Realistic Game

Chapter 237: Breakthrough elite


Mo Lan stood in front of the water shield, the endless red flames inflated, and instantly filled the trial room.

The high-temperature and high-impact flame was stopped by the water shield technique, causing waves of ripples, but Mo Lan behind him was unmoved, only a touch of joy, and then he continued to think.

"The fireball technique of the first ring, the power should have already mentioned the level of the fourth ring just now, and this has not reached my limit.

If the output is at the limit, with my ability to control the fire element, it's hard to say. "

Mo Lan looked at the trial room, and finally gave up his plan to continue experimenting here.

"The mage tower needs to be strengthened. In this case, the regular four-ring spells still need to be studied.

Otherwise, the mage tower can't control the fire element like me, and naturally there is no spell casting like me, even if I grab a fire spirit and seal it in the mage tower.

Unless... find a way to increase my mental power and increase my ability to control the fire element.

In this case, maybe when I sit in town, I can play the role of the mage tower. "

Mo Lan stood by the window and muttered to himself, seeing that the empty wing beast had arrived, he jumped directly and landed on the empty wing beast.

He patted the Wing Kong Beast, and Mo Lan showed a smile on his face. In the depth of his right hand, a fist-big fireball appeared in Mo Lan's hand in a blink of an eye.

The winged beast flapped its wings and soared, and a hole of fire element appeared directly wherever it passed.

Wherever it passed, the fire element within a 200-meter-wide range seemed to be swallowed directly, leaving no trace.

At the same time, Mo Lan's fireball technique gradually increased, lap by lap, and the greater the lap behind him, the fuller the speed.

A full minute passed, Mo Lan's face was pale, and the fireball in his hand was already the size of a basketball, and it was compressed to an uncompressed level.

The huge fire element made Mo Lan's mental power bear a great load. The original docile and well-behaved fire element became extremely irritable and difficult to control.

Finally, Mo Lan stopped, with a smile on his face, and gently dropped the fireball in his hand.

The fireball slowly fell from the air, its core was hot, and the change occurred instantly, each fire element showed its violent side, and the fireball expanded.


Mo Lan looked at the big crater on the ground as if the traces left by a missile explosion.

While burying the traces here with the earth wall technique, he usually muttered.

"This power should be much stronger than the original attack of the lava giant, that is, much stronger than Tier 6.

However, considering that the mage's own attack power is high, the fire elemental spell is the best among many elements.

So this extreme state fireball spell should be equivalent to the six-ring fire spell. "

The smile on Mo Lan's face couldn't be suppressed.

"Sure enough, this is the right way, if you keep practicing stupidly.

The growth rate of element affinity is calculated at a constant rate, and at least it takes the Seventh Ring to be able to act as a control element.

The biggest difference between man and beast is the same.

It was such a happy decision. The mage was promoted to the fourth ring. After becoming an elite mage, he had to find ways to increase elemental affinity.

Then change the method of casting, use my orthodox method of casting, and become a real mage.

Well, this is a normal mage. "

As the creator of the mage, Mo Lan naturally has the right to decide how the mage develops.

It's just a normal mage, Mo Lan might have forgotten, how can a normal profession release a powerful attack on the fourth ring? Can this be called normal? What is abnormal?

Or maybe Mo Lan felt that other professions weren't counted, so the mages were only normal in this way.

"It's a pity that I only have Fire Spirit at the moment. If there are other elements, it will be comfortable.

Single attack spells, the lightning type is stronger than the fire type, how strong can the six-level lightning spell be? There is also a six-ring-level ground splitting technique, can it be upgraded to an earthquake technique? "

Mo Lan conjectured for a while, then shook his head, coming back refreshed.

"It's still too early to think of this level by Ming, you still have to find the spirit of the element.

The mage is indeed a resource-eating profession. It seems that not only the fire world needs to open up the space channel, but the element worlds of other departments should also start to find and find a way to go.

Such elemental spirits should be the most common in these elemental worlds, right? "

Mo Lan looked at the big hole that had been filled, jumped onto the back of the Wing Kong Beast, and returned.

Mo Lan sat on the back of the Wing Kong Beast to derive the spell, and the speed of the Wing Kong Beast quickly came to the Jinghu Lake, but when he approached the Mage Tower, Mo Lan suddenly sensed an abnormal mental power fluctuation.

Looking down, a group of people walked out of the mage tower and gathered in the square outside. Many people's faces were full of envy.

Mo Lan felt this abnormal fluctuation, and suddenly he had some guesses in his heart, but when he saw familiar faces one after another below, a trace of doubt suddenly rose in his heart.

The imperial Wing Kong beast landed on the ground, and Mo Lan walked down quickly.

"Lin Wu, Zong Xin, and you guys are all outside, so who is now advancing to the fourth ring?"

Mo Lan asked directly, the fluctuation that emerged from the mage tower was clearly someone who was advancing to the fourth ring mage.

Before Lu Bin came back, Lin Wu looked at the Mage Tower with a complex expression.

"It's Zhang Guangmo."

"Zhang Guangmo?"

Mo Lan was a little surprised at this moment, but when he recalled the pictures he saw when he passed by again and again, he suddenly felt a little taken for granted.

The Mage Association has no mediocrities and no lazy people. Every genius may not be regarded as a talent, but it is definitely a high-quality talent, and it is a high-quality talent who can work hard, knows hard work, and is willing to work hard. This is the most terrible.

But these high-quality talents will not give up rest while working hard. Combination of work and rest is their way of hard work. It is not that they don’t want to work hard, but because the time of rest is their need for self-regulation, and the need for emotional regulation is not necessarily tight. That's a good thing.

But Zhang Guangmo was different. Sometimes Mo Lan met him at dinner, while he was deducing spells.

I saw him when passing by the training ground, he was training.

Occasionally the spirit power swept into his room, and he was meditating.

Mo Lan suddenly realized that he was working hard every time. This was not a coincidence, it was inevitable.

"His talents are very are considered the hardest ones in the association. It is normal for him to take the lead."

"I want to work hard too."

Lin Wu's words made Mo Lan stunned slightly, and then he reacted, patted him on the shoulder with some guilt.

"Let the elite members participate in the management. There are enough elite members and clearly divide the powers. You can check it regularly.

in addition........"

Mo Lan pondered for a moment.

"I will think of ways to compensate the members involved in the management. After all, everyone comes to the Mage Association to study the mage.

Since they are all serving the entire association, it should be compensated, at least to make up for the missing time due to management. "

"Well, thank you."

Lin Wo nodded, looked up to the front, and said softly.

"'s done."

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