Hua Zhao left, and Hua Xiaoyu went out to buy popsicles on the pretext of going out.

After an hour, he came back, brought back two ice lollies that had not yet melted, and handed one to Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan couldn't even see her with half of her eyes, so how could she take her things.

"I don't want to eat it, you can eat it yourself." After she finished speaking, she went to look after the child.

Hua Xiaoyu pouted and pulled it down if she didn't eat it, as if she was giving it very little.

It was noon soon, Hua Qiang took a nap on time, and the two babies were handed over to Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan put them in the bedroom, put down the mosquito net, and watched the children sleep soundly, so she went out to work.

Everything was the same as usual, as Hua Xiaoyu expected.

Hua Xiaoyu also started to walk in the yard as usual, and then she jumped into the main room and into the bedroom while Zhang Guilan was not paying attention.

Both babies slept in cradles with mosquito nets within easy reach.

She stared at it for a few seconds and walked over.

Liu Ming, who was hiding behind the bed, was also ready.

However, Hua Xiaoyu didn't come to the cradle. She turned to Hua Zhao's dressing mirror, opened the drawer, and her eyes lit up when she saw what was inside.

Hua Zhao also loves beauty, especially with this good appearance now, she likes to dress up more, and she always feels that if she doesn't dress up, she will be ruined.

And there are no cosmetics now, and she doesn't need it very much. There is no way for her natural beauty~ So she likes all kinds of colorful jewelry.

Coupled with the reason for the ability, I collected a lot.

Those that are too expensive are hidden in boxes, and ordinary small objects, beautiful and lovely, are kept by her side and worn daily.

Now that I have children, it is inconvenient to wear them, so I put them all in the drawer. Hua Xiaoyu happened to meet them once.

Now when the drawer is opened, it looks like a treasure chest. There are gold, silver, jade, pearls, and everything. The jewels dazzle Hua Xiaoyu's eyes.

She put it in her pocket unceremoniously.

Anyway, she has to do something to offend Hua Zhao, and she doesn't plan to stay in the capital today, she will leave as soon as she is done!

She doesn't want to see these people, Zhang Xiaowu, or Hua Zhao anymore!

So don't take it for nothing.

Hua Xiaoyu scoured everything on the dresser, including the small comb, the small mirror used by Hua Zhao, and the hair rope.

Then she rummaged around the house again.

There is no money in the dresser.

Where is Hua Zhao's money?

Not in the cupboard, not in the pillow, not under the mattress...

Liu Ming was a little nervous when he flipped through it, and he had nowhere to hide.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the door, and Hua Xiaoyu was so frightened that everyone stiffened.

Fortunately, Zhang Guilan just passed by the door and did not come in.

Hua Xiaoyu let out a sigh of relief, but it reminded her that it was time to get down to business.

Hua Xiaoyu finally came to the cradle and reached out to Yunfei.

She could only carry one of the two children, and of course she would carry the boy.

Liu Ming in the dark watched nervously, seeing that she gently hugged Yunfei, and there was no other overly excited, so he didn't jump out.

Hua Zhao told them that if Hua Xiaoyu was just holding the child, let her hold it. Even if she wants to take the child out, she can.

As long as she doesn't do anything that hurts the child, like pinching, hitting, or feeding anything, just watch first.

It's the same sentence, I can't bear the child can't catch the wolf! It is useless for them to jump out at this time.

Still in her own home, Hua Xiaoyu, as the child's aunt, although not a kiss, is it still illegal to hug the child?

So they have to keep watching.

Hua Xiaoyu looked out, Zhang Guilan was not in the yard, she heard the sound of doing something in the west wing, and the door of the room was closed.

She quickly ran out with the child in her arms, ran to the front yard in one breath, and ran out the gate.

Outside, other people naturally followed.

In fact, Hua Zhao and Ye Shu didn't go far, they were hiding in the corner outside the alley.

After walking far away, Hua Zhao's control over the cradle became less strong, and she couldn't see clearly, so she was worried.

"Meow~" I don't know whose cat let out a scream.

Ye Shu knew that it was actually a bodyguard sending a signal.

The target is out.

Soon Hua Xiaoyu appeared at the entrance of the alley with the child, and then walked quickly all the way to the east.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, she met several "rogues".

"Where did you get a little daughter-in-law? She's very beautiful, and the child is also good-looking. Come, give your uncle a hug." A man who was sloppy stretched out his hand to Hua Xiaoyu.

"Really?" Ye Shu whispered from behind.

When Hua Xiaoyu left for an hour, she went out to deliver a letter to someone.

But the method she used was quite covert, leaving a note full of code words somewhere.

They opened it, but didn't understand it. He wanted to lure the snake out of the hole again, but the note was still put back.

I saw that someone came to take the note soon, but I still don't know what it meant.

Hua Zhao wasn't sure either, these people appeared abruptly, and their emotions were mixed and chaotic. She didn't have the ability to read minds, so she didn't know what they were going to do.

"Go away!" Hua Xiaoyu said absentmindedly, looking around.

Where is Zhao Gang? Hurry up and finish this scene, she has to go to the train station to buy a ticket!

However, there was no Zhao Gang around.

"Yo, the little daughter-in-law is quite temperamental, and my brother is angry!" The man who was in a hurry said, and suddenly snatched Yunfei away.

Hua Xiaoyu was taken aback, didn't the plan say that these people were just embarrassing her, and then Zhao Gang came out as a hero to save the beauty? Of course, the main thing to save is the child.

Oh, also, the child is not in danger, what does he save? At that time, his credit will not be much.

Hua Xiaoyu indifferently watched Yunfei being carried away by the man, waiting for Zhao Gang to appear immediately.

However it didn't.

After the man snatched the child, he turned and ran, disappearing into a small alley in the blink of an eye.

"Huh?" Hua Xiaoyu asked suspiciously.

But in a flash, she "understood" again. This is to create the illusion that the child has been lost, and then Zhao Gang finds the child again, which is a "great favor"!

Hua Xiaoyu's eyes turned around, and it was time for her to escape.

Thinking of this, she also turned around and ran, but when she turned around, she saw Hua Zhao.

She was so frightened that she almost fell.

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