442 Strange Brooch

Hua Qiang naturally had photos back then. He took photos when his children were born and on their birthdays, and he also took photos with many comrades in arms.

However, these photos were destroyed when the relationship was severed that year. How could the Qi family keep these "criminal evidence"?

"My dad didn't like to take pictures back then..." Qi Shulan said for a while, suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise: "But there is one more, which is treasured by us!"

She said and went to the box.

Finally, I took out a rectangular wooden box at the bottom of the big wardrobe, opened it, and contained some photos and more precious gadgets.

Several gold and silver jewelry and a bracelet of poor quality, the only special thing is a European-style gemstone brooch, gold as the support, inlaid with colorful gemstones, forming the shape of a tree.

It is similar to the popular ornament "Tree of Life" in later generations, but I don't know that there are similar ornaments now. And this object looks old, and the gold has turned black.

Seeing Hua Zhao staring at the brooch, Qi Shulan gritted her teeth and picked it up: "If you like this, just play with it."

The window in the house was open, the sunlight shone in, and the light of the gemstone was still dazzling. Qi Xiaoxian was shaken a little, and when he found out what Qi Shulan was doing, he immediately called out "woo woo".

Qi Shulan really convinced her mother, she turned around to block what was in her hand, and stuffed it into Hua Zhao's hand: "Gu...I remembered that I haven't given you a gift yet, so I'll make it up now. Besides, you brought your precious medicine with you. I can't thank you enough for coming to see my mother, it's rare to see something worth a few hundred dollars."

This brooch is not big, the gold is only a dozen grams, and it is worth a few dozen yuan. As for the gems, they are not very big, they are all inlaid with broken gems, and they are worthless.

She secretly took this to a cultural relics store for identification, and they offered 300, but she was not willing to sell it. This thing is really good-looking, but no matter how good-looking she is, she can't take it out! Who dares to go out with jewelry now? Still such a flamboyant piece of jewelry.

The most important thing is that this thing came for nothing. According to my mother, it was a good friend of her cousin and gave it to her cousin. That girlfriend was from a big capitalist and was very rich. Later, during the war, the two Individuals are separated.

As for her mother's cousin, she had never met her. She was gone before she was born. Her mother said that this brooch was a birthday present from her cousin.

Anyway, it came for no money. Now using this little thing to please Hua Zhao, save her own life, and repair the relationship with Hua Zhao, what a good deal!

"I can't ask for this." Hua Zhao wanted to return the brooch to her: "The Ye family's medicinal wine can only be given away, not sold, and it can't be received, otherwise what would happen?"

Qi Shulan insisted not to accept it: "I don't send you this because of some medicinal wine, but because you are Hua Zhao, we all have the same blood in our bodies, the relationship between us, we don't admit it is one thing, outsiders seem to be different. It's one thing, no one can say anything if you take a gadget. Besides, I will never say anything about it!"

Qi Shulan had a rare sincerity today.

Because she really wants Hua Zhao to save her mother now, save her mother, even save her... She will also collapse.

Hua Zhao still doesn't want to accept it. She is short-handed and belongs to the Qi family. Why is she so reluctant to respond?

But suddenly, the brooch held in her hand for a long time became hot, and a scorching energy poured into her body along the palm of her hand.

The energy in the body was also instantly mobilized, swarming in, wrapping the energy, half of Hua Zhao's body was instantly hot and numb, and he couldn't move.

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