Zhang Guilan will make them mad.

When a normal relative comes to have a meal, she will definitely welcome it warmly, but it definitely does not include the Hua family, let alone the Hua Erniu family!

She didn't forget when Xiao Qin was dying in her arms!

"There's no food in the kitchen," Zhang Guilan said.

If it wasn't for Miao Lanzhi's presence, she would have dared to expel people.

"Who are you kidding? With such a big pot, make a porridge at the bottom of the pot? It's not enough to paste the pot!" said Erniu's daughter-in-law.

According to her experience, no matter what cooking is, it is always a big pot.

"Mom, Hua Zhao's pot is different from ours," Hua Xiaoyu said.

To be honest, she came to Hua Zhao's house before she saw such a small pot, enough to fry a plate of vegetables. And what she has seen since she was a child can cook several pots at once.

Erniu's daughter-in-law still didn't believe it, she stretched her neck and looked at the kitchen. She really saw a small "mini" pot, so she retracted her neck and muttered, "That's right, people in the city don't eat much."

Hua Zhao finally suppressed the nausea and asked Jiang Qin, "Why are you here?"

"We're here..." Before Jiang Qin could finish speaking, Erniu's daughter-in-law rushes to answer: "It's not this dead girl, she sneaked away again! We... oops!"

Erniu couldn't bear it anymore, stood behind her and pinched her hard, before she shut up.

Jiang Qin continued: "We are here to see you. You are the eldest of our Hua family's generation. We have to come to congratulate you."

Although the dragons, tigers and leopards of the Huashan family are much older than Hua Zhao, they are not married.

Yunfei and Cuiwei are really the boss.

But people don't have the last name Hua! Has anyone heard the term "foreign grandson"?

It's a lie to hear.

But Hua Zhao didn't care, and they told half of the truth, Hua Xiaoyu secretly ran out of her hometown.

Hua Zhao looked at Zhang Xiaowu who was standing behind Hua Xiaoyu and stared at Zhang Xiaowu around him from time to time, and asked, "Hua Xiaoyu said you did the same thing to her as your fourth brother, let me arrest you."

Zhang Xiaowu jumped in shock at the words, looked at Hua Xiaoyu in disbelief, and then shouted: "I didn't! I was wronged! I haven't even touched her finger!"

This is an exaggeration, but at most he will force Hua Xiaoyu's little hand. If you want to do anything else, there are no conditions.

Hua Xiaoyu was very cunning. After seeing him, she almost left the factory. He cheated a few times but didn't come out.

Otherwise, I can't say for sure...

"I don't know which of you is telling the truth, you can confront yourself." Hua Zhao said.

"Hua Xiaoyu!" Zhang Xiaowu grabbed Hua Xiaoyu's collar uncontrollably and glared at her fiercely. With that expression, he wished he could eat her on the spot.

How is his fourth brother doing now? Is that still called a day? Ruined for a lifetime!

Hua Xiaoyu even wanted him in!

He doesn't share the sky with her!

Hua Xiaoyu's tears flowed: "I didn't, I didn't say it, I said you didn't do anything to me..."

She stared at Hua Zhao from the corner of her eyes, hating her to death! She was talking nonsense to harm her!

Zhang Guilan couldn't stand it any longer, and said angrily, "You didn't say that at the beginning. You said that he treated you like that! It was Hua Zhao who said that false accusation was also a crime, so you changed your mind!"

"I didn't, I didn't!" Hua Xiaoyu held Zhang Xiaowu's hand and watched him cry pitifully.

It's a pity that Zhang Xiaowu doesn't eat her now, his face has been beaten like a pig's head, and he can't be cute.

Besides, when he thinks about how his fourth brother is living now, he trembles all over, shocked and angry.

With a "pop", he also slapped Hua Xiaoyu.

Hua Zhao and Hua Xiaoyu, of course he believed in Hua Zhao. How could someone so powerful lie to him about such a thing? He's a shit.

Besides, he also knew who Hua Xiaoyu was.

"Snapped"! There was another crisp sound, Erniu's daughter-in-law slammed the bowl in her hand to the ground, and shouted at Zhang Xiaowu: "It's the other way around! You dare to beat my daughter! The boss, beat him!"

Erniu's fist has already landed on Zhang Xiaowu.

They can bully Hua Xiaoyu, but others can't! Still beat Hua Xiaoyu in front of them, this is not taking them seriously at all!

People have a breath of life, and when it is not necessary, everyone is very face-saving.

Zhang Xiaowu alone is no match for this family of three.

Hua Erniu and his daughter-in-law have worked hard all the year round. He is incomparable to this idler, and he can't get up after being pushed on the ground.

Hua Xiaoyu was also angry, she had no strength, but she had nails and scratched her face.

After a while, Zhang Xiaowu became dripping with blood, and there was air in but not out.

Erniu and a family of three then stopped.

Zhou Bing stood behind Zhang Guilan and watched Hua Zhao fight 4 out of 5 people with just a few words. He immediately fell into the ground in admiration.

Hua Zhao winked at him.

Zhou Bing didn't react for a while, but he thought that sister-in-law's expression was so beautiful...

Hua Zhao made another gesture of sticking his wrist to his wrist and putting handcuffs on him. Zhou Bing suddenly realized it and shouted: "You are hitting people! You are going to kill people! You are breaking the law! I want to tell the police. catch you!"

Where did this come from?

Hua Erniu looked at the man and recognized the toolbox behind him, oh, a worker.

They don't care.

Unexpectedly, the other party seems to be serious and will drag them away when they come up.

"Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding, this one on the ground is the object of my niece, we are all a family." Jiang Qin frowned and explained.

She didn't want to go to the police station as soon as she entered Beijing, although she didn't have anything to do here.

"You can beat him to death if he is a target? Isn't he human?" Zhou Bing shouted.

Zhang Xiaowu on the ground was actually still awake. Hearing this, his heart was completely moved, and then he closed his eyes and fainted in cooperation.

"Look! You killed people!" Zhou Bing had even more reason to drag people out.

Hua Erniu became hot: "Don't meddle in your own business here! You have to work! Otherwise, there will be no wages!" It turned out to be a master tone.

Without saying a word, Zhou Bing knocked him unconscious with one punch, then his wife, and then Hua Xiaoyu.

He can also take advantage of women. In their education, there are only enemies and friends, not men and women.

Only Jiang Qin is left.

Zhou Bing looked at her, what was the reason for this?

Jiang Qin was taken aback by him, and jumped behind Hua Zhao: "I didn't do anything just now! I didn't hit people, it's none of my business! You can't hit me!"

Zhou Bing has already thought about his words: "I won't hit you, but you have to come with me and explain their origins, as well as your own origins."

"What's my origin? I'm Hua Zhao's aunt and I'm here to visit! They are Hua Zhao's uncle and aunt. They want to explain to you and let Hua Zhao explain!" Jiang Qin finished and pushed Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhaozheng came up with a disgusting energy, but did not dodge, she was pushed straight at once, and the person bumped into the table, causing her to frown in pain.

Zhou Bing got angry and came over and dragged her away: "You have to go, or you have to go! I don't know who Hua Zhao is, I know you are together!"

"Who are you? What's your business!" Jiang Qin was angry and confused. Is a strong man so wide?

"I am a good citizen of the capital! The security of the capital is everyone's responsibility!" Zhou Bing shouted: "You are now an accomplice of the murderer, so you have to follow me!"

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