Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 505: continue your mission

The thin man does not speak.

Ye Shen looked at this raw face, he remembered that someone told him that this was a medical soldier temporarily transferred from outside.

Look at the professional medicine cabinet behind him and the clutter inside, it might be.

The mouth is quite strict.

Ye Shen quickly threw the person down, and then used the means...

The man was so hurt that he couldn't make a sound, so don't shout.

Five minutes later, Ye Shen stopped and asked, "Can we talk now?"

The man murmured a few times, his eyes struggled, and he did not speak.

Ye Shen didn't give him a chance to hesitate and started again...

He also learned about torture to extract confessions, and he learned it at the top and most professional level.

After 10 minutes, the thin man was sweating profusely, and his face was the color of pig liver.

He really couldn't take it anymore.

"Can we talk now?" Ye Shen asked calmly.

The man didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and he struggled to speak until he couldn't speak in pain: "I, I said...they want your son...and then have a child with Helanlan..."

Ye Shen was stunned.

To be honest, he didn't understand.

Isn't that what it is to give birth to a child? The Helanlan people are not here, and they don't mean to let them "together", so they can give birth?

The artificial insemination tube is still an advanced technology. It was basically formed in the 1950s abroad, and the first test in China was successful in the 1980s.

Interlaced like mountains, Ye Shen didn't pay attention to that aspect, so naturally he didn't know at all.

But He Jianning knew that his understanding of medicine was closely following the world trend, so he made this plan.

When Helanlan's child was born, he asked her to bring the child to the door and go to the Ye family to recognize her ancestors and return to the clan.

If they don't believe it, he can also tell them about DNA paternity testing technology.

This technology was just researched abroad this year. He believes that they must not understand it. It doesn't matter. He will give them free science.

Of course, he won't know about artificial insemination.

At that time, this child will be the iron proof of Ye Shen's infidelity.

He didn't believe that Hua Zhao's temper could be easily forgiven.

If she is really so generous, or bears it for the sake of two children, it doesn't matter, he can let He Lanlan have one, two, three.... until Hua Zhao can't take it anymore.

Taking seeds can be done once, or twice or three times. This does not require the active cooperation of a man, as long as there is medicine.

Under Ye Shen's pressure, the thin man said a lot.

He didn't know He Jianning's plan, he didn't even know who He Jianning was, he was sent here to get the seeds.

But he knew about the artificial insemination tube, and he knew that the recipient was Helan Lan.

This is enough.

Ye Shen guessed the ins and outs.

The He family still refused to let him go.

It just doesn't make sense!

Thinking that he and Hua Zhao might break up because of a misunderstanding, Ye Shen felt an unprecedented anger.

Don't you just want to have a baby?

OK, alright!

Ye Shen helped the man up, patted him, and helped him go smoothly.

Not understanding why his attitude was so good all of a sudden, the man was a little scared.

"Do you know my identity?" Ye Shen asked.

"I don't know." The man shook his head. Ye Shen's position is not low at a young age, but he thought it was all based on his ability, so he said that this task, he knew the danger just by listening to it, and Ye Shen completed it perfectly.

For people with this kind of ability, it is an accident that the position is low.

"My grandfather is Ye Zhenguo, and my father is Ye Mao." Ye Shen said. For the first time, he showed his life experience to the outside world.

And this life experience, except for a few people, in fact, the brothers around me don't know.

So the man came here to squat him for a few months, and he didn't hear the news.

Now that he knew it suddenly, his eyeballs fell out of shock.

If I knew that Ye Shen was from the Ye family, I wouldn't take this job if I killed him!

Later... Does he have a future?

"You want to hurt me, do you know what the consequences are?" Ye Shen asked.

The man was already numb, and his face was ashen and silent.

"But now I can give you a chance to make up for what you have done. If you do it well, I will assume that this incident never happened." Ye Shen said.

The man's eyes lit up: "You said, what do you want me to do? Anything will do!"

"Continue your mission." Ye Shen said, picking up the plastic cup that fell on the ground and stuffing it into his hand.

The man was stunned, what do you mean?

Is he willing to have a child with He Lanlan?

Then what kind of labor do you need, can you just go and find someone else's "labor"?

"But the person has to be changed." Ye Shen kicked the unconscious Ma Chenggong: "It's him, but you have to keep it a secret."

The man swallowed and spit... so cruel!

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