Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 465: Stealing alcohol to go to the toilet?

Ye Ming quickly walked out of the bathroom, his face full of drunkenness.

Miao Lanzhi and Ye Shu found Hua Zhao and asked about the situation.

They were in the back room all the time, but they were coaxing the children. They didn't lean on Ye Ming who was drunk. The smell was too great, so they couldn't hear what the two of them said.

"It's okay, eldest brother is sober, let's just watch the Qiu family make a fool of himself." Hua Zhao said.

Miao Lanzhi had drunk sobering tea and felt that the effect was good, and when she thought of Ye Ming's alcohol intake, she felt relieved.

But Ye Shu was still very angry: "Don't they all want to get drunk and die here, and then stay away?"

"Won't it be so rude?" Hua Zhao hesitated: "The wedding is a few days later, can they stay drunk until they get married?"

"It's not." Miao Lanzhi said, "That's not shameful enough. I think the Qiu family wants to save face, and they want to come to work in the capital. If they dare to lose this person now, they will be ashamed to hang out in the capital in the future."

"Then what do they want to do?" Ye Shu was also puzzled.

"We'll find out when we go out and have a look." Hua Zhao said.

Miao Lanzhi didn't move, she didn't have that much curiosity: "Go on, I'll watch the children here. Also, don't have dinner parties in the living room of this house in the future, it's noisy, noisy, and smelly, which affects the rest of the babies. "

She was angry.

Hua Zhao also agreed that this situation will not happen in the future, it really makes the child sleep well.

She and Ye Shu went to the living room, and Ye Ming really had a drink with them again.

Hua Zhao looked at the food, and it was already cold.

She and Ye Shu removed the dishes from the table and replaced them with some appetizers.

The female relatives replaced them with fruits and melon seeds.

Hua Zhao was praised again.

This time she listened patiently and glanced at Ye Ming from time to time.

Ye Ming seemed to be getting more and more brave with the battle. Qiu Mei's eldest brother and second brother were quickly dizzy, and the wine glass was unstable, and half a glass could be thrown out in a flash.

"No, let's go here today." Ye Ming said.

"No!" Qiu Mei's eldest brother shouted, "I won't make you dizzy today, no!"

Father Qiu immediately pinched his son's thigh, and hurriedly looked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was so drunk that he didn't seem to hear it at all.

Father Qiu was relieved.

They looked at the women's family again. Hua Zhao and Ye Shu were chatting with the women's family, but they didn't seem to hear it.

The Qiu family members were relieved.

Brother Qiu Mei was pinched, a little sober, and stood up swayingly: "I'm going to the toilet."

Then go outside.

Hua Zhao saw with sharp eyes that when he passed the wine box, he put his hand in and took it out.

The movement was so fast that no one noticed except her.

After that, his sleeves got thicker

how? Stealing alcohol to go to the toilet?

Hua Zhao was worried and stood up: "I remembered that there are several kinds of dried fruits in the kitchen. I will go and fetch them."

"No, no, these are enough." Qiu Mei's sister-in-law said politely.

"I planted those fruits myself, and everyone can taste them."

Hearing her say this, no one would persuade her to plant it by herself. If you don't taste it, you won't give her face.

Qiu Mei's sister-in-law looked out the window and was relieved to see that Hua Zhao had indeed entered the kitchen.

Also, her worries are all superfluous. Her man has gone to the toilet, why can Hua Zhao still go? So, can't find it.

Hua Zhao entered the kitchen, closed the door, and pressed his hand against the wall.

With new abilities, she researches it every day and develops skills similar to plant-based abilities, peeping.

It's just that plants need roots, which is too slow and very limited. For example, if you want to see someone's house, you have to penetrate the foundation and floor, which is a bit difficult.

The new ability will not, it can ignore anything and directly penetrate.

Putting his right hand on the wall, Hua Zhao saw the situation in the toilet opposite almost instantly.

Qiu Mei's eldest brother was vomiting, and he spat out all the wine he had drunk.

"What the hell, it's really drinkable, it's not human." He muttered.

He and his younger brother were able to hold on for so long, relying on this trick, they felt a little overwhelmed, and the two of them hurried to the toilet to spit it out, otherwise they would be lying down already.

And Ye Ming drank with them for a long time, drinking the amount of several of them alone, and only went to the toilet once. Judging from the time, he must have never vomited.

He had never served anyone in drinking, but this time he really did.

Thanks to their preparations, today's event would not have been possible.

Qiu Mei's eldest brother woke up a lot after vomiting, then took out the wine bottle in his sleeve, opened it, and took out a small medicine bottle from his underwear pocket.

He turned and pressed against the toilet door to prevent outsiders from entering, then carefully poured the powder from the medicine bottle into the wine bottle.

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