Ye Shu froze for a moment and then smiled: "No, you think too much, I'm worrying about my own business."

Hua Zhao looked at her expression and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that she was not lying.

Also, if Ye Shen was really injured, no matter how serious the injury, they would definitely be the first to notify her to save her life, not hide it.

"What's wrong with you? Ma Guoqing bothered you again? Big brother's warning didn't work?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Shu nodded and shook his head.

"He didn't come close, he followed me from a distance every day." Ye Shu said. In this case, she didn't know whether to tell her elder brother and let him clean up Ma Guoqing.

People are really far away, hundreds of meters, if she hadn't discovered it by accident, she wouldn't have known. No one came up to talk to her, and no longer pestered her.

How to deal with this situation?

"And I have several new suitors." Ye Shu said with a frown, and even smiled.

She was not as popular as she is now when she was young.

When she was young, she had a few suitors, but it was accumulated over a few years, but now, she has many suitors all at once.

Every day, several people waited for her to get off work at the door of the unit, and after the performance, more than a dozen people waited to present flowers to her.

These people suddenly appeared out of nowhere, maybe she finally went out, maybe they were stimulated by Ma Guoqing.

There are no secrets in the circle, and the story of Ma Guoqing chasing her has spread.

The suitors are not decreasing but increasing.

She admits her songs are better, but now that's the case....she knows it's for family reasons.

"Who said divorced women are not easy to marry? My market is good." Ye Shu laughed at himself.

Although it is for family reasons, it is also a good thing. If the family background can't save her, and there is no suitor, she will really be sad...

"Anyone who looks good? What makes you want to know?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Shu shook his head: "That's not it."

Among so many men, there are none of them that can be compared to her brother and brother in appearance, but they are not at all.

She is also a looker.

And those men are very old.

She looked at it. Twenty-five or six is ​​the base, and the oldest is 40 years old.

After all, it's a second marriage, not a little girl...

"But there is one more thing..." Ye Shu paused after speaking.

"What?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Just a few men complained to me. Ma Guoqing threatened them not to appear again, and beat them... I don't know if I should tell my elder brother."

They don't care about this? No matter what, it seems to be stained with Ma National Day, no matter, it seems to be stained too!

"It's really annoying." Ye Shu said angrily, "He's still as annoying as he was when he was a kid!"

"Let's talk to Big Brother and see how to deal with him." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shu nodded.

As a result, Ye Ming went on a business trip again and went to the south again, and he didn't know when he would come back.

Recently, the above actions are getting bigger and bigger, and the meaning is getting more and more obvious, and he is getting busier and busier.


Ye Shen's mission is indeed over. He has just climbed out of the mountain and brought back the dying bandit leader.

It was caught alive! This was a huge help in fighting their entire gang and catching all the fugitives and hidden people.

The above was so happy that they wanted to show him merit.

That one needs to go through procedures, but to celebrate, no procedures are required.

That night, the camp was lively.

All the delicious food was taken out, and everyone gathered around the cauldron, eating meat and soup.

Anyway, the camp will be withdrawn tomorrow morning, and they will leave after their mission, and they will not take the things away, but they don't know where to go.

As mentioned above, give them a night off, and everyone can relax.

Ye Shen didn't go out with everyone, he was surrounded by several people in the room to celebrate.

There is not only meat here, but also wine, all good wine.

"Ye Shen, I respect you, you are the person I admire the most!" Ma Chenggong said enthusiastically with a glass of wine.

Ye Shen glanced at him.

He is Ma Jianguo's cousin, Ma Guoqing's cousin, and another nephew of Ma Dashuai.

He didn't know him at all, this was the first time we met.

He also doesn't know how he and a few people around him landed on this mission, maybe to pick peaches?

Are his peaches so easy to pick?

Ye Shen raised his glass and took a sip.

"Ye Shen, you're not funny, you look down on me?" Ma Chenggong joked.

He has a baby face, he is not young, about the same age as him, but he looks small, smiling, but he doesn't seem angry.

But it's really hard to say.

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