Realistic Game

Chapter 222: Academic school

  Chapter 223 Academic School

   "Then you go to prepare the big pit and water, I will contain it first, or else Geng Tao's hometown will be gone."

"Ha ha ha ha."

  Everyone turned their heads and saw that the road leading to the inner valley had collapsed, but the lava giant led a group of lava giants directly up, climbing very fast, and was not restricted by the terrain at all.

  Geng Tao's complexion is suffering, as if he is about to cry.

   "I'll go first."

   "Hey, Mo Lan, are you sure you a mage is going to contain this big guy?"

Yi Fei suddenly interrupted, Mo Lan shrugged upon hearing this.

  "How about? Are you going? Have you been promoted to the elite?"

  Yi Fei shook his head when he heard this.

  "My words are early, but the leader of my guild should be today and tomorrow."

  As soon as Yi Fei's voice fell, the others immediately looked at him.

   "Fucking, Yi Fei, you are an old man, and the people in your own guild also cheated. Didn't it take about half a month to say in the guild some time ago?"

   "Cut, don't you also say that your home is still half a month away? Don't you tell me that it really takes half a month?"

   "Of course it is true, indeed it will take another month."

   "Oh, you have a punctuation mark that means I lose if you tell me the truth."

  Yi Fei curled his mouth in disdain, and looked at Mo Lan after speaking.

   "Mo Shen, I may have a ruthless please."

  "Since it is ruthless, please don't say it."

  The chairman next to him said unceremoniously, making Yi Fei roll his eyes and pretend not to hear him.

  "This is the person. He wanted to challenge you before, but he was already promoted to the elite before he challenged Mo Shen, so he didn't dare to speak.

  Now he is about to be promoted to the elite, so he wants to make an appointment with Mo Shen.

  The result of the battle is not public, and no matter what the result is, the God of War Guild is willing to put the new professions that have been researched into the technical library of the Mage Association. "

  "New career?"

  As soon as Yi Fei's voice fell, the others turned their heads to look at Yi Fei in surprise.

   "Fuck, Yi Fei, you really are an old man, I thought we had researched it out, and I was planning to let people use this advanced elite."

  "Our ideal hometown is the same, this is because you are too good or creating a career is too simple."

Zuo Qingwen from Ideal Township also said in surprise.

   "Just have a hand?"

  However, after the three of them finished talking, the other guilds fell silent, and it took a long time for someone to speak out.

   "I thought everyone was the same, but you were all playing me.

  All your dishes come from the show, but I am the real one? "

  Everyone blinked, and Mo Lan suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, and jumped onto the back of the Wing Kong Beast.

   "Slid away!"

The air wing beast carried Mo Lan across a curve and pierced through the air, and when the air wing beast appeared again, the man in black who was watching from a distance narrowed his eyes slightly, while watching Mo Lan with a peripheral light, while recording with a pen. .

   And when Mo Lan approached the lava giant, the lava giant immediately sensed this annoying bug.


   roared, a stupefied flame sword aura whizzed towards Mo Lan.

  The Wing Kong Beast dodged sideways and brushed with the sword qi, even if it was two or three meters away, Mo Lan felt a high temperature burning.

  The water shield technique of the second ring was directly broken, leaving only the innermost magic shield.

  Mo Lan's face instantly became cautious.

  "The ordinary lava behemoth is only a professional level, level three, but this one is probably directly to level six.

  If you are touched, it is estimated that there will be no **** left. "

  Mo Lan divided the ranks of Warcraft according to the level of the spells in the supernatural core of Warcraft.

In   , there are one-ring spells that are one-ring monsters, three-ring spells are three-ring monsters, four-ring spells are four-ring monsters, level one to three are professional level, and levels three to six are elite level. Simple, easy to remember, and clear.

  The sixth level, which is almost the highest level of the elite level, has come to the edge of the master level.

  Mo Lan made the winged beast quickly move away from the lava giant and began to rub water manually in the sky.

  The water ball crashed down and hit the lava giant and the lava giant one by one.

  Oh no, it should be vaporized by the blazing high temperature as soon as they approached, turned into high-temperature steam, breathed on their faces, and then drifted upwards.

  This kind of behavior hurts almost no harm, but it quickly angered the lava giant.

What    shows is that the magma in the cracks on the surface of the lava behemoth is originally dark red, but at this moment it is directly brightened, and the hot high temperature makes the air slightly distorted.

  "The power of the sixth ring, the fire element of the sixth ring, the speed of the fifth ring, the agility of the fourth ring, and the intelligence that is less than the first ring.

  Mom is mentally retarded, but I can't beat it, which is very annoying. "

  Mo Lan sat on the back of Yikong Beast, holding a bag of dried fruit in his hand while eating and talking.

  "It's still too weak, and the enemy's methods are too scarce.

  I am a four-ring mage. After being in the fourth ring for so long, apart from the rapid rise of mental power to the fifth ring, there is actually no progress in combat effectiveness?

  The strongest attacking spell is still the third-level dark fireball, and the strongest defensive spell is only the magic shield equivalent to the third-level spell.

  The only four-ring spells are flash and earthquake.

  It’s so ridiculous, I feel incredible. "

  Mo Lan let the Wingkong Beast snake skin take its place, while eating dried fruit, thinking.

  "To talk about the extraordinary core of Sihuan, with my current status and financial resources, it shouldn’t be difficult to simply copy a spell model without talking about acquisitions.

  As far as I know, there are not a few four-ring supernatural cores in the hands of major guilds, and I haven't taken them.

  It’s really outrageous, what am I doing after being promoted so long? "

  Mo Lan sat on the back of the Wing Kong Beast in thought, while sprinkling some water to hang the lava giant.

   "I built the mage tower, and then I basically didn't go out."

  Mo Lan finally found the culprit.

  "The Mage Tower inspires the Dark Fireball technique, and easily reaches the power of the sixth ring. I don't have the slightest sense of crisis at all.

  Anyway, I won’t go It’s just fine for another flash to run away. With so much time, it’s much more interesting to research other attacks without researching, and it’s much more cost-effective.

  So, has the academy's problems already appeared on me? "

   "No, this is not an academic pot, this is my pot.

  Academic mage should study normally, accumulate strength, and then directly convert the research results into combat effectiveness when it is necessary to fight, and directly destroy all bells and whistles with the strongest combat effectiveness. "

  Mo Lan realized.

  "Then my next goal is to capture a suitable fire element, then find a way to contract, analyze the secret of the fire element, and try to use the fire element to control the discrete elements between the world and the earth to release fireball.

  Fireball, just simply compress the fire element and detonate it.

  As long as I can compress the fire element infinitely into a ball, and then throw it out, that is also a fireball technique, right?

  As long as there is no ring number and no order position, then you will not be bound by the order position, right? "

  Mo Lan suddenly felt his eyes light up.

   "It seems there is nothing wrong with it?"

  (End of this chapter)

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