Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 550: I will definitely repay you!

Hua Xiaoyu knocked on the door, this time it was Ye Shu who opened the door.

She was called back on purpose, and the protection in the dark cannot be placed on the bright side, and sometimes it is inconvenient.

Just like yesterday, what if Hua Erniu and his wife fought not Zhang Xiaowu but Hua Zhao? Is it Zhang Guilan? Is it Miao Lanzhi? What about two children?

Don't say they dare not, they are all people with abnormal brains, who knows what they will do!

Hua Zhao was actually a little scared after thinking about it. What if there were seven or eight men from the Huashan family? What if you hit her child? So it's better to move there early and live with Ye Shen, it's absolutely safe and saves Ye Shu's trouble.

She is a big celebrity now, and her schedule is so busy that she only has time to push a show this time, and Hua Zhao feels a little sorry.

Seeing Hua Xiaoyu, Ye Shu didn't say anything and let a few people in.

However, Zhang Xiaowu looked at Ye Shu several times, to say that the local girls in the capital are good looking... Unfortunately, he knows Ye Shu's identity, Hua Zhao's eldest sister, so he can't make up his mind.

The people who live in that compound...

Because she knew in advance that they were coming, Miao Lanzhi had already taken the children to the backyard to play with Hua Qiang, leaving only Hua Zhao and Zhang Guilan in the front yard.

There are also Xu Mei, Liu Qian, and Sun You.

They are all not doing business to protect them.

The person was secretly notified by Zhang Guilan last night.

Hua Zhao didn't think it was necessary. Although she vomited from time to time, but if she really wanted to fight, she thought she was okay.

Isn't it just one thing at a time!

But the family was not at ease, so she had no choice but to follow them.

"Sister Xiaohua..." Seeing Hua Zhao, Hua Xiaoyu burst into tears.

Hua Zhao doesn't have the heart to correct her name anymore, let's call her love.

"If you have something to say, don't cry, your parents are built here, it's not auspicious." Hua Zhao said.

Hua Xiaoyu's cry stopped.

Both Hua Erniu glared at each other.

"Sister Xiaohua, I'm getting married..." After saying this, Hua Xiaoyu didn't want to cry, but the tears still fell.

so sad!

Her goal is to marry a handsome man who is powerful, loves her and loves her! But what about the result? Who was she forced to be where she is today? Marry a bad man like Zhang Xiaowu?

She stared at Hua Zhao... If she didn't send Zhang Xiaowu to the Northeast, there would be nothing today!

"Congratulations, congratulations, what a great deed." Hua Zhao said.

This sentence is simply adding fuel to the fire, she really can't see her well!

Hua Xiaoyu lowered her head, hiding the hatred in her eyes.

But Hua Zhao can feel other people's intense emotions, joy or resentment without looking at them now.

She smiled happier.

She wasn't a vicious person at first, but Hua Xiaoyu couldn't see her good, and the fierce malice was about to become real, and she naturally couldn't see her good.

"Sister Xiaohua, my dad doesn't agree with our marriage unless I give him 500 betrothal gifts..." Hua Xiaoyu said.

"So what?" Hua Zhao asked.

"So, please ask Sister Xiaohua for help and lend me 500 yuan, and I will pay it back later! I will pay you back with interest!" Hua Xiaoyu assured.

Anyway, she'd already run away by then, let her find Zhang Xiaowu for this money!

Zhang Xiaowu opened his mouth, wanting to say it was not borrowing, or borrowing more, but looking into Hua Zhao's eyes, he did not dare.

There are still people who are prettier than the girls in the capital... It's a pity that he can't afford this.

"Okay, I'll give you an IOU." Hua Zhao said happily.

She doesn't want this marriage to fail~ So she can definitely help!

I didn't expect her to be so happy, Hua Xiaoyu and Hua Erniu both regretted it, they knew that they would borrow more...

Ye Shu had already brought a pen and paper.

Hua Xiaoyu is really motivated. She has learned some words by herself in recent months, and she can write a few words by borrowing Hua Zhao 500 yuan.

It's just that "Zhao" was spelled wrong, she always thought it was a trick of "Zhao Di".

Hua Zhao didn't care, could Hua Xiaoyu pay her back the money? She doesn't believe it.

She didn't even plan to ask for it, she just thought she spent the tickets for the theater.

The days after Hua Xiaoyu and Zhang Xiaowu will definitely be very exciting.

By the way, there is no shortage of actors in acting. Mrs. Zhang is too pitiful to stay alone in the Northeast~ She has to get her back and add some fun to Hua Xiaoyu's life.

And Zhang Lao Si... The sentence was a little long, and she couldn't come out in a short time. She didn't think about releasing him in advance, so let him appear in the future.

"That..." Hua Xiaoyu spoke again: "We don't have a place to live now..."

"Hey~" Ye Shu couldn't help laughing out loud: "Why are you still thinking about other people's houses? You really don't give up."

"There is really no place to live. The Zhang family's house has been taken back." Hua Xiaoyu said.

Zhang Xiaowu was fired for committing a crime. Since he was fired, how could he have a share in the welfare room in the factory? Before letting them live, it was for the sake of Mrs. Zhang's inability to offend.

When Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Xiaowu left, the rear unit took their house back.

At that time, Mrs. Zhang was in the Northeast, and she could only scold her when she found out. There was no other way.

"There are many houses in the capital, just rent another one." Hua Zhao said, "I will lend you another 100 yuan, which is enough for you to rent a house and solve the upfront expenses."

Hua Xiaoyu pursed her lower lip, glanced at Zhang Guilan and said, "Auntie lives with you now? Can I rent her house?"

"Huh." This time Hua Zhao also smiled. She really couldn't understand what made her so thick-skinned.

It is "affectionate".

Although Hua Xiaoyu whispered, she said confidently: "Sister Xiaohua, we are all surnamed Hua, we are all from the same ancestor, a family, broken bones and tendons, relatives are in trouble, if you are not embarrassed, then help me.. ."

In her opinion, Hua Zhao has such a big house and so many houses, it is very normal, too reasonable, and too deserved to give up a small one for her.

What's more, she is renting now, not wanting!

"I'll pay the rent!" she said.

"Anyway, they are all renting houses. Who's renting is not renting? You can rent someone else's." Hua Zhao said.

Hua Xiaoyu.....

Hua Zhao took out 600 yuan and put it in Hua Xiaoyu's hand: "Okay, there's nothing else to do, right? See you if you don't. You should hurry up and get down to business, and the people who go down to apply for the certificate will get off work."

Hua Xiaoyu squeezed the money and tried to squeeze a smile: "Sister Xiaohua, you are so kind to me! I am so grateful to you! I will definitely repay you in the future! I will come to help you take care of the children tomorrow! I will repay you!"

After saying that, before Hua Zhao refused, he took Zhang Xiaowu and left.

Hua Erniu grabbed her.

Hua Xiaoyu was taken aback and reacted, and took out 500 yuan and handed it to him, only then did Hua Erniu let go.

Zhang Xiaowu and Hua Xiaoyu left.

Hua Erniu didn't leave, they went to get the certificate, there was nothing to see, so he didn't join in the fun.

"Xiaohua, where is your aunt?" he asked Hua Zhao.

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