua Zhao and a few people.

Then they put Cuiwei and Yunfei in a basket and ran away quickly on their bicycles.

"Chase!" Hua Zhao stretched the hemp rope the thickness of his thumb with a force, which startled the other three.

It was the first time they saw Hua Zhao show off his supernatural powers.

Hua Zhao broke their rope with brute force all at once, and a few people chased them out.

The five-person bicycle just disappeared around the corner of the alley.

"Quick!" Just as Hua Zhao said a word, he heard a crackling sound from the other side of the alley. It seemed that several people and their cars fell over.

"No!" Hua Zhao shouted, she was worried about the child!

A few people ran over quickly, and along the way, they heard the sound of fighting at the end of the alley, but it soon ended.

Hua Zhao ran over at the fastest speed in his life, turning too sharply and crashing into a sturdy embrace.

Although she didn't see it clearly, she smelled a familiar smell.

"Ye Shen?" Hua Zhao suddenly looked up and saw Ye Shen.

His sword brows were wrinkling tightly, one hand was holding the pregnant wife who rushed over, the other was holding Cui Wei who was sobbing, and in the basket next to him was Yun Fei who was not crying but had a very aggrieved expression. He felt distressed. It's all wood.

Hua Zhao also saw the two babies and hurriedly asked, "Are they all right?"

"It's okay, I didn't let them fall." Ye Shen asked, "Are you okay?" You ran so fast just now!

And what happened today must have terrified her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Hua Zhao bent down and hugged Yunfei, hugging him tightly.

Arriving in his mother's warm embrace, Yunfei started to cry.

Hua Zhao's tears finally fell.

But now is not the time to vent, she looked at the ground, and all five men were unconscious.

Looking around, only Ye Shen was alone.

"Why are you here? How did you find this place?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I rushed over when I received the news, not far behind you." Ye Shen said.

The Ye family's style of doing things is to seek truth from facts. Ye Zhenguo is old and can't stand the stimulation, but Ye Shen can.

Therefore, Ye Mao notified Ye Shen immediately after the accident, and he received the news earlier than Hua Zhao.

His madness was only for a moment, and then he forced himself to calm down and drove to the accident site.

It's just because he is far away and arrives slowly.

Later, he heard that Hua Zhao had come and left again. He asked around, but said that Hua Zhao had not returned home, so he found their trail and chased after them.

When he got out of the yard, there was a fight inside.

He observed the situation, calmly estimated the other party's escape route, and lay in ambush.

The progress of the matter did not escape his expectations, and he successfully saved the child.

The danger was lifted, and Hua Zhao burst into tears.

She cried, Yunfei in her arms also cried, Cuiwei in Ye Shen's arms cried even louder.

Ye Shen hugged the three of them distressedly and kept blaming himself: "It's all my fault if I don't cry anymore..." He repeated this sentence over and over again.

This time Hua Zhao didn't have time to comfort him, so he just cried.

Liu Qian and a few silently stepped forward and tied the five unconscious people on the ground. The assistant also remembered that there were two women in the room, so he went back and tied them up.

"Don't cry, let's take the child to the hospital for a check up to see if there are any injuries we don't know about." Ye Shen said.

A word stopped Hua Zhao's crying, she hurriedly groped the child, and didn't care whether her right hand was radiated or not, and her supernatural powers roamed around the child.

No metal or anything like that was found.

She was afraid of meeting vicious people who would stick needles into the child's body, feed steel balls, etc.

If it is an enemy, it is likely to do this, so that when the child is returned to them, they will not see anything. After returning home, with the current medical level, there is no medicine to cure.

And feed some poison or something.

Hua Zhao suddenly pulled out the small bottle on Ye Shen's neck, opened it, and a baby took a sip.

Living in a peaceful and prosperous world, at the feet of the emperor, and the baby hardly ever leaves her body, she really forgot to prepare another life-saving medicine to carry with her, so she could only borrow from Ye Shen.

After the two babies drank the red essence, the discomfort of the anesthetic passed, they twitched their noses, and soon stopped crying.

They are not crying babies, and now they are in the arms of their parents, so coaxing.

Only then did Hua Zhao feel relieved, hugging the two little guys, one kiss, the other, and after a while, the two little guys giggled.

Hua Zhao suddenly felt that this was the sweetest smile in the world.

Ye Shen's whole body was tense, and the boiling blood also quieted down. Looking at the big two in his arms, his cold and numb heart finally slowly warmed up.

However, his out-of-the-way vision glanced at the person on the ground, and his eyes were instantly sharp.

Again and again, it's not over! This time, he must find out who is behind the scenes!

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