Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 410: she doesn't want to die

410 She doesn't want to die

On the bed lay a haggard-looking woman, with her hair scattered on her face, her face was unrecognizable, only her high cheekbones could be seen.

A dark rag was stuffed into the woman's mouth, and she was wrapped in a thick sheet. Outside the sheet was a wide strip of cloth, which tied her whole body to the bed.

She couldn't move, couldn't shout, and obviously couldn't eat or drink, so there was such a strong smell in the room.

Or, is it not the smell of excrement, but the smell of corpses?

Liu Chunyan was trembling all over, but she couldn't move her footsteps, she couldn't even look away, she was dumbfounded.

Growing up, she had never seen such a terrible thing!

The corpse isn't scary, the scary thing is, it's a corpse tied to a bed...murder!

Suddenly, "corpse" opened his eyes.

Those eyes were dark and silent, more terrifying than the dead.

Liu Chunyan was so frightened that she sat on the ground.

Xu Mei was also surprised that she was an outsider? She thought it was the Feng family who came to see if she was dead.

an outsider...

The dead eyes suddenly burst into an amazing brilliance.

Xu Mei began to struggle.

Her head can still move, and she makes a whimpering sound.

It's not dead, it's not cheating, it's not dead yet!

Liu Chunyan suddenly gained strength, got up from the ground, and regardless of the dirty smell in the room, rushed over and pulled out the rag from her mouth.

At such a close distance, she finally determined that it was really Xu Mei, but she almost didn't recognize it.

She has seen Xu Mei, not very beautiful, but definitely not ugly, but now this woman... She dare not give her a second look.

"How are you? Is there anything wrong?" Liu Chunyan asked.

"Save me..." Xu Mei said hoarsely.

She doesn't want to die.

No matter what happened, she didn't want to die!

"Okay, I'll save you, save you..." Liu Chunyan reached out to untie the straps on her body, but they were all tight, and she couldn't untie them.

Downstairs, a voice suddenly came. It was the woman who had just called Mother Feng to buy meat. She was cursing there, saying that the meat was sold out and they didn't catch up.

"Damn it, my cousin is back!" Liu Chunyan cried out in horror.

She is thinking very fast now. She is afraid of meeting Feng's mother, and they all dare to kill... As a result, she runs into her, will they kill her together?

She is afraid.

"You go, go and find... Ye Shu, save me." Xu Mei suddenly said.

Liu Chunyan's eyes lit up, and she felt that she should say, "Hey!"

She can pretend she doesn't know anything, get out of here, and then find someone to save her! Then she'd be safe.

Liu Chunyan is only 19 years old this year, and she is considered a bold and careful person. Before she left, she turned around and stuffed the rag into Xu Mei's mouth again.

"Don't worry, I'll find someone to save you!" she said and ran out.

Her tutor does not allow her to turn a blind eye to such a thing!

She ran back to the sofa and sat down, took a few breaths, and drank a few more sips of water before she felt the heartbeat in her throat drop back.

But it still hit her eardrum.

Mother Feng opened the door and came in. She was very satisfied to see Liu Chunyan sitting in the original seat, watching TV with relish.

But her expression was also not good, and she didn't buy meat.

These people are crazy! I heard that a pig is sold out in 10 minutes! When she arrived, there was no more water.

"Cousin, where did my uncle visit?" Liu Chunyan asked.

"Going to the He's house." Mother Feng paused and said, "I see my grandson is gone."

Externally, the Feng family did not dare to speak out about He Shuangshuang, not only because of He Jianning's threat, but also because of the Feng family's shame.

"Why did my cousin suddenly get divorced? Xiaofeng is too pitiful to have children," Liu Chunyan said.

Mother Feng snorted and said nothing.

She doesn't like hearing about this topic?

Liu Chunyan continued to ask and ask around this topic, and Feng's mother's face was obviously impatient.

Only then did Liu Chunyan react suddenly, and then stood up awkwardly: "Well, maybe my uncle will have dinner at the He's house at noon today and won't come back. If not, I'll leave first and come back later in the year."

"Alright, say hello to your parents for me, and when you come together again after the new year, my aunt will treat you well." Feng Mu said with a smile.

"Hey!" Liu Chunyan left in embarrassment.

Mother Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. The house is really not suitable for visitors now, and there is always a faint smell in the house.

She didn't want to wipe Xu Mei's feces and urine, and waited on her to keep her clean!

So Father Feng and Feng Long both hid out, so that no one would come to visit.

Mother Feng locked the door again, then pushed open Feng Long's bedroom, glanced at Xu Mei who was motionless on the bed like a corpse, and closed the door again.

It's really cheap, resisting creation, and still not dying after so many days.


Liu Chunyan turned her bicycle into a hot wheel. She fell a few times when she encountered ice on the road, and even lost the basket.

Today is the big brother who suddenly asked her to see Xu Mei, maybe he knows something?

"Big brother! It's a life!" Liu Chunyan shouted when she saw Liu Chunyang.

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