Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 459: want to have a wedding here

"More than 50 people came to my house..." Qiu Mei said embarrassedly.

Hua Zhao was very surprised, which was really "sorry".

At this time, the in-law's family treats guests and the family's family's guests are separated. The family's family doesn't even treat guests. It's enough to send the daughter out. The relatives in my own family may have a meal together, but they will not feast on the guests.

The maiden's family will not go to the in-law's house to attend the wedding.

Food is still very precious, and everyone has this custom. Anyone who doesn't follow it is ignorant.

The Qiu family is good, more than 50 people have come from a long distance!

When ordinary people get married, their in-laws may not invite so many people.

Of course, neither of them are ordinary people.

Hua Zhao smiled and said nothing.

In fact, Qiu Mei is really embarrassed about this, it's a shame!

But when everyone comes, can she still drive away? Only gritted his teeth.

"That's right, I want to hold the wedding in this yard." Qiu Mei said cautiously, seeing Hua Zhao frowning, she immediately said, "You saw it too, our yard is so small that we can't hold a few tables at all. , It's so cold now, it's not suitable to put it in the yard. His grandfather's house may not agree with the old man... It's not suitable for the uncle's house, so I want to beg you..."

Hua Zhao said nothing.

Qiu Mei continued: "Don't worry, I'm just here to treat guests to dinner. When the guests leave, we don't live here, leave immediately and go back to our own house!"

Well, that's not impossible.

Hua Zhao also suddenly thought about the issue of getting married and entertaining guests. She didn't think about it before, but now that she thinks about it, she also thinks that they are the most suitable place to get married and treat guests.

This is about the face of the Ye family, because the Ye family is marrying a daughter-in-law.

And the small courtyard of Ye Cheng's house was a bit shabby to be honest.

Ye Zhenguo's and Ye Mao's courtyards were not good either. There was everyone for the banquet that day, and the two courtyards had to be registered, even children had to be registered, which was a bit of a hassle.

And their yard is really not as big as her family's, so it can't hold it.

Although she didn't know how many people the Ye family planned to invite, it was definitely not too few. Even if they didn't invite them, someone would have to come uninvited.

For the sake of the Ye family's face and Ye Xing being less annoying, Hua Zhao agreed.

"Really? Thank you!" The surprise on Qiu Mei's face was not fake at all.

Hua Zhao smiled.

Qiu Mei praised her for 10 minutes without any repetition.

Hua Zhao didn't want to talk to her any more, she still had half a piece of material left in her house. It's spring, and she's going to start preparing new clothes for the family.

Seeing that she meant to see off guests, Qiu Mei blushed and lowered her head.

"What? Is there anything else?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Yes, there is another small matter..." Qiu Mei whispered: "My grandparents, my parents, my uncles and aunts admire Grandpa Ye, and my uncle. They want to have a meal with them before getting married and meet them. I also want to, also want to be in this yard..."

Hua Zhao stared, good guy, married once and wanted them to invite them twice? Do you have to treat your mother's family alone? The Qiu family is really big!

"No!" Qiu Mei explained: "Only my grandparents, my parents, and a few aunts and uncles come. They are all immediate family members of my family. There are about ten people in total. It is my selfishness to entertain guests here. I feel that being here makes the Ye family value us even more..."

Hua Zhao didn't quite understand her reasons. To get the feeling of being lifted up, she should go to Old Master Ye or Ye Mao's house.

She is not "precious" here, she is just "proud". But no matter how arrogant she is, she is also her cousin, and she is not Ye Xing's own sister-in-law. No matter how arrogant her family is, what face can she give her?

But she has a deep generation gap with people of this era. Who knows what they think?

Anyway, there are only a dozen people, and then the grandfather and in-laws are called over for a meal.

But I'm not afraid that Qiu Mei will hit her house again.

Don't talk about her, even if Zhou Lihua dared to open her mouth again, Mr. Ye could sew her mouth on himself.

"Okay, when will you come? I'm ready." Hua Zhao said.

Qiu Mei's surprise this time was heavier than what she promised her to hold a wedding here before, and Hua Zhao was taken aback.

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