Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 563: Didn't you think too much this time?

Asked repeatedly by Hua Zhao, Ye Shen also reacted.

"The college entrance examination? The college entrance examination is about to resume?" he asked in surprise.

"Yes." Ye Ming nodded: "There is this intention above."

It was announced in the newspapers in October, and the meeting was confirmed in September. Then in August, the content of the meeting has probably been determined, and the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination should have been known to the insiders.

Because Ye Ming was born in the education industry, he paid special attention to this aspect, so he received the news.

"When will it officially resume? When will the exam start?" Hua Zhao asked excitedly.

She is so excited, she is about to truly experience such a momentous historical moment as "resuming the college entrance examination"! And she has to get involved, and that kind of excitement should be stronger than the "indigenous".

"This also depends on the discussion at the meeting in September, whether it can be passed." Ye Ming said: "But I guess it's close to ten. If it passes, it will be very soon, the fastest this year, the slowest next year, it will be officially announced. resume the college entrance examination."

Ye Ming didn't see the specific documents. After all, the department was wrong, but his prediction was accurate.

This society really needs to change urgently, in all aspects, from the economy, to education, to people's livelihood. And the above determination is very big, so the action will be fast.

Hua Zhao's face was full of excitement.

Ye Ming looked at her and smiled: "What? Very confident?"

He knew that Hua Zhao had a primary school diploma in his hometown, and he was also affiliated with a high school in the capital, but he didn't seem to have been there once.... He really didn't know how well he studied.

"Of course I'm confident! Look!" Hua Zhao pointed to the bookshelf in the next room.

One-third of the books are on the bookshelves that fill one wall.

Ye Ming saw it when he entered the room, but he didn't care, he thought it was Ye Shen's book, and he also liked to read.

But now I squinted my eyes and looked at it, and found that most of it was actually textbooks, various textbooks from elementary school to junior high school to high school, and related books.

"It seems to be well prepared." He was surprised.

"Of course, I've wanted to go to university for a long time, and I can't go in as an illiterate. If I don't tell you if the Ye family is ashamed, I feel quite ashamed myself, so I study hard every day!" Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shen looked at her with doting, admiration, and even admiration in his eyes.

He knew best that when Hua Zhao knew him, he didn't know how to read... It was to communicate with him, and he specialized in writing...

And her progress can be described as rapid, he doesn't think there can be another person in the world who is more powerful than Hua Zhao!

And she worked so hard for him...

Hua Zhao couldn't guess his mind completely, but he could guess five or six points, and suddenly smiled sweetly at him.

Ye Ming smiled and shook his head, bowing his head to eat. He should hurry up after eating to find the babies to play with.

Ye Ming stayed until more than three o'clock in the afternoon before leaving, and it was far from the city. When he got home, Wen Jing had already cooked and waited for him to come back.

When she saw the salute in the room, she knew that he was back.

"I just went back to work! You are too busy! Don't you have a holiday this time?" Wen Jing warmly welcomed Ye Ming into the door, picked up the package and handed over slippers.

This enthusiasm is long gone.

Ye Ming was stunned for a while.

In the first few years of their marriage, Wen Jing has always been so lovely, and she greets him happily every day when he comes home.

Then there was the question of the child, and she began to frown.

Even if I let it go later, the joy and cuteness of the past are gone. The two of them lived peacefully like other old couples.

Later, she started to do it again.

Until then, there was a false pregnancy.

Wen Jing not only has no face to see others, but also has no face to see him. Talk to him very little, and don't even look him in the eye.

What's wrong with this now? Really think about it?

Ye Ming calmly handed her the pocket in his hand, and said with a smile, "I'm really busy this time, and I don't have a vacation."

Wen Jing smiled, opened the pocket and saw that it was a pocket of vegetables and fruits.

"I came back to buy it." Ye Ming said.

Wen Jing happily carried her pocket to the kitchen, but she suddenly reacted when she put things away, so she couldn't smile.

He didn't come back from the work unit, he didn't bring a briefcase, and that briefcase was obviously in the bedroom, she didn't respond before.

"I heard from the neighbors that you came back in the morning. Where did you go this day?" Wen Jing asked as if chatting.

Ye Ming sighed in his heart, it turned out that he thought too much.

"I went to Ye Shen's place to see his current working environment, and take a look at the children by the way." Ye Ming said.

Wen Jing's hand paused, seeing Ye Shen as fake, but seeing the child as real, right?

But this meal was quickly covered up by her, she asked with a smile, "You haven't come back for so long, do those two children still recognize you?"

Huh? It was rare that she took the initiative to mention it, but in such a calm tone.

Ye Ming paused and said, "The little guys are all smart, they still remember me, Wei Wei still asks me to hug them."

"Really? That child is the most coquettish and most likable." Wen Jing turned her back to Ye Ming, but there was a smile in her voice.

Ye Ming frowned and looked at her back, didn't he think too much this time?

"By the way, do you know what happened a few days ago?" Wen Jing turned and asked.

"What's the matter?" Ye Ming asked.

"It's that Hua Xiaoyu who didn't know who was instructing her to steal Hua Zhao's child! She really stole Yunfei away! Fortunately, she was chased back halfway, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

Ye Ming was shocked, he really didn't know about this!

When he was on a business trip, no one told him that when he went to see Hua Zhao today, neither she nor Ye Shen mentioned it.

It's not that I didn't mention it on purpose.

"I'll ask again tomorrow!" Ye Ming frowned.

Wen Jing quickly pursed her lips, and said that there is no holiday this time, and going to Ye Shen's will take a long time to go back and forth.

Forget it, she guessed it would be like this, didn't she? Now he has only those two children in his eyes. Or the child fucking....without her anyway!

However, she believed that Ye Ming would not do anything out of the ordinary, and when she had a child of her own, he would come back to her.

"Let's eat, it's going to get cold." Wen Jing said, "Tomorrow you go to see the children, and I'll go with you. Ye Shen and the others move this time, so they're going to live there for a few years, right? I'll just take a look. inappropriate."

In the end, this explanation was reasonable, Ye Ming didn't think much, and nodded.

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