Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 482: never get better

Qi Shulan poured Qi Xiaoxian a glass of the medicinal wine mixed with water. After Qi Xiaoxian finished drinking, he had a comfortable expression on his face again, indicating that the medicinal liquor was still effective, and Qi Shulan was relieved.

After comforting her mother and taking care of her to sleep in bed, Qi Shulan rode to Qibao Country.

Qi Baoguo was waiting for him, and he also knew that today was the day when the Ye family distributed medicinal wine.

"How? Did she give it again?" Seeing Qi Shulan, Qi Baoguo immediately asked.

Qi Shulan nodded, entered the room, and took out the half bottle of medicinal wine she had stolen from her arms.

"Mom didn't find out?" Qi Baoguo asked immediately.

"No." Qi Shulan affirmed.

If the mother found out at the time, she would have to scold her.

Qi Baoguo's face is a little embarrassed, they are stealing the **** life-saving medicine....

Qi Shulan looked indifferent: "It's just a few days later. I can see that my father still has a conscience. As long as our mother is not good, he will always give alcohol! What are you afraid of?"


A smile appeared on Qi Baoguo's face, in this case, slow the **** up, or even never...they will always have medicinal wine!

"What should we do with this wine?" Qi Shulan asked.

"I have already found a buyer." Qi Baoguo said.

"Who is it?" Qi Shulan asked.

"Ma National Day." Qi Baoguo said.

"Who is it?" Qi Shulan frowned, she had never heard the name.

"Ma's nephew." Qi Baoguo said.

"Oh~" Qi Shulan was satisfied, but, just a nephew? Can you catch up with Ma Dashuai?

"Master Ma's own son is thousands of miles away, and this nephew is the only one in the capital, and it's very useful." Qi Baoguo said, "And you don't know, Ma Guoqing took the initiative to find me and asked me if I had any connections. He was helping His uncle begged."

"That's it!" Qi Shulan was satisfied.

"Then, what is he going to exchange this time?" Qi Shulan asked.

They don't need money, well, they don't need money very much, and now money is not so easy to spend.... What they need more is the promotion of status.

"Give me this half bottle first." Qi Baoguo said, "First settle my last incident and keep my job completely. Next time, I will give it to you."

"Okay." Although Qi Shulan was not satisfied, she reluctantly agreed.

It was all her credit that she could get the half bottle of medicinal wine... But thinking about the steady flow of medicinal wine in the future, she would not care about him.

"He's strict, right? Stop acting like the Wen family, making it known to the whole city, embarrassing, and offending the Ye family. We can't afford to offend you!" Qi Shulan said.

"Don't worry, the Ma family will be our stable buyer in the future, until they can't satisfy us, and Ma Guoqing, I was a little wrong about him before." Qi Baoguo said.

Ma Guoqing is 28 this year, and his evaluation among his peers is not outstanding. He is not as smart as Ye Ming, as powerful as Ye Shen, and as clever as He Jianning, but he is quite famous for his fighting skills.

However, through these few contacts, he found that Ma Guoqing is not as playful as the legends, he can speak well, he is prudent in doing things, and he has scheming and means, which should not be underestimated.

Qi Shulan left the medicinal wine and left, and she had to go back to take care of her mother, otherwise the old lady would wake up and see no one, and she would make trouble again.

Qi Baoguo went to Ma Guoqing's house with the medicinal wine.

Although Ma Guoqing was old, he was not married, but he was tired of the nagging at home and moved out by himself.

Also a small yard.

Now no one in the capital city is out of the Second Ring Road, and outside the Third Ring Road are the countryside. At this time, there were more bungalows than buildings.

Ma Guoqing's yard is about the same size as Zhang Guilan's. Although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, he can be considered at ease when he lives alone.

Ma Guoqing opened the door and saw Qi Baoguo standing outside the door, and immediately smiled: "Brother Qi, is this some good news?"

"Without good news, how dare I come to the door?" Qi Baoguo laughed.

"Hahahaha!" Ma Guoqing laughed: "Look at what Brother Qi said, even if there is no news, I will always welcome you here!"

Although I knew it was a polite remark, I was not happy to hear it.

Qi Baoguo smiled and entered the room.

When he entered the room, he didn't talk nonsense, he took out a bottle one size smaller than Ye's and put it on the table.

Ma Guoqing frowned, so little?

"We can mix so much at one time, it's all here, but I'm not willing to even taste a drop." Qi Baoguo said.

As for how the wine came, he did not explain.

He didn't explain it, and Ma Guoqing also knew that it was taken out of his mother's mouth.

He has been staring at a few in-laws of the Ye family. The half-in-laws of the Qi family were also included in the list by him because of the relationship between Hua Qiang, the owner of the medicinal wine.

Didn't expect it to happen.

But this Qi family is really a beast, and both parents and mothers can cheat.

But that's none of his business.

Ma Guoqing checked the medicine and confirmed that it was true, and immediately promised him that it would be done within three days.

Before Qi Baoguo, due to various reasons, there was a problem in his official business. The problem was not small, and the responsibility was pushed to him, which led to his unstable position.

Although the matter is not small, the Ma family can still settle it with a little effort.

Ma Guoqing also saw that the Qi family is a long line, so he is very attentive.


Qi Baoguo left, and Su Wei came out of the study.

Ma Guoqing immediately showed off to him: "How is it? Am I smart? I knew the Qi family could do it! You said no!"

But he was overjoyed that he could win Su Wei once.

Su Wei shook his head and sighed: "Originally, the Qi family must not be able to do it. We have to leave early. Who would have thought that Qi Xiaoxian could get this disease?"

Without Qi Xiaoxian's appearance in his speculation, it would be impossible for the Qi family to get the medicinal wine.

"This is my luck!" Ma Guoqing laughed.

Su Wei had to nod to admit.

"But luck always has a time limit. With the efficacy of this medicinal wine, even if Qi Xiaoxian drinks half a bottle a month, it is estimated that it will be fine a few times, and then they will not get it." Su Wei said: "We have to think about other things. way.”

Ma Guoqing said indifferently, "Then it depends on Qi Baoguo's appetite. If his appetite is big and he doesn't get enough to eat a few times, he won't be good, and he won't pretend to be good."

Su Wei also knew this and smiled: "I guess his appetite is a bottomless pit, he will never be full, and soon there will be a day when you can't satisfy him, and he will find a buyer again.

"However, I mean, don't treat the Ye family as a fool. They know what this medicinal wine does. Ye Shen's serious injury is healed. Qi Xiaoxian's illness is always bad? All hope is on him."

"Then what do you think I should do?" Ma Guoqing asked.

Su Wei smiled: "You're not too young, it's time to start a family."

Ma Guoqing frowned immediately: "Why are you like my mother? What's so good about starting a family? Find a woman to take care of me? Am I sick?"

"But you will have to get married sooner or later. If you can't put it off, you still want to stay unmarried for the rest of your life? My uncle asked me to tell you yesterday that if you don't get married this year, he will sweep you out of the house," Su Wei said.

Ma Guoqing's face suddenly turned black.

Su Wei smiled: "I have a good candidate."

Ma Guoqing was taken aback, as a good buddy, Su Wei seldom advised him to marry, because he was not much better! 26 years old and not married yet, every day he is pushed by his family to hide from him!

This sentence is the first time today, and the object of introduction to him is the sun coming out from the west!

"Who is it?" Ma Guoqing asked curiously.

"Ye Shu." Su Wei said.

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