Everyone was stunned, Zhou Lihua didn't care about hitting people, turned around and ran to the backyard, the others didn't move.

But soon, they heard Zhou Lihua's screams, and then a bunch of noises. She was beating Ye Xing, beating and cursing at the same time.

The Ye family knew that what Qiu Mei said was true.

The room was quiet again and the needle falling could be heard.

This jedi counterattack stunned the Ye family.

But the atmosphere on the Qiu family's side has changed. Father Qiu looked at Qiu Mei with excitement and admiration in his eyes. Or his daughter is amazing!

Ye Zhenguo sat back down, as if he had aged a few years.

Children do not worry ah.

He could understand that he was going to marry another Zhou Lihua to enter the door, and this one was much higher than Zhou Lihua. When Zhou Lihua first entered the door, he had been an honest person for many years with his tail between his legs.

This is too powerful, and has a dark heart, how can she be the daughter-in-law of the Ye family?

Ye Zhenguo's eyes were cold and stern, and he was about to speak.

Qiu Mei kept staring at him and said before he spoke, "If you don't agree, I'll go to the police and tell Ye Xing to be a hooligan."

At this time, the crime of hooliganism is hard to say. Even if you don't need to be strong, if the man is not responsible afterward, it is also a crime of hooliganism.

"Humph." Ye Zhenguo snorted coldly: "Responsible, how can there be irresponsible men in our Ye family?"

The Qiu family breathed a sigh of relief, it really did!

However, Ye Zhenguo continued: "Boss, go and call the second child and ask him to come back. I want to split up the family."

"Dad!" Ye Mao and Ye Cheng shouted at the same time.

It has only been seven years, and people's family values ​​are very important. In rural areas, many elderly people would rather die than separate their families.

In the eyes of ordinary people, splitting up the family while the old man is still there means that the family is not in harmony, which is a bit shameful.

"What are you shouting? It's just a family split! In fact, this family should have been split up long ago. You all have families and children in groups, and you live in groups from all over the world. This family is not divided, but it's actually divided. It's just a form." Ye Zhenguo said.

The Qiu family's faces were not good-looking. This was not a matter of form. There was a big difference between separation and non-separation.

When the family is separated, the relationship is far away, and there is still some affection between brothers and sisters, but when it comes to the next generation, the rest is all about face, and the next generation, like Hua Zhao's children and other people's children, it may be Not even the face.

I've been far away and I can't see each other for a lifetime, what's the feeling?

It doesn't matter, what matters is who Ye Zhenguo belongs to. He has accumulated a lifetime of contacts, who does it belong to?

Don't even think about it, it's definitely a big room.

In the future, the big house will continue to inherit the glory of the Ye family, and the other two, not to mention the prosperity, are afraid that they will not be able to touch even a little bit of light.

For example, when it comes to arranging jobs for the juniors of the Ye family, they used to be a family, and outsiders all saw Ye Zhenguo's face, so the job level must be very high. Now I see Ye Shang Ye Cheng's own face, that grade...

The twists and turns in this place are not understood by the Qiu family who came from the grassroots, and it is strange if they are happy.

Qiu Mei looked at Ye Zhenguo angrily. She didn't expect this old man to be so cruel. She wanted to climb up a big tree, but she reached out and cut off the branch she grabbed.

Ye Cheng's family took it out and looked at it alone, and it was normal, but it was too late to say regret.

Ye Xing rushed in from the backyard. He looked at Qiu Mei in disbelief. His mother told him just now that Qiu Mei was naked and waiting for a good thing with Ye Ming. People didn't look at him at all!

It's just that the Qiu family was stupid. In the end, they stripped Qiu Mei's eldest brother naked and put them on the bed. Who knows what the two of them did! He just picked up a broken shoe!

"What they said is true?" Ye Xing asked Qiu Mei in disbelief.

"I don't know anything." When Qiu Mei turned her head to face him, her expression was pitiful again.

It's a pity that his face is a little scary now, and he is no longer as moving as before, Ye Xing just feels cold all over.

He's not stupid, and now that the whole family is together, he knows who to trust.

He likes her so much, but she wants to change before she gets married...

Ye Xing's brain suddenly became hot, and he reached out and slapped Qiu Mei.

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