Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 449: lion open mouth

Hua Zhao didn't want to let go of Guazi's business. The money in her hand was actually not enough, and she couldn't achieve financial freedom at all.

For example, let her go out to sweep a circle of jade and add some energy to herself, it is estimated that it is really only enough to increase a little.

And now, another gem has been added.

She wanted to try to see if she could absorb the energy of the gem and upgrade the power of her right hand.

These things are luxuries.

So you still have to make money.

Hearing what Hua Zhao meant, I knew that she had seeds in her hands! He also planned to grow crops for their family. Li Xiaojiang was excited: "We can get 100 acres! It's just a lot!"

This is really a lot, and Hua Zhao is a little surprised.

Li Xiaojiang explained: "Our Lijia Village is related to each other. Except for my immediate family members, my seven aunts and eight aunts were persuaded by us to grow melon seeds together. There are more than 100 people in total, and every one in our village has more than 100 people. There are 2 points of private land under the person's name, plus the large yard of his own family, there are almost more than 100 acres."

"Then what do you do when you eat?" Hua Zhao asked.

Li Xiaojiang smiled: "Our Lijia Village is in the suburbs. It is a vegetable club, and the vegetable brigade is divided."

The land of the vegetable community does not grow food, only vegetables, and the vegetables in the capital are provided by the surrounding vegetable communities. The huge capital city needs too many dishes, so there are many vegetable clubs around.

The vegetable farmers of the vegetable community have a grain base, and they can buy and eat grain like the urbanites. The share is the same, and the variety is different. , then they will be halved and supplemented with coarse grains.

Don't ask why, that's it~

While eating vegetables, the vegetables are divided into social groups. Potato, eggplant, pepper, what to plant.

Therefore, their private plots and vegetable gardens are relatively free, unlike other rural areas, where they cannot eat vegetables unless they grow vegetables.

Of course, points are not given in vain, and work points are deducted, which is equivalent to spending money. Some people don't want to spend the money and grow their own.

But when cash crops are more suitable than vegetables, they are of course willing to grow cash crops.

The purchase price of melon seeds given by the Li family this year is 1 yuan and 2 yuan. The total amount of private land and yard of a family is about 2 mu, and the harvest is several hundred yuan.

And growing vegetables can save them 20 to 30 yuan of vegetable money, so every family is willing to grow melon seeds.

Believing their strength, Hua Zhao nodded.

"I will provide the seeds, and you will provide the labor. After deducting the cost of 1.2 per kilogram, I will pay 3 yuan for the rest." Hua Zhao said.

It can be said that the lion has a big mouth.

There was a total profit of 3.8 left, and she took half of it in one bite.

Li Xiaojiang didn't expect this to happen, he thought it would be five or five points, 1 yuan and 9 per family.

She can give them 2 yuan for the profit of popcorn, but only 8 cents for the melon seeds at the same selling price.

"Popcorn requires a lot of labor, and you pay a lot. You organize so many people to sell it every day, so I give you more." Hua Zhao said: "But melon seeds are different, you can also do wholesale. It doesn't require much labor, and the profit is small and the turnover is quick."

Even if you don't wholesale, you can sell it yourself, and the shipment will be very fast.

100 mu of land, according to her melon seed yield, can reach 500 to 600 catties per mu. With 100 mu of land, the Li family can get 40,000 to 50,000 yuan in one crop.

Too much.

She is not stingy, and she doesn't want to let others get rich, but the actions of the Li family make her very dissatisfied and uneasy.

Let them earn too much at once, she is afraid that they will think more.

It is the profit of 8 cents, which is given only when she knows how many points they have, otherwise she wants to give 4 cents.

Hua Zhao told Li Xiaojiang about the production of melon seeds in his family.

Facing Li Xiaojiang, she didn't say where the melon seeds were bought in the capital, she said that they were new varieties cultivated in her hometown.

Li Xiaojiang was convinced that he was born and raised in Beijing and still sold melon seeds. He knew that there was such a variety.

And these melon seeds were indeed brought by Zhang Guilan's mother and daughter.

"Five or six hundred catties per mu, that's so much!" Li Xiaojiang will also settle accounts. After hearing that, he can know the benefits by calculating in his heart.

He used to be busy earning four or five thousand a year, but now it has doubled 10 times, which is so exciting.

"Okay, that's it!" Li Xiaojiang said immediately.

8 hairs are 8 hairs. He figured it out. If he doesn't agree, he won't have a hair at all.

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