Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 425: Qi Xiaoxian came to the door

425 I'm the one

Liu Yuegui's expression was suddenly a little unnatural, but she still said: "I didn't like it, that Qi Linlin looks good, she is well-educated and beautiful, but Qi Lingling is a little naive..."

The calculations on her face are overflowing, do you really think she is a housewife who doesn't understand anything?

And the elder sister didn't know to stop her when she talked too much, she only knew to apologize afterwards, which seemed to be knowledgeable and reasonable, not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Liu Yuegui knew about the relationship between Hua Zhao and the Qi family, and she said it now because she was afraid that the Qi family would come back to her as a lobbyist, and she would be embarrassed.

"It's great not to be in a relationship." Hua Zhao exaggeratedly breathed a sigh of relief: "My grandfather doesn't like the Qi family either. I'm afraid you're in a relationship, and I'll be stuck in the middle."

Liu Yuegui laughed immediately, this child really can talk.

Hua Zhao spoke the truth, she just did those things that the Qi family did back then. Even if her grandfather forgave them in terms of blood, she would not forgive them.

"By the way, for the Chinese New Year tomorrow, the brothers and sisters of the Qi family didn't come to find your grandfather to go back with them for the New Year?" Liu Yuegui asked curiously.

She is also quite gossip. The life of a housewife is very boring, and she relies on these gossip to make a living...

Hua Zhao shook his head: "We hadn't come yet when we left, but I think they should come."

How could Qi Baoguo and Qi Shulan, who are so good at working in camps, pass up such a good opportunity?

After they came to the door and were sent away, they took a few days to rest and nourish their faces, and came again.

But maybe because they were afraid of annoying her, they all went in and sat down, had a cup of tea, and left, only 5 minutes before and after, and never said anything bad.

Hua Zhao is not good at expelling people.

She guessed that when she walked on the front foot, they had to come to the door on the back foot.

Sure enough, she was right. She had just been out for an hour, and all the Qi brothers and sisters were on the field.

This time, Qi Baoguo and Qi Shulan both brought their respective objects.

Most importantly, Qi Xiaoxian also came.

Qi Xiaoxian was not too young. He was in his sixties, with short hair combed over his neck, neatly tied behind his head with a black hairpin, revealing a serious face.

The appearance is not ugly, and the beauty of youth can be seen from the facial features. It just doesn't look like laughing, his eyes are cold, there are deep nasolabial lines on his mouth, and he has a bad temper.


It was Zhang Guilan who opened the door.

She did know the Qi brothers and sisters, but she didn't know the old lady standing at the front, but she guessed it as soon as she thought about it.

This is the step-mother-in-law she once might have existed...

It's embarrassing enough.

Being watched by Qi Xiaoxian coldly, Zhang Guilan also showed a hint of embarrassment on her face, but she stood still.

"Are you here to find Mr. Hua?" she asked.

"Otherwise, I'm still here to find you?" Qi Xiaoxian said immediately. She also guessed Zhang Guilan's identity, the ex-wife of her stepson.

Qi Xiaoxian despises Hua Qiang in his heart, one of the reasons is because he is a second marriage and has a wife and children in front of him.

She was such a good girl back then, but behind the door, she became a stepmother!

Hua Qiang once wanted to take Hua Feng to the capital to live with them many times, but she refused to agree, and the relationship between the two became more and more tense.

She felt that she and Hua Qiang were able to get to where they are today, and that Hua Feng, the stepson, "has made a great contribution"!

Coupled with Zhang Guilan's identity as a remarriage and come back, she even despised her.

Zhang Guilan felt more at ease after her confrontation. She doesn't like her, she doesn't like her even more!

She heard Hua Zhao say what the Qi family did back then, but she thought she couldn't do it.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Mr. Hua if he can see guests today," Zhang Guilan said.

Qi Xiaoxian's eyebrows rose immediately: "You dare to stop me?!"

Zhang Guilan smiled. She was no longer the rural woman who was beaten and scolded every day and shrunken her shoulders.

Her daughter is married to a wealthy family, and everyone in the family treats her politely. What is Qi Xiaoxian?

The courtesy of the Ye family allowed her to slowly develop her courage. The money in her pocket made her more confident.

"When the guests come to the door, shouldn't I go and inform the host? I heard that this is the rule of the big family in the capital, don't you know?" Zhang Guilan would actually imply that the other party was a small family.

Not to mention Qi Xiaoxian, even Qi Baoguo and Qi Shulan were shocked.

The Zhang Guilan they had met before was like a servant, walking around beside Hua Zhao, either pouring water or cooking. I didn't expect to be so eloquent!

"Besides, Mr. Hua doesn't meet everyone, and 9 out of 10 people are blocked from the door. How do I know what kind of person you belong to if I don't ask?" Zhang Guilan said again.

But this is the truth. Hua Qiang really doesn't see everyone, but Ye Shu was the one who sent people away in the past.

Qi Xiaoxian was about to explode, and he stepped forward to tear Zhang Guilan, but Qi Baoguo and Qi Shulan quickly stopped him.

"Mom, we don't know her in the same way for the Chinese New Year." Qi Shulan said.

"Mom, we have business today." Qi Baoguo said, then put on a smile and said to Zhang Guilan: "Sister-in-law, we are all a family, it's not appropriate for you to keep us out of the door, right? Besides, every time we If you come here, you can enter the door, if Dad knows that you stop us, he will not be happy."

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