Ye Shu hung up the phone and stood up and said, "It was the doorman who called. Xu Mei was there and said that something happened to my aunt."

Hua Zhao quickly stood up: "What happened to her?" After speaking, she was about to leave.

Ye Shu regretted that he had reacted too much, and hurriedly grabbed her: "It's nothing, it's just being taken away by the people from Lijiacun... Liu Qian and the others were taken away with her, more than ten people are together, they won't There is something. Even if there is something, you have to look after the child at home now! We will take care of it!"

The last sentence Ye Shu said very loudly.

Hua Zhao was silent.

Miao Lanzhi reacted and said quickly: "Yes, yes, you are still pregnant, what can you do? If something happens, you won't regret it later? If you don't regret it, your mother will feel guilty! No matter what happens, we leaves The family can be settled! I'll call your dad now, sit down!"

After Miao Lanzhi finished speaking, she went to call.

Ye Shu also said, "I'll call Xu Mei in and ask her what's going on."

"Okay." Hua Zhao had completely calmed down, sat down peacefully, and waited for her to go.

Miao Lanzhi and Ye Shu were very relieved to see it. It is a sensible person who understands the overall situation, otherwise it will be troublesome if you cry and make trouble.

Only Wen Jing sat there, looking at Hua Zhao regretfully, and then at the child.

Xu Mei came in quickly, her face was pale and her body was a little embarrassed, as if she had fallen.

Seeing her like this, Hua Zhao was still anxious, but she sat down on the chair and asked, "What's going on?"

"After I went back, I saw that the factory had been smashed, and everything that should have been lost was gone. Only a few people I found were still there."

Xu Mei said: "They said that people from Lijia Village broke in last night. There were too many people to count, men, women and children, and the yard couldn't hold it. They all brought hoes and fought with Liu Qian and the others. I don't know when Aunt Zhang was arrested, they threatened Liu Qian to stop, and then they were taken away together, looking for the direction to go to Lijia Village."

The few people who escaped were all hired by her to sell meat. When they saw that the situation was not good, they jumped over the wall and ran away.

As for Liu Qian and the others that Ye Shen and Ye Ming found, they naturally wouldn't escape. In the end, they were all threatened with Zhang Guilan and arrested.

Hua Zhao gasped in his chest.

The Li family is really brave!

"What happened last night, now? Is there anything from the Li family?" Hua Zhao asked.

Since it's arresting people, it's not killing them on the spot, but it's purposeful.

And the biggest goal is her.

Xu Mei gritted her teeth and said, "The Li family came here in the morning and said, let you go over and talk to them."

"You can't go!" Miao Lanzhi and Ye Shu said at the same time.

"I'll go for you." Ye Shu said: "No matter what conditions they make, I can bring Aunt Zhang back safely!"

"Yeah, let Xiaoshu go, or none of us go! They dared to kidnap in broad daylight! There is no kingly law! Let your dad lead someone to arrest them!" Miao Lanzhi said angrily.

Hua Zhao shook his head: "This is not very good. The Li family was reminded by those buyers that they are not afraid."

Buyers who dared to steal the Li family's house and their belongings were sure that they would not dare to sue the officials. Likewise, the Li family was certain that she would not dare to make trouble.

Before selling melon seeds, it was her who made a lot of money. Buying and selling things privately, making a profit of hundreds of thousands, Hua Zhao doesn't know if he is enough to eat peanuts...

Miao Lanzhi also thought of this, and immediately condensed.

"Then you can't go either! The child is important!" she said.

Hua Zhao nodded: "I'm not going."

She's strong, but she can't fight. She has supernatural powers, and it is not impossible to bring down a village, but her supernatural powers cannot be exposed.

When she went to Lijia Village alone, she could only be a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

What now? Although Xu Mei was worried about Zhang Guilan's safety, she didn't ask, nor did she agree with Hua Zhao's adventure.

"They just want to negotiate, to get the seeds of the melon seeds, and let them send a few people to talk with me." Hua Zhao said: "If you don't come, everyone will die! If my mother has something to do, I will let everyone in the Li family be buried with me. !"

Xu Mei's eyes lit up, thinking that this idea is feasible!

When asked about the time and place of the meeting, she hurriedly left.

Xu Mei left, Hua Zhao was very calm, she felt that her mother would be fine, the hostage, or the other party wanted her, they would not abuse her mother, and it was too late to please her.

But she forgot one person, Li Er.....

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