Hua Zhao went out to visit with a few seeds.

They are all ordinary seeds, such as cabbage, radishes, and beans, and there are not many of them. They are wrapped in small paper bags, and they look like one hundred and eighty seeds.


Although I heard Hua Zhao say that this is a new variety, it is delicious, but not many people believe it.

The seeds they planted at home were delicious.

They were all straight people with expressions on their faces, Hua Zhao smiled and did not persuade them. Anyway, she gave it, and if you don't appreciate it, you won't be able to rely on her to regret it.

Only the sister-in-law Wang next door said to try growing some.

After the gift was delivered, Hua Zhao got busy, pulling out all the seedlings in the yard, tidying the ground again, and starting to sow.

In addition to the two small backyards that were redistributed to her, she had to have 2 acres of land, and she had to plan carefully.

There are a variety of radishes, potatoes and cabbage, and less vegetables in season. She also plans to build a small greenhouse and grow some green leafy vegetables and fruits for the two babies to eat in winter.

Winter is when the two little guys start to eat, and they can't eat potatoes and cabbage.

After Ye Shen's day's work was over, he hurried to go home, but when he got home, he found that Hua Zhao had done almost all the work.

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me to come back? I'll make you tired again!" Ye Shen grabbed the bucket in her hand and went to fetch the water himself.

Before Hua Zhao could speak, he heard laughter coming from the yard next door. Sister-in-law Wang stood by the yard wall and smiled at Hua Zhao: "Your man really hurts people, you are lucky! Like our old king, Let him help me with farm work? Don't even think about it! Look, he won't come back before dinner time, and I don't know what he is busy with every day."

At this time, in order to save building materials, the courtyard walls are not high. And here is the compound, everyone is a close comrade-in-arms relationship, what are you doing with such a high courtyard wall?

Therefore, the courtyard wall of each household only reaches the chest of an adult, and it is very convenient to see how the neighbors are living.

Hua Zhao is used to this kind of courtyard wall. In his hometown, their courtyard walls are all ventilated fences, and there is no privacy at all.

"He came back to help because I'm pregnant now, which is inconvenient, and he is usually very busy." Hua Zhao said.

Whether Ye Shen is busy or not, she has to say that. It is not a good thing for a man to love his wife at this time, and he may be run on a few words of soft personality, fear of his wife, and not being a homemaker.

"What? You have it again?" Sister Wang exclaimed in surprise.

But think about it, both children are 7 months old, and it is not surprising that they have another one.

At this time, there is no family planning, and the children are born closely.

"Then you are really capable!" Sister Wang continued.

Today, Hua Zhao was busy in the yard with her children by herself, with quick hands and feet, tidying up the garden faster than any of them, and replanting them again.

At first glance, he was born in the countryside, and he was still a good worker. Just rushed to this point, and brushed another wave of goodwill.

Now I know that they are pregnant and work so neatly, but it's not hypocritical.

Unlike the Li Meijuan upstairs, since she became pregnant, she couldn't carry water, she couldn't carry vegetables, she couldn't walk! I heard that I don't even take my own rice bowls at home.

Looking at Hua Zhao again, in addition to looking like a city person, she is not squeamish at all, they are from the countryside.

The neighbors asked Sister-in-law Wang to shout again, and everyone lay on the wall and started chatting.

They don't necessarily have to pull out the seedlings in the field today, many of them have fruits hanging on them, and they can eat them for a few more days.

While watching Ye Shen and Hua Zhao busy, everyone discussed their men and children.

After talking, it was time for school, and a group of children came over.

There are only 20 family members here, all of different ages. It is impossible to build a primary school alone. School-age children are sent to the city by shuttle bus every day, and they have been boarding schools since primary school, and they come back once a week.

Today is the last day before the summer vacation.

When the women saw their children, they didn't bother to chat, and hurriedly asked how their children did in the test.

Those who do well in the test will answer loudly, and then they will be praised even louder. Those who do not do well will not dare to speak, and the parents will not ask, but after returning to the house, they hear the sound of beating their children.


Hua Zhao stood in the yard and laughed, this is life, full of fireworks.

For the past six months, she has been squatting in a small yard. She is comfortable, but she often feels bored.

"When will you invite everyone over for a meal?" Hua Zhao asked.

They are new here, so they should invite everyone to a meal, right?

"No need." Ye Shen refused, and he whispered: "I've learned about it in the past few days. Most of the more than a dozen family members upstairs are from the city. Our side is from the countryside, so it's nothing. But I don't know since when the atmosphere has been a bit wrong. The urban and the rural have become two camps. Should we invite the rural or the urban?

"What's more, I asked, and everyone didn't have any guests when they moved here." Ye Shen said.

Either because of this consideration, or you just can't afford it.

Invite 20 people to dinner at once? Then they have to eat their rations for a month, and they will not live?

Even if people who can afford it are not invited, it is not a treat, but a show of wealth.

"That's fine," Hua Zhao said.


On the first day, Guang was busy cleaning up the yard. On the second day, there was nothing to do, so Hua Zhao walked around the family yard with two babies.

There is a high courtyard wall between the family home and the camp. Looking at the entire family home, although the area is large, it is monotonous and has no buildings. It consists of a bungalow, a building, and a row of functional rooms.

It is said that when family members have any activities, they are held in the function room.

In the past year or two, there have been fewer activities of all kinds, and there were only so many in the past. This meeting and that meeting are so busy every day.

Now that the leadership has been changed, the family members are finally free.

Hua Zhao sighed that he had caught up with the good time.

There is also a large garden in the middle of the building and the bungalow. It seems that it has been specially repaired. It has a good appearance and is regularly trimmed.

Although it was in the deep mountains, it seemed that they wanted to create a comfortable environment for them.

Hua Zhao strolled in the garden with a stroller, and she wanted to meet the people upstairs.

Although she was born in a rural area and lived in a bungalow, she didn't want to make any camps, and she didn't want to please both sides. She just hoped that no one would be offended and everyone could live together peacefully.

It was past 9am and there was no one in the garden except 3 women with 2 toddlers chatting.

Most of the women upstairs have jobs and take the shuttle bus into the city early in the morning to go to work.

Sisters-in-law from rural areas are not very easy to find jobs. After all, their education level is generally low, and their men do not want to let them do the hard work. After all, the men here are all outstanding, and their daughter-in-law goes out to make a big effort. They can't save face, so they just stay at home.

This may also be the reason for the formation of the two camps.

"Yo, are you new here? What's your name?" Seeing Hua Zhao, a woman asked loudly.

It doesn't sound polite.

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