The meal was either good or bad, and the atmosphere ended harmoniously.

This is a promise to Zhou Lihua and arranged for Ye Jia, otherwise it will not be so harmonious.

After sending the others away, Hua Zhao and Ye Shen were finally alone.

Miao Lanzhi and Ye Shu took both babies away very "intimately" and slept in their room tonight...

As for the night milk in the middle of the night, they don't dislike drinking milk powder occasionally.

Ye Shen couldn't control it for a long time, turned over and did an intimate exercise with his daughter-in-law.

Only then started chatting.

When he talked about his experience in the past few months, he couldn't talk about it, but he could talk about life in the jungle.

This Hua Zhao understands that she has played Wilderness Survival a few times in her previous life and chatted with Ye Shen in full swing.

Many novel and reasonable ideas can make Ye Shen ponder for a long time.

Then happily "rare" her for a long time.

After chatting and chatting, we talked about the last drinking session.

He hesitated to speak, for fear that Hua Zhao would get angry.

But let's not say that when He Lanlan gives birth to the child in the future, he might have to deal with some shit, so he'd better report in advance.

"The day before I came back, something happened..." Ye Shen said little by little.

Hua Zhao's eyes grew bigger and bigger.

She knows more than Ye Shen. After listening to the beginning, she guessed the latter without Ye Shen explaining what artificial insemination is.

She in turn supplemented Ye Shen with the follow-up that he didn't understand.

"Is the He family too naive? Bring any child out and say it's mine? We can totally deny it," he said.

This is also the reason why Ye Ming knew that Qiu Mei had hidden dangers if he left like that, and did not go to investigate.

One is that the probability is too small, and the other is that it really exists, whether you recognize it or not is another matter.

Hua Zhao had to tell her about DNA technology, saying that he accidentally read it in a book, but he couldn't remember it. If he didn't believe it, he could go to the medical school to investigate.

Now the news is blocked, and the common people will definitely not know about the technology just developed by foreign countries this year, but the famous medical schools will pay attention, and they will know more or less.

He Jianning knew from this channel.

Ye Shen suddenly realized: "So it is!"

Hua Zhao stared at Ye Shen, this man is so cruel... He Lanlan and that horse succeeded, making him miserable!

But she loves it!

She was looking forward to the time when the He family would come to the door and be slapped in the face...

"We have to keep this matter strictly confidential!" Hua Zhao said.

She didn't even get angry with him, but she was excited.... Ye Shen was happy in her heart, and she was very dear to her.

Such a lovely daughter-in-law, how rare is not enough!

The next day, Hua Zhao didn't get up even after three poles in the sun, and was exhausted last night.

She didn't wake up until the babies were so hungry that they cried and were tucked into her bed by Ye Shen.

Occasionally eat a meal of milk powder, the two little guys are sensible, accept it, and eat it, they will have an opinion.

When I tasted the milk powder this morning, I immediately spit it out and cried.

Hua Zhao looked at the time, it was already 8 o'clock, and she was suddenly a little shy.

Anyone here must have guessed what happened last night...

But people who come here will definitely not laugh at her.

After feeding the baby, Hua Zhao slowly got up.

I haven't exercised for a long time, and my whole body is sore all night.

When she came out to eat, she saw Zhang Guilan at home.

This is a bit strange, there is nothing to do today, Zhang Guilan should be frying popcorn or stewing braised pork.

"Mom, why aren't you working today? Are you feeling unwell?" Hua Zhao asked.

Zhang Guilan hesitated for a moment and said, "No." But she didn't continue.

Hua Zhao glanced at her face and guessed, "That Li Er came to you again?"

Daughter is smart.

Now that he was guessed, Zhang Guilan didn't cover it up any more and nodded: "And this time, the attitude is very arrogant."

Li Er stopped her this morning at the intersection. The intersection was still far from the factory. It was early in the morning and there were no pedestrians. She was startled.

Especially what Li Er said.

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