Qi Shulan shook her head.

Qi Xiaoxian's face suddenly collapsed: "He, he is still holding grudges! I will reason with him! What grudges or grudges come to me! Why are you angry with you?"

She rushed out angrily.

In the past, she couldn't keep her face down and took the initiative to ask Hua Qiang for peace, and there was no need for that, just an old man who was dying. But now, Hua Qiang is up again, and she has to reconsider his value.

Qi Baoguo stopped her: "Mom, it's useless, he can't get oil or salt now."

"I don't believe it, he won't get in if I go!" Qi Xiaoxian was very confident.

Back then, when one of her eldest young ladies married him a second-married man, and gave him children and children, and let him rise to the fore, he would have to be grateful to her for the rest of his life! He owed her all his life.

Qi Baoguo didn't have the **** self-confidence: "That's the Ye family, it's not appropriate for you to quarrel there."

"Isn't that his house? Didn't he trade ginseng for the back half of the yard?" Qi Xiaoxian asked.

Qi Shulan pouted: "His are Hua Zhao's, Hua Zhao's, isn't it Ye's family? It has nothing to do with us." The last sentence was sour.

"He dares!" Qi Xiaoxian slapped the table angrily: "The law stipulates that children inherit the family business. He has children and daughters, when will it be his granddaughter's turn! He doesn't care if he talks about it! I'll go find him!"

Qi Baoguo still stopped him: "Let's wait for a few days, wait for the medicinal liquor thing to settle down, and then there must be a lot of people staring there recently. You go there now, and everyone in the capital will laugh at it."

This sentence works, Qi Xiaoxian is honest all of a sudden, she wants face the most.

Qi Jianghai was finally able to interject.

"Does he really have that medicinal wine? It's so miraculous? Have you seen it?" he asked anxiously.

"It should be true, he admitted." Qi Shulan said: "And the effect of the medicine should be good. I saw my father this time, and his complexion was really much better. He looked like a healthy person, and he was even a lot younger. The hair has turned a lot darker."

she wondered.

It's only been three or four months since I came back from Kuoshantun, and it's amazing how Hua Qiang looks 10 years younger.

The Qi family is breathing heavily. If they have this medicinal wine, how many contacts can they make?

Who is not afraid of death? The older you get, the more people with higher status are more afraid of death. If you don't want to die, you have to come and beg them. At that time...the majority of the capital, they will have the final say!

"Don't think about the good things." Qi Shulan interrupted their sweet dreams: "We just heard that there is this medicinal wine, but he didn't even look at us, saying that the thousand-year-old ginseng with the wine was sent to the Ye family. !"

"Oops!" Qi Jianghai suddenly stuttered: "For the sake of a granddaughter, even Jiangshan was sent out, it's too much of a loser!"

Qi Xiaoxian wanted to have a good fight with Hua Qiang, and then taught Hua Zhao, a granddaughter, without the self-consciousness of being a granddaughter, he just wanted to covet things from his uncle and aunt!

Qi Jiang, the eldest of the Qi family, said, "He said that the medicinal wine was made from thousand-year-old ginseng? How many thousand-year-old ginseng does he have?"

"That's what he said, but he won't tell us how much." Qi Shulan said angrily, "We all knelt down and begged him, but we didn't even ask for a beard."

In Qi's family, she likes to speak very much. It seems that only in this way can she show her status and show that she is not guilty. After all, her original surname is Hua.

Suddenly, she thought, if she had always been surnamed Hua, would the result be different now?

"Frozen three feet is not a day's cold." Qi Chuan, the second child, said: "It is not an overnight thing to win back my uncle's heart. From now on, I will live in the capital, walk around frequently, and slowly my feelings will come back."

As he spoke, he glanced at Qi Xiaoxian, and seeing that she had no objection, he knew it.

She wants to reconcile with Hua Qiang now.

Otherwise, his "uncle" would have caused his aunt to blow up the temple.

My aunt is very good and can handle it clearly. Now Hua Qiang is more valuable than before.

The Qi family members were quite "clear". They had just been stabbed, and Qi Baoguo and Qi Shulan also took a day off, and came back the next day.

This time, I won't say anything irritating, just talk about family affairs and parenting, and leave after sitting for ten or twenty minutes without any sloppiness.

On the other hand, it would be even more difficult to deal with slipping or yo-yo, which annoyed Hua Zhao.

They come every day, but Zhang Guilan dare not come to this yard to fry popcorn.

Her own small courtyard is even more daring. Surrounded by large courtyards, there are many people with different eyes. Every day, if they are stimulated by the fragrance, they will jump out of the old four and five.

Fortunately, Li Xiaojiang was clever. Seeing that the supply was low in the past few days, he was anxious. After asking the reason, he immediately found an abandoned small factory for Zhang Guilan at the third ring road. The small factory was abandoned, and the kitchen should be repaired. It can be used, and there are few people around, so it doesn't matter how far the fragrance is.

It's just tossing back and forth every day, but Zhang Guilan doesn't care at all.

"It would be great if you could hire someone, but you have to be at ease, someone who won't pry the business." Hua Zhao sighed after finishing speaking, she knew that now, there are too few such people.

First, there are very few people who are willing to be hired by them without reporting them. Second, such a person must have absolute loyalty and conscience. Is it a dream?

Ye Shen did suddenly say, "How many do you want?"

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