Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 405: Borrow a place to marry him

405 Borrow a place to marry him

Entering the room, Zhou Lihua said straight to the point: "Dad, Brother Xing's work has been transferred to the capital, and he can go to work after the new year. We want to hold a wedding for Brother Xing in the capital."

One sentence surprised everyone else.

Except for Ye Cheng, all the Ye family men frowned.

"Why don't you guys discuss such a big matter with me!" Ye Zhenguo roared immediately.

Zhou Lihua didn't speak, but she had already rolled her eyes in her heart.

Did they talk less to him? How many times did they beg him? Every year I write letters to beg him, and every year I go home to beg him every year. Just don't arrange work for Ye Xing and the others!

Well, if he doesn't do it, they will do it themselves!

This time, Zhou Lihua also became ruthless. The eldest family is in the capital, and the family is close to the water. Seeing that the whole family is prosperous, she has to send her son back even if she breaks the pot and sells iron!

So she spent 5,000 yuan, went through a relationship, and finally found a job for Ye Xing in the capital.

Her thoughts were all on her face, she didn't hide it, everyone saw it.

Ye Cheng just lowered his head.

He thought so too.

Ye Zhenguo suddenly leaned back on the chair in disappointment.

Did he do something wrong? For so many years, he put the third child at the grassroots level, and wanted him to be down-to-earth, step by step, and work hard in his career, and then accumulate a lot!

With real credit, no matter how high the seat is, you can sit firmly! And there is room for growth.

As a result, he didn't see much in his career, and his life at the grassroots level had worn out his vision and pattern.

He is in his early fifties, but at this age he only has this consciousness.

Ye Zhenguo suddenly lost his interest, and the third child was afraid that he would be useless.

Ye Mao knew his father's mood, and he also understood why his father did it. He also walked step by step back then. And his family, Ye Ming, was also trained like this. Can they not see it when he is still a teacher in his 30s?

Why can't the third child understand?

The atmosphere was a little dull.

Ye Ming opened his mouth to ease the embarrassment: "What kind of job did Brother Xing find?"

Said that Zhou Lihua is not very satisfied, 5000 yuan is only enough for Ye Xing to transfer from Xijing to Beijing, not enough to find him a good job like Ye Ming.

"He is in the railway department and is in charge of scheduling." Zhou Lihua said.

This work is not too bad at this time, and now the railway is almost the only lifeline of transportation, and the management and dispatching rights are not small.

Of course, it is not yet open. Freight is dispatched by the state, and the oil and water are small. In the future, when private enterprises develop and the demand for logistics is large, people who ask them to arrange a wagon can queue up overnight outside the door.

It was beautiful then.

But now, that's it. And compared with the Ye family's family background, it's really not that good. So Zhou Lihua was dissatisfied, thinking that Ye Zhenguo would help him and give him a better one. It would be best if he could enter a certain department.

"Brother Ming, is your unit still recruiting people? If you have good things, think of your brother! When the time comes, the two of you will be together, so you can take care of them." Zhou Lihua said.

Just say the old man is biased! Ye Ming was admitted to most of the department, and even if he was an officer, he was superior to others when he went out. In the end, he was also a descendant of the Ye family, and her son dealt with the train skin every day!

Ye Ming smiled: "I didn't find this job at home. I saw the ministry recruiting people and took the exam myself."

He is a university teacher. First of all, he has a diploma, and he teaches philosophy and has a good level of writing. He can also speak three foreign languages, which is exactly what the ministries need.

Ye Xing.....Ye Ming shook his head in his heart, Ye Xing was very active and hard to study since he was a child. Originally, he wanted to join the army like the rest of the Ye family, but Zhou Lihua refused to give up, Ye Xing couldn't turn her around, so he went to his home to arrange work.

And he just graduated from high school.

At this time, the ministries and commissions had to graduate from college to recruit people, unless it was a job like a security guard and a cook.

Zhou Lihua didn't care about this, she just felt that the Ye family refused to help, and her face was a little ugly.

"Since the job has been decided, it can't be changed without going a day." Miao Lanzhi said, "Let's talk about marriage first. I haven't had time to ask Qiu Mei, how old is he? What does the family do?"

Why let the daughter come to her future husband's house alone to visit relatives? Also too modest.

Anyway, she will never let Ye Shu do this, if Ye Shu dares to do it privately, she will discount her legs!

Speaking of Qiu's family, Zhou Lihua was even more angry and didn't want to talk more.

It's not because they dragged them out to prevent them from returning to the capital, that they would marry someone like the Qiu family!

"It's a small family in Xijing. Her grandfather is a retired, and her father and uncle are in charge of several departments." Zhou Lihua said: "She is 20 this year, and has known Brother Xing for 2 years. It's time to get married."

In fact, it had to end.

The subjects have been in the house for two years, an unprecedented time now, and they are well known locally.

What does it mean to not get married after two years? It's a hooligan!

Moreover, she felt very wronged. If her son was really "playing a hooligan", she would recognize it, but she said that her son was not even that far after being beaten to death.

She believes in her son.

But before that step, she had to pinch her nose to recognize the daughter-in-law she despised. She was so angry! I always feel like I'm being ripped off.

"The wedding is going to be held in the capital." Miao Lanzhi asked, "Where is Brother Xing's house divided?"

Zhou Lihua smiled to please: "He has changed units and is a newcomer. How can he get a house? We were thinking of borrowing a place to marry him."

Oh~~ Ye Shu suddenly felt like the dust had settled, so it was.

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