Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 388: Get rid of this old face

388 I will go personally

Hearing the earth-shattering cry of the child, Miao Lanzhi and Ye Shu immediately rushed over, followed by Zhang Guilan and Si Xiaozhi.

Even Hua Qiang and Ye Shen, who were playing chess in the backyard, ran over.

They had never heard the two children tugging at their necks and crying like this. Before they were too hungry, they only said a few words. When someone was in charge, they shut up immediately so as not to waste their energy.

This time they saw the loud voices of the two babies.

"What's wrong?" Miao Lanzhi hugged and coaxed again and again, but the baby in her hand was snatched away by Ye Shen skillfully.

Seeing the little girl crying out of breath, her face turned red, he felt that his heart was crumpled into a ball.

Ye Shen glanced at the mother and daughter of the Wen family coldly, who else could they be!

"We didn't touch them. Without moving a finger, it's normal for children to cry when they wake up." Wen Ruo quickly explained when she saw Ye Shen's eyes.

She also glared at Hua Zhao and the child in her arms. The two children were too squeamish, and an adult could scare them with a single word!

Like her family's children, she didn't even wake up from the quarrel with Li Tong.

That is, from childhood training out.

"I guess I'm hungry, Xiaohua, hurry up and feed the child." Miao Lanzhi said to Hua Zhao, in fact, she was driving people away.

People are going to breastfeed, who would be embarrassed to stick here?

But the Wenjia mother and daughter are just fine.

The goal has not been achieved, so I cannot go. A bottle of 1500, 2000, or even more, a few bottles is a big house! Where to go?

With such a big temptation looming in front of them, Hua Zhao could listen to them no matter how badly they said it.

Hua Qiang and Zhang Guilan saw that the child was not injured, but lost his temper for some unknown reason. Now in the arms of their parents, their crying has gradually subsided, so they went out with confidence, but they all read the text when they left. Mother and daughter eyes.

They don't move? Pretend not to understand? Miao Lanzhi got angry and said directly: "My daughter-in-law is going to breastfeed, you should avoid it for a while."

"Everyone is a woman, so you're afraid to look at it? What's there to avoid?" Mother Wen said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm very particular about people, no one can see it except my man!" Hua Zhao said.

This sentence was a bit "vulgar", everyone in the room made a big red face, and Ye Shen felt a little embarrassed.

As a result, the mother and daughter of the Wen family were still sitting still.

Miao Lanzhi walked over and directly pulled up Wenmu and pushed the person out.

Wen Ruo didn't dare to be stunned under Ye Shen's stare, and went out in despair.

When the people left, Ye Shen immediately sat next to Hua Zhao: "What did they do?"

"It's okay, it's just screaming, scaring the child." Hua Zhao pouted.

"What's wrong with them?" Ye Shen asked again.

He had never met the Wen family twice in total, but he vaguely remembered hearing from his mother that the Wen family could not afford to be without profit, and there must be something wrong when they came to the door, and they could not leave empty-handed if they had nothing to do.

Originally, he didn't believe it, his brother's eyesight shouldn't be that bad, but this time he's seen it, so he won't leave.

"You said you want a few bottles of medicinal wine." Hua Zhao emphasized on the bottles.

Really big face.

It's not that she doesn't know about the situation of medicinal wine outside. Although she said no matter, Ye Ming will tell her about the current situation every week.

He gave the medicinal wine to so-and-so, what agreement was reached. By the way, let her analyze "So-and-so", so that she has a general understanding of the Ye family's connections and the situation in the capital.

This is a treatment that Ye Shu and the other Ye family girls do not have.

As for the price on the black market outside, Hua Zhao naturally knew it.

The people who gave 1,500 to the Wen family were fooling them. In fact, yesterday's price had reached 3,000, but there was no market for it.

In fact, the medicinal wine that the Ye family gave out was not the one she gave to the Ye family at that time, otherwise, if you add a drop to a cup, that bottle will be enough for them to drink for a year!

And in that case, they can't divide 20 bottles a month, so they diluted it a little, and the concentration sent out is only a quarter of the original.

Even so, the effect is very powerful, enough.

Hua Zhao wants to make a fortune with this...but think about it, it's okay, the benefits that the Ye family has exchanged, but no amount of money can buy it.

And 3000, she felt cheap. 300,000 is about the same~~ But at this price, even He Jianning can't afford it. If he says it, he will be beaten.


Mother Wen was pushed out, but she didn't cry to Miao Lanzhi anymore, because she knew that her trick would not work for women, especially Miao Lanzhi, who actually looked down on her!

Pooh! Isn't that just marrying a good man, or who is more noble than who is not necessarily!

Mother Wen took Wen Ruo away, and when she returned to Wen's house, she naturally scolded Hua Zhao.

Although it's not lunch break now, the Wen family's sons are together again.

They have to wait here, otherwise the mother and sister really got the things back, how do they know how to divide it?

Wen Ruo's appetite is not small.

"Dad, what should I do now?" Wen Ming asked anxiously.

He is the most urgent need for a house in this family. Although he has just been married for two years and lives in the smallest room in the family, he has already had a child for a few months, and he is really going to be disturbed to death every night.

Wenda's needs are not weak. He already has 2 children, and his wife is pregnant again. He really can't live in the house. Is it really possible to let the children live in the living room? Is it embarrassing for the visitor to see it?

He wants to buy a house too!

This requires money.

Wen Ping was actually annoyed by several children in the family. Although his grandson was good, but when they gathered together, he was either crying or making trouble. His brain hurt.

He also hopes to live a sober life. When he thinks about which grandson, he will be taken over to live alone for two days.

"I'll give up this old face, and go to Ye's house to ask for it." Wen Ping is a man of action.

At this time, Hua Zhao said that no one would sell his family. Before she could convey it, she wanted to wait for Ye Ming to come and tell him.

After all, it would be better for her to explain it herself if she didn't give face to his father-in-law.

As a result, Ye Ming was on a business trip again, and it would take several days to return.

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