Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 576: you shouldn't stop

Li Er laughed silently as he looked at Zhang Guilan who had fainted.

He hasn't had a daughter-in-law for a long time...and he has fallen for Zhang Guilan in the truth. Beautiful, capable, rich, and a hen that lays golden eggs.

If he wanted to say, the family thought wrong, what would Zhang Guilan exchange for melon seeds? It was just a one-shot deal. Can Zhang Guilan's daughter be threatened once or twice by them?

How many times will they have to arrest Zhang Guilan every year in order to plant melon seeds? People are not pinch face!

If he wants to say it, he should take Zhang Guilan directly and make him Hua Zhao's father! Isn't that all right? What melon seeds, what popcorn, what braised pork, what you want!

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Li Er looked up at the hole and said to himself.

In order to prevent people from discovering where Zhang Guilan was hiding, the entrance of the cave was closed to prevent the light from leaking out.

They are also afraid that Liu Qian or Hua Zhao will come to rob people directly, so what negotiation is there?

"Slow down, I'll bring it to you later if you don't have enough food." Li Er said loudly, but the man squatted in front of Zhang Guilan and began to untie her clothes.

If you want to win a woman, of course, you have to use the most primitive method. When Zhang Guilan becomes his, who will she marry if she doesn't marry him?

He is also not afraid that Zhang Guilan will sue her later, is it shameful?

Is she no longer a human being? Are her children no longer human? Especially when I heard that her eldest daughter is still married to a wealthy family, and that kind of family has more face, she has to think about her children.

So even if she didn't want to, she would have to be dumb to eat Huanglian afterwards.

Besides, she is not a big girl, she has been married twice, what kind of chaste martyr is she pretending to be?

Hua Zhao's surname is Hua, and her younger brother and sister's surname is Liu. The people who sold braised pork together couldn't help but ask. Zhang Guilan didn't hide it, the first man died and the second man got divorced.

This matter was brought out by Li Ertai, who had been buying meat for several times. At that time, he had this idea, and today he finally found the opportunity.

The only thing he worried about was that Zhang Guilan would not admit the account afterwards!

But that doesn't matter, at least he's having fun.

In the summer, when there are few clothes, Li Er unbuttoned Zhang Guilan's shirt in a few clicks, and was about to proceed to the next step when he suddenly heard voices above his head.

"Mom and dad, why are you here?" It was Li Xiaojiang.

Li Da frowned when he saw him: "Why are you back?"

Li Xiaojiang has been in the city lately, chasing his small business.

He no longer sells melon seeds, or popcorn, and no longer needs the connections of the Li family.

"I heard that something happened at home, come back and have a look." Li Xiaojiang said in the dark, looking at the ruins.

He sighed deeply in his heart, once prosperous and arguably the richest Li family in this area, it has become what it is now, even before liberation, his family was not so miserable!

"You don't have to worry about family affairs, you should go back to the city first." Li Da frowned.

Li Xiaojiang was separated from his family because of the melon seeds. He was also angry, so the matter of buying a house for him that he had agreed to before turned to build a house for the other sons.

As a result, there is nothing left now, it is better to buy a house for Li Xiaojiang... The other party will definitely not dare to go to the city to make trouble.

So Li Da is even more angry! Seeing this son is even more unpleasant, I blame him for provoking Hua Zhao!

It is true that Xiao He defeated Xiao He. When he pointed to Hua Zhao to make money, Hua Zhao was naturally a living Bodhisattva, and he was very good. Now, looking at the appearance of this downfall, Hua Zhao is simply an evil ghost!

Of course, there are also their own reasons for this, and they also admit it, but this does not delay them from hating Hua Zhao.

"It's like this at home, how can I not care?" Li Xiaojiang said anxiously: "I heard that you have arrested Zhang Guilan today? Where is it? Hurry up and let him go!"

I knew he would do this, so no one notified Li Xiaojiang of such a big incident at home.

"How did you know?" Li Da also asked him.

"Don't worry about it." Li Xiaojiang said. Of course, it was the hair boy in the village who told him.

Almost the whole village participated in the planting of melon seeds. In the future, if the melon seeds were not planted, the interests of the whole village would be lost, so the Li family could mobilize the whole village to grab Zhang Guilan.

Among them, there are also a few with conscience, or for some unknown purpose, someone quietly told Li Xiaojiang after the incident.

"Go, go, it's nothing to do with you." Li Da rushed out.

"Dad! That Zhang Guilan's daughter is really hard to mess with! If you don't hurry up and put people back, there will be an accident!" Li Xiaojiang shouted.

He knew that the house was ripped up and things were robbed, but he didn't come back at that time. If Zhang Guilan hadn't been arrested today, he wouldn't have come back.

He thinks this is more serious than stealing a house!

What was lost by stealing the house was money. If Zhang Guilan was caught, would he lose his life?

"Go, go, what do you know? She still dares to sue the official? No." Li Da said loudly, not knowing whether to comfort himself or Li Xiaojiang.

"Dad! How is the person now? Are you okay? Have you beaten people? Have you abused them? Have you given her food and water at this point?" Li Xiaojiang knew that he couldn't ask questions from his father, so he had to ask another concerned person. The problem.

Zhang Guilan has always been kind to him, and he called out one by one, not wanting her to be in trouble.

"No beating or scolding, your second uncle just delivered food." Li Da pushed him: "Get out!"

Li Xiaojiang was shocked: "My second uncle gave her food? How could you let my second uncle give her food! Don't you know what he's thinking?"

"Don't worry, your second uncle is not stupid. This time it's just to deliver meals to please her. We'll watch what he doesn't dare to do." Li Da pushed the people out of the yard.

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Li Xiaojiang pushed the bicycle away.

When he walked into the dark, where Li Da could not see, he stopped immediately, dropped the bicycle, and walked back quietly.

Father and mother don't sleep at night, what are they doing sitting in the yard?

At that location, there is a cellar.

He seemed to see light coming through just now.

"Second, are you finished talking? Hurry up when you're done talking." Li Da returned to the mouth of the cellar and shouted inside.

He was also a little worried about Li Er, he didn't think much about the other things, he was afraid that Li Er said too much and would make Zhang Guilan angry.

Li Er reluctantly buttoned Zhang Guilan again and walked out.

"Brother and sister-in-law, it's too hot inside. If you can't do it, you two will guard the entrance of the cave and don't go in. She looks at our family and gets angry...and she can't dig a hole and run away." Li Er said.

In this way, they won't find Zhang Guilan's strangeness, and it's convenient for him to come back in the middle of the night.

There is only one chance, and he will not let it go.

After thinking about it, Li Da and his daughter-in-law agreed, the entrance of the hole is so small, they can just stay outside, and they really suffer when they go in.

Li Da glanced inside and saw Zhang Guilan sitting there with his head lowered, and he quickly closed the hole again, leaving only a slit.

"Then go outside."

"Hey!" Li Er helped the two find planks and bricks and made a simple bed.

Li Da's daughter-in-law was angry when she lay on it. She has been married to the Li family for more than 30 years, and now she doesn't even have a quilt!

Fortunately, the hens that lay the golden eggs are below, and they still have hope.

"If you want me to tell you, you shouldn't stop it. If the second child wants to do something, just let him do it. Then the hen will belong to our family!" Li Da's daughter-in-law said suddenly.

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