Realistic Game

Chapter 279: Road to Floating City

  Chapter 280 Road to Floating City

  "Are specific spaces used?"

  Mo Lan thought about the ropeway.

  "Spells such as Space Storm and Space Blade may not exist but should exist."

  Lu Bin said discretionally.

  "Spells of this type definitely exist, and they have powerful attack and destructive power that surpass other spells.

  Like water, water does not hurt, but water jets can cut metal, and it has a strong killing effect after it condenses into ice.

  So I think this summoning spell is using the characteristics of water to drink and quench thirst, so the offensive power basically does not exist, unlike other offensive spells.

  As long as you find a way to turn water into water jets and condense water into ice, the space system will be the most harmful and destructive spell.

  If there is no such spell, then I will create it! "

  Mo Lan's mouth slightly cocked when he heard the words.

  His fire method, Lin Wu's mechanical method, Lu Bin's method of space, and the three general leaders of the Mage Association finally walked out of their own way, not copying his path, but blazing forward alone in the darkness.

  Mo Lan finally doesn't have to worry about the big wizards' association with all the same fireball skills as him.

  If that were the case, this wizard association would have no meaning.

  "A hundred flowers blossom."

   Mo Lan murmured, but then suddenly reacted.

  "Wait? Why does my way sound the worst?

  Fire method? It's like I'm the trashest, how could it be possible? I'm the president, I'm the strongest, no, no, I have to change my name.

  My, mine, my mage tower road, and even the future. Floating city road! "

  Mo Lan deeply knew what he wanted.

  Since she was a child, Mo Lan wanted a secret base that belonged to her alone. At that time, the secret base was a small corner that only she knew. Having such a small base can be happy for a long time.

Afterwards, slowly becoming more sensible, Mo Lan imagined that he would dig a big hole in the ground, a big hole that can't be exploded by a nuclear bomb, filled with food, build a living area, build a planting area, and build his own that can sustain survival. The base, it's best to have another end of the world, and just hide in the base and feel good.

   And when he grows up later, Mo Lan likes survival and construction games, tower defense games.

  Whether it is tower defense or construction, building an extremely strong home without a destructible home can perfectly attract all Mo Lan's attention.

   and drove Mo Lan to go to the liver, dig wood, stone, iron, fine iron, and upgrade his house bit by bit.

  Mo Lan feels that this is a manifestation of his lack of security

  So in this "Real Game", the Mage Tower came into being.

  It belongs to the powerful base of the mage, with strong defensive power and strong offensive power, a base that no one can break.

  But the mage tower can't move after all, so Mo Lan has a new extravagant hope in his heart.

   Make an active mage tower, long legs can run, but if it can fly, it’s even better.

  And as for the more distant future?

  Mo Lan feels that there is nothing more suitable for his base than a flying city, an invincible offensive and defensive city, a city that can be farmed, researched, and run freely.

  This is the ultimate romance!

  Of course, Mo Lan knew that he couldn't reach the sky in one step, so he set a small goal first.

   "Build a movable four-ring mage tower!"

  The thoughts in his mind were fleeting, and Mo Lan turned around.

   "Lu Bin, are you going in?"

   "I won't go in, I will study this space crack outside."

  Lu Bin shook his head.

  "Oh, good, then you will send a notification once when the space crack closes halfway through the countdown, and once before it closes."

"no problem."


  Mo Lan looked at the many wizards who had been preparing for a long time.

   "I have heard that you have a lot of free time."

   "Hey, guild leader, the nearby monsters have either finished their missions to light up, or they have been forced to retreat to a deeper mountain range.

  Nothing to join forces, our research can't confirm it, of course it's idle. "

  A mage said with a grin.

   "It's okay, I see. From now on, the space cracks in the fire element world will open regularly, and every time you change the place, the fire element life inside will definitely not be able to kill, every time, it will be enough for you to toss.

  Now I don’t waste any time. It’s dangerous. It’s recommended to enter in a team. Your President Lu will remind everyone halfway through the time, please remember to return, don’t come back.

  In the journey of the fire element, everyone can only enter two lives every time you start it. If you die twice, don't enter it again. Wait for the next time.

  Finally, the treasures produced by fire elements such as igneous rock, lava core, fire spirit, etc., will be collected by the association, and they will be counted as subsidies for your family.

  Okay, those who want to go in, sign in here now and wish you rich. "

Mo Lan turned around and entered the elemental fire world. What he saw was the corpse of a Tier 6 lava behemoth. The igneous rock on it had almost crystallized and looked very beautiful, and its value was as beautiful as the outside. It feels refreshing at first glance.

  As for when did this giant lava beast die?

  Uh, forgot, it's probably going to be a while, just just casually oh no, just a few thoughts were killed.

  Mage Tower, always drop the gods!

   Stepping over the corpse of the Tier 6 lava behemoth, someone will naturally clean it up later, and Mo Lan only needs to do his own affairs.

  Mo Lan glanced at the ten-sided ink cartridge that was slowly rotating in his mind.

  Second order.

   "It's time for the third order."

  Mo Lan raised his head to look at the lava behemoth in the distance, his body slowly floated, and the water shield shrouded him, resisting the spread of the ring of fire behind him, and Mo Lan turned into a blue light and broke through the air.

  "The lava monster next to the space crack should be left to the cubs at home to The voice is still reverberating in place, and Mo Lan has already gone far away in the ring of resistance fire one after another.

   After dozens of minutes, Mo Lan looked around, and then hurried towards the direction where the fire element was more concentrated.

  According to the experience accumulated by Molan entering the fire element several times, the concentration of the fire element in the fire element world is also different.

  The fire element is rich in places near the crater, near the magma pool, and near the magma gap. The closer you are to these, the more intense the fire element, and this richness level rises from the magma crack to the magma pool, and then to the crater.

  And where the fire element is richer, the more lava monsters will be, the stronger it will be.

  In the magma lake that Mo Lan encountered last time when he entered the Fire Elemental Realm, Mo Lan even suspected that there was a lava behemoth of rank 7 or higher, but he was not sure.

   Fortunately, lava monsters generally like to squat in a magma pool full of fire elements, and don’t care about Molan dangling in the sky.

  However, at this moment, Mo Lan suddenly heard a crisp bird cry, and immediately tightened.


  (End of this chapter)

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