"I'm not going, I'll just go to the cafeteria." Hua Xiaoyu turned to leave.

"Hey, don't! I want to ask you for help with something, show me your face!" Zhang Xiaowu immediately stood in front of her and stopped her.

The sights around him suddenly increased.

Hua Xiaoyu whispered anxiously: "Brother Zhang! Don't do this! What does it look like when people see it?"

Zhang Xiaowu turned into a rogue again: "Then come with me quickly, they won't look at it. If you don't go, I will pull you away~"

This threat worked, and Hua Xiaoyu immediately turned her head and left.

snort! This is what he forced her to eat, and he will eat him to death in a while! Eat poor him!

She also didn't go back to the dormitory to deliver the rice bowl, so she could bring a bowl back after a while!

The two were far apart one after the other and went out of the factory gate.

Hua Xiaoyu was very satisfied with this distance.

When the factory was far away, and there were no textile factories around, Hua Xiaoyu's complexion improved a lot, and she slowed down.

Zhang Xiaowu smiled and stepped forward: "Where are you going to eat?"

"I'm not familiar with the capital, and I don't know where it's cheaper." Hua Xiaoyu said.

"Cheap is not good! My brother is happy today, if you want to eat, you can have a good meal!" Zhang Xiaowu said arrogantly.

Hua Xiaoyu smiled secretly in her heart, but said on her mouth, "You should first tell me if you have something to ask me. If I can help you, I will eat your meal. If you can't help me, I will go back."

So she eats his meal, not with him! It was he who asked for something!

Zhang Xiaowu rolled his eyes and understood what she meant. The greedy girl is quite rape!

But it doesn't matter, one meal is not the target, and 10 meals is not the target? No one will believe it.

"The matter of asking for help will be discussed after the meal. If you are not satisfied with this meal, how can I be so embarrassed to ask for help?" Zhang Xiaowu said.

Hua Xiaoyu didn't say anything. She also knew in her heart that asking for help was an excuse, and she couldn't help Zhang Xiaowu.

Zhang Xiaowu didn't choose any too high-end restaurants, and he didn't dare to enter the gates of those places! He just went to a state-run restaurant with a slightly bigger storefront and a cleaner one.

It was also the first time for Hua Xiaoyu to come to such a place, and she was quite satisfied.

"What would you like to eat?" Zhang Xiaowu asked.

There is a menu written on the wall, but Hua Xiaoyu knows Bai, Bean, and Meat. What kind of dishes can she order?

"You have the final say, I don't know what's cheap and what's good." Calm down, she doesn't want to eat Zhang Xiaowu anymore, she is afraid that he won't have the money to pay the bill, so she asks her to pay, but she has no money!

Zhang Xiaowu didn't save this meal, he ordered 4 meat dishes, beef stew with potatoes, pork ribs stewed with potatoes, braised pork, and braised fish.

It is very rich.

And the portion is enough.

The price is also expensive, Hua Xiaoyu listened, in addition to the ticket, the four dishes cost 10 yuan!

When the food came, she was still holding it at first, but she couldn't hold it any longer. She hasn't eaten something so delicious for a long time!

Where can there be big fish and meat in the cafeteria of the unit for them to eat, that is only for leaders to eat, and a piece of fat in their dishes is considered a meat dish.

The last time she ate something so delicious was... Hua Zhao's wedding treat!

I can't think about it, it's even more fierce when I think about it.

Zhang Xiaowu was a little frightened. After marrying such a thing and going home, can he afford it? Even if she eats whole grains, she has to eat two people's meals, right?

However, let's get it done first! He thinks his daughter-in-law is going crazy.

After eating, Hua Xiaoyu's rice bowl was filled with another bowl.

However, 4 large pots of hard vegetables with sufficient weight left a small rice bowl, which also means that these two people can eat very well.

"Let's go, digest the food." Zhang Xiaowu said while picking his teeth.

Hua Xiaoyu also got up and touched her stomach obscurely. She ate a little too much today, so it won't scare him... Whatever! Anyway, she doesn't want to marry him, it doesn't matter if she has a good image.

Thinking of this, she calmed down: "Brother Zhang, you haven't said that you are looking for me."

"Talk while walking." Zhang Xiaowu took her out and walked west.

This direction is not to go back to the dormitory.

But to go to the cinema.

Hua Xiaoyu smiled secretly, and sure enough, she was hooked, so easy.

The two walked for a walk, and Zhang Xiaowu acted as a tour guide for her, talking about the history and scenic spots of the big capital, which made Hua Xiaoyu really fascinated.

In the past, she only knew that the capital was the capital, the capital, and the center of the motherland, but she didn't know anything else. For the first time, she knew that this place is still an ancient capital of five dynasties and has a long history.

She really wanted to stay here.

Better to kick the others out.

When she arrived at the entrance of the cinema, she saw Zhang Guilan selling popcorn at a glance, and the corner of her mouth tickled.

Zhang Xiaowu also saw it.

Zhang Guilan carried one basket and dragged two baskets by himself, making him very conspicuous in the crowd.

"Ah, the popcorn seller is here again. Her family's popcorn is delicious, and it sells well. She can sell several baskets in one night." Hua Xiaoyu said casually: "It's just a little expensive, 50 cents. One bag, too dark."

Zhang Xiaowu's eyes lit up immediately.

He looked at the basket, calculated the account, a lot of money...

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