Realistic Game

Chapter 230: Into 1 body

  Chapter 231 Turning into one

  "The contract is successful!"

   Mo Lan took a long breath. At this time, there was another one-level spell slot missing in his mind, and there were only thirteen spell slots left.

  The reduced spell slots have appeared in "Contract Success!"

   Mo Lan took a long breath. At this time, there was another one-level spell slot missing in his mind, and there were only thirteen spell slots left.

The reduced spell slots have appeared in the lava core of this Tier 1 lava behemoth.

  Facts have proved that the nature of the lava core is similar to that of the extraordinary core. Using the same method not only can contract beasts, but also this elemental life.

  After confirming this, Mo Lan was finally relieved, looking at the lava behemoth with only one ring, Mo Lan pointed to the ground.

   "Stone Wall Art!"

  The concentration of the earth element in the fire element world is still considerable. The use of stone wall art does not need to consume one's own magic power, and the spell position is sufficient.

   "Stone Wall Art!"

   "Stone Wall Art!"

   "Stone Wall Art!"

  A series of stone wall techniques fell underground, and a deep well gradually appeared in front of Mo Lan's eyes.

  Deep well tens of meters deep, Molan opened up at the bottom again, connecting a branch of magma lying underground, allowing the bottom of the well to gradually be filled with magma.

   Turned his head and looked at the Tier 1 lava monster next to him.

   "Go down!"

  The lava monster heard the command and jumped directly from the mouth of the deep well, and fell into the magma with a plop.

  Mo Lan began to cap.

  Starting from one meter above the head of the lava behemoth, all the deep wells were closed, leaving no gaps, and restored to the previous appearance, even reinforced a bit.

   Feeling the comfortable emotions from the lava behemoth, Mo Lan gave a sleeping command to the lava behemoth.

  The lava monster, which was originally sleeping, changed to a more comfortable and high-quality environment, and immediately slept better.

  Mo Lan looked down at the time, and it was exactly ten hours before he entered the realm of the fire element.

   stepped on the back of the Wing Kong Beast, carrying the fire-grain wood, and carrying the small fire spirit, it flew directly towards the space crack.

  At this moment, the space crack has shrunk too much compared to before, but it is still considerable, and the margin left by Mo Lan has not come in handy.

  When Mo Lan reached the crack in the space, he saw Lu Bin, who was intoxicated by serious research, and Zou Peng, who was sitting next to him on a stone bench with Erlang's legs tilted while watching the live broadcast and eating pancakes.

"I'm going back."

   After Mo Lan finished speaking, he passed through the crack in the space, flew out of the passage, and soared into the sky.

   "Hey, is that Mo Lan? Why is he going in such a hurry?"

   "I don't know, there is a fire at home?"


  Mo Lan hurried all the way back to the magic tower, the Wing Wing Beast stopped outside, and after putting down Mo Lan, it flew to the sky above Jinghu Lake, then relaxed, and smashed in free fall.

  Mo Lan entered the mage tower and went down into the element pool. Looking at the fire element pool that was protected by the water shield technique, Mo Lan slowed down instead.

  First put the firewood wood aside, and then turn on the water shield above the fire element pool.

  The hand of the wizard controls the small flame and puts it into the pool of fire elements.

  There are no other elements in the fire element pool, only the purest fire element.

  As soon as the little fire spirit enters the fire element pool, it will immediately jump up to the pure fire element, and the flame will jump at high frequency.

  Fire element pool is not only refined into magic power, but only the attack spell Dark Fireball will consume it.

   And Mo Lan has neither refined magic power nor used dark fireball art for a long time. Although the element pool is slow to gather the fire elements independently, it can accumulate over time, but there is already a relatively large number.

  The flaming red smoke surrounds the element pool. At the bottom of the element pool, a shallow layer of red liquid contains the shocking huge elemental power.

  The little fire spirit became more active and excited after being exposed to the fire element. After a while, the little fire spirit exploded with a powerful attraction and ability to control the fire element.

  Mo Lan’s face was full of joy and expectation. The little fire spirit absorbed the fire and earth elements at the moment of forming, and then the earth-fire dual elemental life lava monster formed.

  According to Mo Lan's speculation, in this process, the proportion of other elements absorbed may also cause the attribute bias of the lava behemoth.

  A little more wind element, maybe the final lava monster will be faster and more flexible.

  Before, Mo Lan deliberately isolated Little Huo Ling’s perception of all elements for this moment.

  In Mo Lan’s understanding, the only place with a single element is the element pool under his mage tower.

  "At this moment of forming, the core formed by the single fire element should be able to meet my requirements, right?"

  Mo Lan murmured to himself.

  At this moment, a whirlpool has been set off in the fire element pool.

  All the fire elements in the pool surge towards the little fire spirit.

  At this moment, Mo Lan took out a second-ring spell slot from his brain and sent it directly into the core of Little Fire Spirit.

  At the moment when the core was formed, the consciousness and soul of the little fire spirit were directly exposed, completely undefended.

  In this gap, the spell slot directly enters, including its soul.

  A spell slot is suspended in the fire element, and the change continues.

  Countless fire elements gathered, and just when Mo Lan thought he was going to form the core of a pure fire element, something unexpected happened to Mo Lan.

  Countless pure fire elements scoured the spell slot, and the spell slot disappeared without a trace under the scouring.

  I can't see it, there is no trace, but Mo Lan can still sense the existence of the spell slot.

  And this spell slot seems to be combined with the essence of Little Fire Spirit.

There is another hunch in Mo Lan's heart that the spell slot has truly disappeared, and he will never be able to disperse the pet contract and reconsolidate the spell because there is no contract at all, and no spell slot, spell slot. The spiritual power that has become the most essential is integrated with the soul and consciousness of the little fire spirit.

   What really shocked and surprised Mo Lan was that Xiao Huoling’s consciousness had disappeared, or that at the moment when it merged with part of Mo Lan's spiritual power, the consciousness that was originally ignorant of birth was directly assimilated.

  At the same time, Little Huo Ling and Mo Lan are already one and inseparable.

  The changes of the little fire spirit continue, and the fire elements in the fire element pool rush to the little fire spirit.

  The surprise continues.

  There is no tangible and qualitative core appearing, all the fire elements are integrated into it, and it seems to directly become a part of the little fire spirit.

  When half of the fire elements in the element pool were integrated into the body of the little fire spirit, the change finally stopped.

  The lower part of the body was filled with flaming red smoke, and the humanoid fire-element life of the upper body appeared in front of Mo Lan.

  As soon as his mind moved, the fire element collapsed, but in a blink of an eye, it condensed again, without any substantial core appearing in the whole process.

  Fire element!

  (End of this chapter)

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