Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 461: That's all she said

Ye Ming went out for a spin and pulled a cart of ingredients to Hua Zhao's house.

"It's still reliable, big brother." Hua Zhao praised. She is worrying about the ingredients. If she goes out this time, she won't be able to buy anything, and if she goes to buy it early tomorrow, she may not be able to buy anything.

She still has no food book and non-staple food book with a rural household registration!

For such a long time to eat and drink, I have to rely on my husband's family to help~

This situation changed after Liu's first few came. They would go to the black market to buy things and give her a copy.

Since she started selling braised pork, she has also realized the freedom to eat meat, and can in turn subsidize her husband's family... Of course, she occasionally secretly grows and orders vegetables by herself, saying that she bought it on the black market.

In fact, the mother-in-law basically doesn't need her subsidies. She has special food supplies, and she always distributes it to her.

Ye Ming got a lot of light.

He has the ability, but he doesn't have time to eat and drink all the time, so basically it is what the vegetable store sells and what he eats.

In addition, the Wen family loved to eat meat in the past... It was more difficult for him to eat meat.

Recently, Hua Zhao looked like he had gained a few pounds.

Ye Ming put down the dish but asked her, "Did Qiu Mei take the initiative to find you?"

"Otherwise? Or do I take the initiative to invite her family to dinner?" Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming smiled, but he did.

"What else did she say?" On the phone, Ye Shu only talked about treating guests to dinner, but he always felt that the Qiu family didn't just want a meal.

"She also said that she wanted to hold the wedding in this yard, and I agreed." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shu exclaimed from the side: "Why did you agree?" She also just found out about this matter.

"They really don't have a place to hold the wedding." Hua Zhao said: "And she said, it's just for the wedding, don't live here at night, go back to your home."

"Oh, that's fine." Ye Shu said. She was afraid that the family would not be able to leave by then.

"Is there anything else?" Ye Ming asked.

"No." Hua Zhao said, "Or, she just said this." As for what she didn't say, she didn't know.

Ye Ming nodded and talked about another thing: "By the way, I'll find someone for you. I've seen 5 of them, and they're basically reliable. When will they start work?"

"That's great, let them find Xu Mei and start tomorrow!" Hua Zhao said happily.

Xu Mei has recruited 5 people for so long, and with these 5 people, the meat sales team has expanded to 10 people, and the income has basically increased by 10 times. Of course, I am happy!

Because the little bit of unhappiness about entertaining the Qiu family is gone.

Ye Ming laughed: "You are really a money fan." After he said that, he heard the two babies in the room woke up, and immediately didn't have the heart to say anything else, so he hurriedly coaxed the children.


The next morning, Ye Xing came to help.

Seeing Hua Zhao, he first asked hello in embarrassment, and then asked if there was anything he could do.

"Have you ever been in the kitchen?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Xing shook his head awkwardly.

Hua Zhao guessed it would be like this, don't look at Zhou Lihua, but she is also a doting child. The boys of Liu Yuegui's family do not enter the kitchen, and her family's estimates are similar.

Or Miao Lanzhi's education policy is good, don't spoil, don't drown, first free-range, then let the state raise it, whatever it is to cultivate is whatever it is...

So Ye Ming and Ye Shen can cook, but their skills are limited.

"Then go chopping wood." Hua Zhao instructed.

Ye Xing went happily, he could do this job.

Seeing that he was also a good guy, Hua Zhao and Ye Shu looked at each other and shook their heads, but unfortunately they didn't have a good daughter-in-law.

Another hour later, Ye Cheng didn't come, Zhou Lihua came by herself.

Ye Cheng also has something to do today and can't go away. I heard that Ye Mao is here today, and Ye Mao is the host, so he will not come, and Zhou Lihua is the plenipotentiary representative.

"Oh, it's so fragrant, what are you doing delicious today?" Zhou Lihua went straight to the kitchen... Hua Zhao said in the kitchen.

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