Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 433: his dad sure likes it

433 His dad definitely likes it

Li Xiaogang's eyes were rather obscure, he only glanced at Hua Zhao occasionally, but every time he glanced over her body, he finally stared at her chest.

That look is disgusting.

Hua Zhao is not a little white who doesn't understand anything, naturally he knows that this person is not a good bird, and frowns immediately.

Of course, Li Xiaojiang also knew who his cousin was. He pinched his hand on Li Xiaogang's lower waist, and then asked Hua Zhao as if nothing was wrong, "Is the child all right? like you."

Hua Zhao glanced at him unexpectedly. Although they had been working together for a few months, they were considered partners, but in fact she was not familiar with him, and it was Zhang Guilan who always contacted Li Xiaojiang.

Li Xiaojiang felt a little regretful when he finished speaking. He really regarded Zhang Guilan as his "sister". Every time he received money for delivery, he was also affectionate and natural, but he forgot that his daughter was not familiar with him.

"What the hell, it's definitely not good now, it's too cold, I guess I'll be able to hug it out in summer." Li Xiaojiang looked out the door and said, "What is my eldest sister doing? It's a big New Year's day, don't be too busy, just eat whatever you want. Just fine."

Hua Zhao came today and planned to invite him to a meal. After all, he was a partner. He made a lot of money through him and saved them a lot of trouble.

Of course, the main purpose is to beat him.

"Your generation is a bit messy." Hua Zhao smiled. Call her big sister, but call her mother big sister.

"Haha." Li Xiaojiang said with a smile: "To be honest, your mother is 2 years older than my eldest sister. I look at her with kindness, and I feel like she is like my own sister!"

The last sentence is definitely from the sincerity, Zhang Guilan also brought him a lot of fortune.

The two exchanged a few words, and Hua Zhao looked at the person next to Li Xiaojiang.

Li Xiaojiang immediately introduced: "This is my cousin, Li Xiaogang."

"I heard that your family has done a few sales, and now no one else is idle except you?" Hua Zhao asked with a smile. So, I didn't invite him, why did he come?

Today's banquet for Li Xiaojiang was agreed before, and there is no delivery today, so there is no need to bring someone to pull the goods.

Li Xiaojiang's face was a little embarrassed, he didn't agree with Li Xiaogang coming, but he wanted to come. Moreover, he had been to this place before, and if he could find it, he couldn't stop it at all.

As for Li Xiaogang's thoughts, he more or less guessed that it was for Zhang Guilan...

Of course, it's not his own ideas. Li Xiaogang is in his 20s, and he is married and has children.

But how many years have his mother died, his father Li Er is still single.

Before Li Xiaogang and several siblings had always disagreed with their father's remarriage, but Zhang Guilan's appearance made them change their minds.

Thinking of this Li Xiaojiang, he was stunned. Although Li Er was his uncle, he had one thing to say. Whoever married Li Er would be **** mildew for eight lifetimes.

No, he had to talk to his "sister" secretly.

Zhang Guilan pushed open the door and came in, holding a plate of vegetables in his hand, and the people in front of Liu behind him didn't have any empty hands.

Not only the ingredients are rich, but the method is even more innovative. It looks better than the restaurant. Anyway, neither of them have eaten or seen it before.

"It's delicious! It's delicious at first sight! Sister, your craftsmanship is so good!" Li Xiaojiang praised.

Zhang Guilan laughed: "What are you calling me, you have to call me auntie, or my daughter will have to call you uncle?"

"Hey, let's talk about our own!" Li Xiaojiang laughed.

Hua Zhao looked at him and his mother, and it seemed that the two had a really good relationship. And Li Xiaojiang's eyes are also sincere. Anyway, with her Taoism, she can't see anything wrong so far.

Either this person is extremely hypocritical, or he can pay.

As for Li Xiaogang next to him who started staring at Zhang Guilan again, don't let her see him again next time!

Li Xiaogang looked at Zhang Guilan. It was only a year later, and she seemed to have nourished her again. Her face was red and she looked like she was in her 30s.

And this craft is really good, much better than his dead mother, his father must like it.

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