Realistic Game

Chapter 204: Willow

"Why is it so easy to look at, but so difficult to do?"

"Eyes: I will.

Hand: I'm also scrapped. "

The sudden voice made Zhao Hua full of black lines.

"Go go, go play with the birds, don't disturb the adults doing things here."

Zhao Hua waved his hand to the chairman's nephew, looking at the pile of messy rocks boredly.

Zhou Hao was a little angry at this.

"Huh, it's so simple, Al can, but you won't."

"Go go, what do you know."

Zhao Hua waved his hand at will, but he reacted in the next moment.

"Wait, what did you just say? Al, would you?"

Al nodded.

"It's so simple, isn't it? Is there anyone who doesn't?"

Zhao Hua's eyes stared.


Zhao Hua said halfway, his eyes rolled, a smile appeared on his face, and he took out two simple candies in packaging.

"Good Zhouhao, good Al, can you teach me?"

"No, you make Zhouhao angry, I can't teach you."

Zhou Hao, who was looking at Tang with his eyes dripping, his face suddenly stern, and nodded pretentiously.

"Yes, yes, I'm angry."

"Okay, Zhouhao, don't be angry, can I give you sweets?"

Seeing Zhou Hao's heart, Zhao Hua quickly coaxed, Zhou Hao's eyes rolled around, and he pulled Al to the side and whispered a little bit, only to see Al nodded, and then looked at Zhao Hua, suddenly making him feel There was an unknown hunch.

An hour later, Zhao Hua satisfactorily looked at the stone in front of him that had successfully maintained the sharpness technique, and smiled like a second fool against his painted face.

"Hey, I will!"

A question mark appeared on Xu Zongxin's forehead, who had just entered.

"Huh? What do you know? Constant spell model?

I will have long ago. The sharpness and water shield techniques on this half of the mage tower are my constant. I always thought you would. I won't say it earlier. I will teach you. "


At this time, Xu Zongxin discovered the tortoise and cat's whiskers painted on Zhao Hua's face.

"Fuck, what do you paint on your face?"


Zhao Hua reacted immediately and blocked his face, but it was too late, and Xu Zongxin let out a bohemian laugh.

"Hahahaha, it's too late, it's too late, it's useless to block, I have already taken a screenshot!"

Zhao Hua, who covered his face, was silent, doubting his life.

Mo Lan didn't know everything that happened after he left, his nephew Zhouhao had long been forgotten by him...Oh no, it was restocked.

Anyway, there is Al with him. Although Al looks dumbfounded, Mo Lan never forgets that Al was originally an orphan from the bottom of Red Maple City. He was able to survive in Red Maple City at that time. His survival wisdom is far superior. Ordinary people imagine that at least it is enough to take care of the little nephew, and there is no need to worry about who was cheated by the little nephew.

And with Al’s self-control, he would ask Zhou Hao to teach him when the time came, and Zhou Hao, who coaxed him to teach him, was smiling and full of confidence.

In addition, the regular reports every night also gave Mo Lan a good grasp of their itinerary, which naturally couldn't be more assured.

However, the only thing Mo Lan was worried about was death. Worrying that Zhou Hao would die in the game, because of the extremely high degree of realism, intense pain or even torture might cause a certain amount of mental damage, which Mo Lan could not accept.

But Mo Lan didn't have a good way to deal with this, so he could only protect him and prevent him from going to dangerous places.

Then there is an agreement that if someone is caught, don't care about anything, go offline directly, press the emergency offline button if it is too late for normal offline, don't hesitate.

After repeatedly stressing, Mo Lan barely felt relieved.

"These undead were just ordinary beasts before they were alive."

Mo Lan muttered to himself, hitting a rib with a dagger in his hand, and the dagger colliding with the rib made a clanging sound, as if it was knocking on metal.

"Ribs of ordinary beasts."

Mo Lan gripped the dagger and slammed down everything. The sharp dagger slashed across the surface of the ribs, leaving only a faint scratch.

Although the undead had been controlled by Mo Lan, he turned his head when he felt the attack, and his hollow eye sockets quietly watched Mo Lan constantly attacking its ribs with a dagger.

"His, it's hard, it's harder than normal beasts."

Mo Lan looked at the rib with a deep scratch, which had been successfully cut in half by Mo Lan.

Mo Lan looked at this rib and fell into contemplation, and immediately released a fireball technique, carefully controlling the fireball technique to rub the rib.

Under the control of Mo Lan's powerful mental power, a ring of spell fireball is very clever, it just wiped the bones, but did not explode, and the high temperature of the fireball burned the ribs black even if it was only an instant.

Mo Lan recalled for a moment, and then he lifted his water glass and poured it up, and the water fell on the scorched ribs.

Click! Click!

The bones made a loud bang, then broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Mo Lan raised his head, but found that the undead's empty eyes were looking at him silently, making him a little embarrassed.

Looking at only half of the ribs, he was lost in thought.

"As long as this side is also removed, so that only one side will not be left, resulting in asymmetry."


Mo Lan once again summoned a fireball to rub across the ribs, turning it into charred black, and then poured the water that had just been filled.

Click, click, click, click!

The ribs here also turned into fragments and fell on the The spaces on both sides were vacated and neat.

Hearing the crisp voice, Mo Lan looked at the empty eyes of the undead with a clear conscience.

"I have solved the problem for you..."

However, just halfway through the conversation, Mo Lan suddenly sat upright, his face instantly becoming serious, and there seemed to be a hint of surprise in his seriousness.

"That was just now?"

Just now, at the moment when the undead's ribs shattered, Mo Lan felt a very strange but familiar fluctuation.

The wave that caused Mo Lan to lose his temper was very similar to the wave of the structure in the altar.

Mo Lan was about to mobilize the structure in the altar model.

Looking at this structure with his own eyes, Mo Lan felt more and more alike in his heart.

Mo Lan took a deep breath after confirming this conclusion, his heart tense.

"Unexpectedly, I thought it would take a long time for this problem to be solved, but I didn't expect it to usher in an opportunity today."

After Mo Lan finished speaking, he condensed a fireball technique in his hand, showing a smile to the undead.

Fireball gently rubbed the ribs, and a glass of water poured down.

Click! Click!

Compared to before, this time Mo Lan focused his attention, and his mental power was shrouded in the deep surroundings of the undead, shrouded in and out of the flames of the undead, watching attentively.

The fluctuations of the passage flashed, and Mo Lan felt a little clearer this time. The structure in the altar model was suspended next to him. Mo Lan compared it a little, and the similarity was extremely high.

"Hahaha, there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is another village in the dark, so cool!"

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