Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 572: can't learn

Early the next morning, Hua Zhao and Xu Mei took the two children on the bus into the city.

He also met Su Yue in the car, sitting next to her, across the aisle, holding Su Hao in his arms.

Hua Zhao pretended not to see it.

Su Yue thought for a long time, and took the initiative to talk to Hua Zhao: "Sister Ye went to the city to buy something?"

People are still used to addressing women by the man's surname.

"Yeah, you're going to the city too." She opened her mouth, and Hua Zhao greeted her.

Su Yue patted the child, her eyes reddened: "I went into the city to buy milk powder for Haohao, and his milk powder is gone."

Hua Zhao resisted the urge to roll her eyes and glanced at the little baby crawling softly in her arms, which was also pitiful.

Since becoming a mother, she has been particularly embarrassed to see her children suffer.

"He is so old, and he has carefully processed the food for adults. It can be ground and boiled for him, and it is cheap and full. If he can eat 3 pounds of eggs a month, it will be even better. "Hua Zhao said.

At this time, the eggs are all small, and it is estimated that there are about 30 eggs per 3 catties, which can be one a day.

However, Su Yue shook her head: "The doctor said that he has a weak stomach and can't eat adult food, and he has diarrhea as soon as he eats it, which is not good for several days."

This is a vicious circle, with poor nutrition in the early stage and stunted growth in the later stage, there will be problems with the intestines, and then the nutrition will be worse and the growth will be stunted.

There needs to be a process of careful conditioning in the middle.

However, the father is not strong, and this aunt is also unreliable.

"You can tentatively feed him little by little, just give him a spoonful for the first time, and then watch the situation increase..."

Before Hua Zhao finished speaking, she was interrupted by the sister-in-law in the front row.

A woman in her 30s turned around, glanced at Su Yue and said to Hua Zhao, "Don't be so troublesome, people eat like normal adults' food."

He eats bran and pharyngeal vegetables every day and also has diarrhea, so he is so thin, and Hua Zhao, a newcomer, doesn't know.

Su Yue said with red eyes, "Yeah, he doesn't have enough milk powder to drink, so he can only eat with diarrhea." Then she glanced at Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao later said that she had heard about the fact that she was going to give her milk powder, but she actually agreed very much. She is different from her brother. She thinks that everyone should help her. They are difficult, and others have the ability. What's wrong with her accepting some help?

But the older brother's temper is there.

Thinking of something, Su Yue's eyes lit up, but she looked at the people around her and didn't speak.

There seem to be many people who dislike Su Yue. The woman in the front row turned her head blankly and said, "Everyone told you that it's okay to not drink milk powder. There were many children who didn't have milk powder in the past, but you are serious. Make him something to eat as a baby. Don't eat rice porridge, millet porridge, and polenta every day. You can stew the vegetables and meat for him to eat! Drink porridge every day, and good people will let you drink it. died!"

Su Yue's tears fell: "But he doesn't eat vegetables, and when he eats meat, he has diarrhea..."

"What does he eat without diarrhea?" the woman said.

The companion who was sitting with her immediately pulled her to stop her from speaking, and said, "Su Yue is young, so it's normal that she doesn't know how to take care of children."

The woman was very temperamental, and continued: "What is small, she looks small, she is actually 17 years old, and she will be a mother in two years! Besides, isn't it said that several nephews in the family were brought up by her?"

Her companion was good-natured, and said with a smile, "Maybe her sister-in-law has milk, so the method of raising children is different."

"Didn't they learn? We have a few milkless people upstairs. Don't you tell her a hundred times how to raise a child? Has she learned a little bit?"

Hua Zhao blinked, this sister-in-law's temper is not ordinary, but what she said makes sense.

The woman is really angry. She is one of the ones without milk. She has 3 children, and each of them has not enough milk. She has to go out to work and can't go home during the day, so she usually persists in less than four or five months. Automatic weaning.

In order to support her three children, she was heartbroken.

Fortunately, the hard work pays off, and now the three children are all grown up and healthy.

She taught Su Yue little by little about these precious experiences at the time. Anyone with dim sum can learn it, but Su Yue just can't learn it!

And after teaching a few times at the beginning, Su Yue brought the child to her house every day... It took her a long time to realize that she was asked to help bring the child here!

She was so angry that she didn't care.

Haohao's body has been dragging along, making her even more angry.

This time Su Yue only knew how to cry.

The woman rolled her eyes at her and looked at Hua Zhao again, as if she wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it back and said, "My name is Gao Xiuying, I live in the East House on the 3rd floor of Unit 2, you can bring your children to play at my house."

She looked at Hua Zhao quite nicely, kind-hearted and not too stupid, even though she had seen too few people, she was deceived by Su Yue with a few tears, she had to remind her later.

Hua Zhao felt her kindness and smiled brightly at her: "Hello, sister-in-law, my name is Hua Zhao, I'll come and play with you when I have time."

Finally, she saw a person who was pleasing to the eye, who could let her "break" upstairs.

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