Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 533: He does not mean that

He Jianning took Ma Daqiang to Ye's house.

Sure enough, it was of no use. The Ye family was still biting to death for this month, and they couldn't change it.

This is necessary, otherwise there will be too many people who will be born, old, sick, and die. As soon as people ask for it, they get it, and as soon as they ask for it, the rules will be messed up.

Do you have to line up without seeing Hua Qiang's ex-wife paralyzed?

No matter how bad Qi Xiaoxian was, he also gave birth to two sons to Hua Qiang.

What did Ma Daqiang give birth to?

It is impossible to be in front of Qi Xiaoxian.

However, out of humanitarianism, Ye Zhenguo gave up his half bottle and gave it to Ma Daqiang, and promised that if he needed another bottle next month, they would get another bottle for him.

Ma Daqiang held the medicinal wine in his hand and was not satisfied.

Really gone?

He doesn't believe it!

Also, his son definitely can't wait for next month, they won't need it next month!

But he also knew that he couldn't show it at this time.

"Let me ask again, how many bottles did Ye Shen drink?" Ma Daqiang asked.

"Drink a dozen bottles." Ye Mao said, "However, injuries and illnesses vary from person to person. Ye Shen's situation is definitely different from your son's. How many bottles does your son need to be healthy? It can't be good, I can't guarantee it."

Ma Daqiang secretly hated, but did not dare to say it.

If you can't guarantee it, then give a few more bottles! Drink until his son is good! Or his son dies! Instead of having something tucked away and watching his son die!

Having already got a bottle, He Jianning felt that his task was completed, got up and left with Ma Daqiang.

Ma Daqiang was also very happy, anyway, he told He Jianning that he was going to save his son! He kept it a secret. If you can't save it, don't even think about it!

"The rest of the medicinal wine is up to you." Ma Daqiang said to He Jianning after leaving the door of the Ye family.

He Jianning could hear his thoughts from the very beginning.

It's no use playing with him.

"I'll show you a clear path. Your nephew Ma Guoqing cheated on a few bottles of medicinal wine before. Only half of it was given to Ma Dashuai, and the remaining half is still in his own hands. If you need it urgently, you can ask him for it."

Ma Daqiang was taken aback, Ma National Day? Did he get the medicine? How could he not know!

But yes, the Ma family is not monolithic. Ma Guoqing has always been careful, and it is normal to be a little careful.

Ma Daqiang turned around and walked away, took a few steps and then turned back: "Mr. is here to help too, if it's not enough, I'll come back to find Mister!"

"It's hard for you to be a strong man." He Jianning lost his good temper: "The Ye family really has so much medicinal wine every month, and I can't make it out for you until the day comes."

"Then I want ginseng!" Ma Daqiang gritted his teeth and said, "I heard that Mr. has two ginsengs in his hand, which are the same as those made by the Ye family's medicinal wine! When the time comes, please ask the gentleman to use it for me first, and I promise to double it back to you later. !"

"Heh." He Jianning squinted and stared at Ma Daqiang with real fire.

Ma's life is more valuable than his? Will he give up his life to Ma Chenggong?

"Don't appear in front of me in the future. Don't bother me whether Ma Chenggong is alive or dead. If you want to go to Ye's house and file a complaint, I will congratulate you in exchange for medicinal wine." He Jianning smiled: "When Ma Chenggong recovers, I will Take him to see his grandfather."

How many years has Ma Chenggong's grandfather died?

"You dare!" Ma Daqiang was stunned.

"It depends on whether you dare or not." He Jianning smiled and said, "I congratulate someone, I always do what I say."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left without looking at Ma Daqiang.

Ma Daqiang held the bottle and stood there for a while, then clenched his teeth and stomped to find Ma Guoqing.

Ma Guoqing heard that Ma Chenggong was critically ill. He Jianning gave him the news that he had medicinal wine. He took out both bottles of medicinal wine without saying a word.

If he doesn't take it out, he won't be able to pass the uncle's test. At the beginning, it was agreed that I would give him as much as I got, and he would compensate him from other places.

"Third uncle, I swear, it's all here." Ma Guoqing said, "I got 4 bottles in total, and gave 2 bottles to my uncle."

Ma Daqiang believed it, and the eldest brother did say that there were only 2 bottles. Besides, he understands that this child on National Day is cunning and cunning. At this time, he still cares about family affection, especially since he has had a good relationship with Chenggong since he was a child.

"Thank you first uncle." Ma Daqiang asked politely immediately, "How did you get the medicinal wine that He Jianning couldn't get?"

Ma Guoqing told him what happened.

Ma Daqiang's eyes lit up, but he was still dissatisfied, and he would have to wait for a month. He couldn't wait.

"And uncle, don't hold on to this hope, the Qi family is exposed, and Qi Baoguo can't get it." Ma Guoqing said.

"Hey!" Ma Daqiang sighed and turned away.

What happened to his son in Lin Province, he went to the nearest doctor. He was in critical condition and could not be transferred to the hospital. He had to go back quickly to deliver medicine.

I hope these two and a half bottles can save his son.

If not...

His hopes were lost.

This is the green essence, or diluted, 4 and a half bottles can't cure too serious injuries, and can only hang one's life, which is very reluctant.

After drinking all the medicine and wine, the doctor came to the conclusion that he would either be in a coma for the rest of his life, or his life would be too long, and he would be finished within a few months.

"Impossible! You quack doctors! Ye Shen's injuries are so much heavier than him, and now he's alive and kicking! You can't save my son's minor injuries!" Ma Daqiang roared.

The doctor does not know him in general, and the patient's family can understand it.

"There is only one Ye Shen in this world. It's a miracle. Not everyone has a miracle. You still have to face the reality. Your son's injury is too serious." The doctor said.

In fact, Ye Shen's medical case spread in the circle, and was finally classified as a miracle.

Otherwise what is it?

"Bah! Miracle is a fart!" Ma Daqiang roared: "It's all because of the Ye family's medicinal wine that saved him, drink it vigorously, and that's fine! If my son can drink a few more bottles, that's fine!"

The doctor stopped talking. They had seen the effect of this green medicinal wine. It was amazing.

Originally, in their prediction, Ma Chenggong should have passed the first seven now, but now the best result is to become a vegetative person and lie down for decades. This is not a miracle, what is a miracle?

"Ye's medicinal wine?" A doctor whispered to a colleague next to him: "Didn't he say that his wife made the medicinal wine herself and traveled thousands of miles to save her husband?"

"Yes, that's what happened. That medicinal wine was made by her daughter-in-law, using ginseng grown on the mountain behind her daughter-in-law's house. It is said to be a thousand-year-old ginseng," said the colleague.

This "story" also spread.

He does not mean that.

Ma Daqiang's eyes lit up, right! That medicinal wine is actually not from the Ye family! What kind of flower family! It was Ye Shen's daughter-in-law who gave it to the Ye family, and she was the original owner!

The Ye family may not really have any extra, but the Hua family must have!

Ma Daqiang turned around and left.

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