Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 548: Let's go get the certificate

This sentence made both the man and Hua Erniu turn to look at her.

The two have the same thoughts, she can do anything in order to stay in the capital.

Hua Xiaoyu didn't want to marry Zhang Xiaowu, Hua Erniu also saw it, otherwise she wouldn't be so ruthless in the daytime, Zhang Xiaowu's face was broken.

He doesn't know if he hasn't looked in the mirror now. After he looks in the mirror, Hua Xiaoyu must be waiting for a good beating.

If she married him now, it would be a good fight for the rest of her life.

Hua Xiaoyu gritted her teeth, tears welling in her eyes, how could she be forced to do this now?

But it doesn't matter, wait for her to finish her business... Then she will leave on the same day, and Zhang Xiaowu won't be able to catch her!

"I, my family doesn't agree with me marrying my partner, so I didn't dare to open a letter of introduction, so I came... My parents came to arrest me." Hua Xiaoyu explained: "I'm really not a blind person, I'll immediately I'm about to marry my partner, and I won't go back to my hometown!"

The man in uniform looked at Hua Erniu.

Hua Erniu nodded.

He also thought that his daughter was very smart, so they wouldn't be sent back.

The benefits haven't been obtained yet. When they come to the capital, they can't take a trip to the city for a day trip to the police station, right?

"Yes, we are thinking about it now and agree to the marriage between her and his partner. When we finish attending their wedding, we will also go back." Hua Erniu said.

"Then where is your partner's home?" the man in uniform asked bored.

Marriage is free. Hua Xiaoyu is a rural person. If she really finds a partner in the capital to marry, then she will not be blind without a letter of introduction, and they have no right to shut people up.

Hua Xiaoyu said the address of the hospital.

When the uniformed man heard it, the man was beaten and hospitalized? Can this marriage still happen?

But whether it succeeds or not is none of their business.

"It's late at night, we're off work, let's check with him tomorrow." The uniformed man turned around and left.

Hua Xiaoyu and Hua Erniu could only spend the night in the little black house.

The poor two were so embarrassed during the day that they didn't eat at Hua Zhao's house. There was a lot of trouble this day, and no dripping water entered.

The next day, the uniformed man was on business and went to the hospital to find Zhang Xiaowu.

As soon as Zhang Xiaowu heard it, is there such a good thing? Can you get Hua Xiaoyu after being beaten? If I had known, I would have hit him earlier!

He was happy to get out of bed and followed the man in uniform to pick him up.

As a result, when passing the door, he saw a mirror, and in the mirror he saw an ugly...

Zhang Xiaowu was stunned, looked at it for a long time in disbelief, and then recognized that the blue and purple ghost was himself.

It doesn't matter if the bruises are bruised, it will disappear in a few days, the key is to have less flesh on the face! It's full of pits, looking at mama Lai Lai, disgusting person! With his experience, there will definitely be scars in the future!

He is disfigured!

"Hua Xiaoyu!!" Zhang Xiaoda shouted, and ran out like the wind to find Hua Xiaoyu to settle the account.

There are only a few places to take in blind streamers, and there is indeed one nearby. The native Zhang Xiaowu knows the location.

When he arrived at the shelter and found Hua Xiaoyu, Zhang Xiaowu went up to beat him uncontrollably.

This time, Hua Erniu did not stop him.

He had already seen the consequences of blocking it. After a day trip to the police station, the 50 in his pocket was gone. Zhang Xiaowu, he did not dare to touch it.

Just let him beat his daughter, maybe he can get the 50 yuan back.

Hua Xiaoyu was beaten badly... If the uniformed man heard the movement and stopped her, she might have been beaten to death.

Looking at the blood dripping down, Hua Xiaoyu was full of hatred, hating everyone!

"Dare to beat someone here! Is it your target? If not, go to the police station!" the uniformed man shouted.

"Yes, yes." Zhang Xiaowu said immediately.

He is not afraid to go to the police station. He has been there not 100 times or 80 times, but this daughter-in-law can't run away.

He paid so much for her, and he was disfigured... She wanted to run, but there was no way!

"Let's go, let's get the certificate." Zhang Xiaowu looked at Hua Xiaoyu and said sullenly.

He didn't know why Hua Xiaoyu agreed to him, but it couldn't be because he felt so distressed, she must have her own purpose, or to stay in the capital, or whatever, he didn't care, he only wanted what he wanted.

"Wait for me, wait for me to heal the injury." Hua Xiaoyu said lying on the ground.

"It's alright, I don't despise you." Zhang Xiaowu stared at her face, thinking about whether to give her face a pit or not? Just follow the position on his face!

But thinking about it like that is disgusting, and I have to watch it every day in the future, so forget it.

"Let's go, go now!" Zhang Xiaowu was afraid of long night dreams, so he pulled her up and left.

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