Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 401: Why are you not married yet?

401 Why are you not married?

Qiu Mei lowered her head and pointed her finger at a loss, as if she didn't know what to do with embarrassment.

Ye Shu also found her and asked bluntly, "Why didn't you go with them?"

Qiu Mei's face also turned red: "I, I got up slowly just now. When I chased out, I couldn't see them anymore. I don't know where to find them..."

"Oh." Ye Shu looked at her sympathetically.

It was the first time I saw a relative, and before she was officially introduced, such an embarrassing thing happened, if she had gone home earlier. It's a pity that Qiu Mei's family is thousands of miles away, and she can't go back if she wants to, so she can only "disgrace" here.

Hua Zhao was looking at Qiu Mei, and the corners of his mouth curved.

She has good eyes, she could see clearly just now, when Ye Jiayeli rushed out, Qiu Mei also stood up, but as soon as her buttocks left the chair, she sat back again, and then seemed to be stunned for a long time before she reacted and got up to chase out.

For so long, Ye Cheng's family walked out of the alley.

But even so, it was a long street after leaving the alley, and without turning a corner for a long time, Qiu Mei should have found Ye Cheng's family after chasing out of the alley.

But she came back.

That is, they didn't chase out the alley at all, or they did it on purpose.


"Hua'er, the child is hungry, come and feed!" Miao Lanzhi shouted in the back room.

"Hey, here we come!" Hua Zhao couldn't even think about Qiumei Dongmei anymore.

The two little guys were exhausted today and had been playing for almost 2 hours. Yunfei slept immediately after eating and drinking, which was very coaxing.

Only Cui Wei had difficulty putting it down, and woke up as soon as she put it down.

This is spoiled by Ye Ming.

Strange to say, Ye Ming held the two children for about the same time, but Cuiwei was squeamish and couldn't let it go.

"Brother, if you messed up something good, you can take care of the aftermath yourself." Hua Zhaohu came out looking for Ye Ming with a face.

Ye Ming immediately went in with a guilty conscience: "I'm here, I'll coax her to sleep!" But in his heart, he felt that Cuiwei was smarter, and he knew how to enjoy life at such a young age, while Yunfei was stupid, and he only needed to eat and drink.

When he left, Hua Zhao sat next to Ye Shen with a smile and looked at him.

In fact, Cuiwei just needs someone to hold her to sleep. It doesn't have to be Ye Ming. She also wants Ye Ming to get along with the children more.

Wen Jing still didn't come today, and she also knew her attitude towards the Wen family's work. The more she disliked her, the less she wanted to help her.

In the end, it was only Ye Ming who suffered.

She can only make up for him in this way.

After listening to Ye Shen and Ye An chatting for a while, Hua Zhao was sleepy. She recently developed the habit of taking naps.

But the guests at home have to make arrangements.

"Are you going to take a nap or talk for a while? I'll prepare something to eat for you?" Hua Zhao asked Ye An and the others.

Ye An also knows that Ye Shen is currently recovering from his injuries. Although he seems to be fine, maybe he is supporting him?

Liu Yuegui also said, "Sister-in-law, otherwise we'll go to your house to rest first. I've been in the car all day and night, and my waist will break."

Miao Lanzhi was not polite and wanted to take them back to their home in person.

It was like this every year. The second family came and stayed at her house, and the third family lived at Ye Zhenguo's.

Not biased, that's it.

Fortunately, the Ye Shang family didn't care. It's been like this for many years, and they're used to it.

It is now that there is more Qiu Mei.

Miao Lanzhi frowned and brought her back to her home? She was a little reluctant, this is Zhou Lihua's daughter-in-law, Zhou Lihua treats her daughter-in-law like that, but she treats Zhou Lihua's daughter-in-law like a guest? She's not that generous.

Leave her in Hua Zhao's place? That's even more impossible.

Ye Shu guessed her mother's thoughts, stood up and said, "I'll take her to the third uncle's place." Her life is so hard.

"Well, it's the most suitable for you, so we'll go first." Miao Lanzhi happily took Liu Yuegui and her mother away after saying that.

Looking at it this way, the three children in my family are the most promising, the most worry-free, and the most... oh, Ye Shu is divorced, so it's not so worry-free, but fortunately, she has discernment and is caring.

After everyone left, Ye Shu started to get dressed, ready to send Qiu Mei.

However, Qiu Mei did not move.

She asked nervously: "I'm going there now, will it be bad?"

Ye Shu made a move, yes, now there is only the third uncle's family in the grandfather's family. At this time, I am afraid that it has already been noisy. Qiu Mei is not Zhou Lihua's daughter-in-law now, even if it is, seeing that situation, I am afraid that Bad for her.

Even now, the third aunt might have hated this daughter-in-law who had seen her make a fool of herself.

"Then sit for a while." Ye Shu said. Just send her back before going to bed at night. It is estimated that they have finished arguing by that time.

Qiu Mei lowered her head.

Ye Xing's mother is right, Ye's father's house, he really cares about his family, no one can interfere in this big yard.

After Ye Ming coaxed the children out of the inner room, he whispered to them: "The children are asleep, so keep your voice down."

I heard that Mother Wen and Wen Ruo came last time, which scared the child to tears and felt sorry for him for a long time.

Ye Shen looked at the elder brother and sighed, the elder brother sometimes thinks more and does more than his biological father, but he feels that sometimes doing too much is not necessarily a good thing.

Hua Zhao also felt the same way: "Cuiwei's ailments are all accustomed to eldest brother, and now he can't even speak loudly, is this a new habit to get used to?"

It is not good for children to sleep too quietly, so that they will be startled if there is a sound.

"Haha." Ye Ming just smirked, he knew that Hua Zhao wasn't really angry.

Hua Zhao told him the reason, and Ye Ming thought about it for a while and felt that she was right, and corrected it immediately, saying in a normal voice, "I was wrong, I will change it."

He has a good temper and loves children.

Qiu Mei's eyes sparkled, and she asked curiously, "Brother, you like children so much, why aren't you married yet?"

A word makes the air crisp.

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