Hua Xiaoyu didn't let her smash it open.

Outside, she opened the window and listened.

Damn Hua Zhao! I told her to keep it a secret! Save the shit! Everyone knows it!

Hua Zhao really didn't think of this. Who shouldn't be secretive when doing that? The movement was so big that the neighbors knew, she really didn't expect it.

And she just made sure that the people who handled it were silent, and that this matter would not be spread from the government, so that everyone would know it. As for the neighbor's mouth, she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

She also forgot the environment at this time. The relationship between neighbors is close, and there are no secrets. If a neighbor knows it, a large courtyard knows it, a hutong knows it, and the next hutong knows it, and then continue to develop. ....

It's not the time when you don't know what people are called after more than ten years of door-to-door.

Mrs. Zhang cursed outside the door for half an hour, but Hua Xiaoyu didn't come to open the door.

Mrs. Zhang couldn't get over the courtyard wall with her skills, so she had to scold and leave, and went to the police station to find someone.

As a result, the police said no.

If they say no, there is no, and Mrs. Zhang believes it.

Where are the two sons? Isn't he still in Hua Xiaoyu's house... dead?

Mrs. Zhang's legs were too weak to stand, and she staggered back to Zhang's house, only to be stopped halfway.

"Are you Liu Jinhua? Are Zhang Jun and Zhang Xiaojun your sons?" the man in uniform asked.

Old four and five or something, of course not a big name. The other two sons of Mrs. Zhang are called Dajun Erjun.

"Yes, it's my son! What happened to them?" Madam Zhang froze when she saw this dress. Did your son really do something wrong?

"Come with us, I'll take you to see them," the man said.

Mrs. Zhang got into a car on the side of the road with someone. The car did not leave the city, but went to another district and arrived at the door of a large public unit.

The police station does not detain such prisoners, and the change of place is of course also for the sake of confidentiality.

Mrs. Zhang saw Zhang Xiaowu, but not Zhang Laosi. Zhang Laosi has already started the procedure, and no one can see him.

But seeing Zhang Xiaowu was enough, Mrs. Zhang knew what happened.

"I just said she was a troublemaker! She really messed up the family~~" Mrs. Zhang cried and scolded Hua Xiaoyu's ancestor for the eighteenth generation.

Then he left with Zhang Xiaowu.

There is nothing about Zhang Xiaowu here, it can't concern him.

"Go, take care of her!" Mrs. Zhang said to Zhang Xiaowu on the way, "Then ask her to go to the police and say that she is voluntary! There is no coercion, she is the one who committed the cheap!"

Zhang Xiaowu didn't say a word, he was afraid of being beaten, and those people greeted him less often. Now, just thinking about it, his whole body hurts.

And people said that their family is not allowed to appear in front of Zhang Guilan's family again, otherwise it will be a beating if they are caught!

They didn't deliberately Jacquard Xiaoyu, but Zhang Guilan was Hua Xiaoyu's aunt, so she was considered a family, right?

Hua Xiaoyu had said a lot of good things about Zhang Guilan before, saying how good the relationship between the two of them was. Zhang Guilan treated her like a daughter.

"Mom, go home first, we have provoked someone we shouldn't have provoked this time." Zhang Xiaowu lowered his head and said. He said, the people living in that compound can't afford to offend.

"It's all my fault! Originally, I found a way to impress Hua Xiaoyu! Slowly grind, she will have to obey me in a few months! Now let the fourth brother do this, and it's over." He said in frustration. .

"How come it's over? Who else does she want to marry as a piece of junk? She is already your fourth brother's! She is the daughter-in-law of my Zhang family. When your fourth brother comes out, the two will get married!" Mrs. Zhang said angrily. .

Zhang Xiaowu looked at her helplessly: "Mom, this is not before liberation, this is a new society, how can any woman want to marry a strong... offender, it might be okay when it doesn't come out, it's all like this , not anymore."

He could understand.

But the old lady Zhang had an idea: "Your brother can't do it, you can do it! Anyway, she's all ruined. Who else does she want to marry? Go and say you want to marry her, get her first and then talk about it!"

Zhang Xiaowu explained what he could explain, but what Zhang Laosi explained, he didn't know, and no one told him, he always thought that Zhang Laosi succeeded.

Zhang Xiaowu had this idea from the beginning.

After all, they are still reluctant to bear the "backer" behind Hua Xiaoyu. Especially when she found out that she was so powerful.

There is fear and excitement! Being in-law with this kind of person is very beneficial, and maybe Zhang Lao Si will be able to release it. It's all a family, let's just let it go!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Zhang changed her smile, and asked Zhang Xiaowu to buy a lot of things to please Hua Xiaoyu, but she didn't want to go. She knew that she had been scolding a little outside the door just now, and it was inappropriate to go at this time. , she was also afraid that she could not hold back her violent temper.

Zhang Xiaowu really went, he couldn't bear Hua Xiaoyu......

But Hua Xiaoyu still didn't open the door. Zhang Xiaowu threw the things down the wall, but this time he didn't go in, so he didn't dare.

Besides, there are several pairs of eyes around.

"Xiao Wu, where have you been these days? Your mother is looking for you everywhere!"

"What about your fourth brother?"

"Why did you two fight that day? Why?"

"That's it, why? Most of the night..."

Everyone is gossiping and running.

Zhang Xiaowu squeezed out a natural smile: "My fourth brother and I went to live at my eldest brother's house to help him with some chores." After saying that, regardless of whether everyone believed it or not, he hurried away.

For the next two days, he still came every day. He didn't open the door, so he threw things down the wall, including rice, noodles, vegetables, sweets and cakes, and two cotton-padded jackets, which were very considerate.

Everyone watched the excitement with tsk tsk, and they all felt that they had guessed something, but they couldn't guess it. This development was different from what they had guessed.

What about Zhang Lao Si? Why haven't you come these two days?

Zhang Laosi was sentenced in a few days and sentenced to 10 years.

The 1976 years have not yet passed, and the current laws do have imperfections. It is hard to say if they are too light or too serious, and the procedures are more arbitrary. If they are longer or shorter, it depends on the situation.

The first criminal law will not be implemented until January 1, 1980, and it is estimated that it is still a draft of some people.

The news of Zhang Laosi's sentence has not been released to the public. Few people know about it. Only Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Xiaowu know about the Zhang family.

The mother and son were so secretive that the other sons and daughters dared not tell it! When the children know it, the daughter-in-law and the uncle know it, they won't keep it a secret, and their Zhang family will really be unable to raise their heads!

"Where's Hua Xiaoyu! Go find her! If you don't open the door during the day, you will go in the middle of the night!" Mrs. Zhang patted Zhang Xiaowu and cried.

My brother was sentenced so soon, it really scared Zhang Xiaowu, how could he dare to jump over the wall in the middle of the night?

"Mom, do you want me to be sentenced to 10 years too?"

The old lady Zhang was honest, but even more angry, she fell ill all of a sudden.

The house leak happened to rain overnight. When Zhang Xiaowu went to work the next day, he was taken away by the security section of the factory.

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