Deep in the sand, a giant kobold was resting.


"Wang!! big thing is wrong!! a small dog rushed in!

"What's the matter?" the huge kobold frowned slightly.

He was a little upset!

Why did his subordinates be so startled and interrupt his sweet dream!

The puppy swallowed his saliva.

After all, it is the owner who is facing the desert of death, and the pressure on the puppy is also great.

"Returning to Lord Desert Reaper, I just received the news... The young master and the big strong, the second strong them....

All of them are dead!I can't get in touch anymore


The Desert Grim Reaper was shocked and stood up directly.

"You bastard, what did you just say? Say it again!" The

puppy shuddered in the face of the coercion of the desert death.

"It's... Be... Just subordinate to these dogs, according to the normal practice, contact the young master to make sure they are safe.

Outcome... The young master is out of touch! If you go to contact Da Zhuang and Er Zhuang again, they will also lose contact!

It's the dog's life, they're all

dead!" Bang! The Desert Grim Reaper slapped the table hard, and directly knocked the table over

!" "It's just that it's lost, who dares to say it's dead?!


The Desert Grim Reaper scolded angrily.

"If there's a danger, how can they not inform me? Besides, they won't contact you?"

The puppy kept his head down.

"Die too fast to have time to contact us?"

Their orcs have a special way of contact, that is, in an environment where no one interferes, they communicate directly with their telekinesis!

Or if it is killed in seconds, it will not be able to deliver the message back at all.

"Hmm, what kind of are you talking about?" the Desert Reaper glared at the

puppy, "and if you talk about this mess, I'll slaughter you with my own hands!

Get out of !!

with me, puppy: ...

I'm a dog.

What I said was originally dog talk.

Why is the king so angry?

Forget it, I'd better get out.

So, the puppy curled up in a ball and rolled straight out.

Looking at the empty room, the mentality of the desert reaper recovered a little.

"My son has the appearance of the Beast Emperor, and there is absolutely no chance that something will go wrong, but...

Just in case, let's contact the Hero Beast Emperor. "

The Hailuo Beast Emperor is the master of the little dog head, and he is one of the three great realms of the Sea Clan.

The Desert Grim Reaper slowly closed his eyes and calmed himself.

"The spiritual power of the Hailuo Beast Emperor, oh, I found it. "

The Desert Death has found the Hailuo Beast Emperor among the five huge spirits!"

"Desert, what are you looking for me to do?" replied the Hailuo Beast Emperor.

He also treats the Desert Grim Reaper as an equal.

After all, he has gone ashore, that

is, the innate limit combat power!

The Desert Death Reaper, as the overlord of one side, is stronger than the ordinary innate limit.

Among the beast clans, it is a top-ranked innate level monster!"

"Wu'er has lost contact, he is different from me, I am old, and it is unlikely that I will enter the realm of all things.

There's a good chance he'll become the Sixth Beast Emperor of my Beast Clan!"

"Hmm, my apprentice has lost contact?" the Hailuo Beast Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then replied.

"Wait, I'll let my men go over and take a look.

"Try to hurry. The Desert Grim Reaper urged.

"I know. "The Hailuo Beast Emperor is a little dignified!

Because he knows very well that if he can't be contacted, there is a high probability that he is dead.

So, after waiting for a few minutes, the two top orcs received news from their subordinates.

"Back to the Beast Emperor, I didn't see the corpse of the little dog's head, but there was an innate aura fluctuation at the scene


It seems that there was a battle!"

Bang! The Desert Grim Reaper smashed the table in anger!

In this case, either they were kidnapped by the Terrans or killed on the spot

!In either case, it was no different from death

!"Bastard!Hailuo Beast Emperor, you have disappointed me so much!

My son is in your territory, and this kind of accident can still occur?"

"Desert, I know you feel uncomfortable. The Hailuo Beast Emperor frowned slightly.

"My treasure, the water spirit bead is also on him, it is a treasure, you have always wanted it, I didn't give it to you.

Now, it is estimated that it is also in the hands of the Terrans. "

What are you doing with this kind of with me?" "The Desert Grim Reaper is full of murderous intent!"

"Labor and management lost their son, you told me about the water spirit bead?"


"Calm down, I just want to say that I also lost a lot, I didn't mean to.

It's your son, I haven't seen snow, where did I run away..."

"Shut up!" The wrath of the Desert Grim Reaper has reached its peak!"

I want to know, who killed my son!Who is it!I want revenge!


There is no clue at the scene. The Hero Beast Emperor shook his head.

"It's hard to find the murderer, but... You can go and meet the Fifth Beast Emperor, he should have a way. "

Fifth Beast Emperor, he just broke through, and the whole clan is celebrating, where can I contact him?" snorted the Desert Reaper.

"I'm going to wait for him to get back to me, won't it take a few more months? I'm impatient!"

"You old fellow. The Hailuo Beast Emperor hesitated for a moment, then suggested.

"If you don't mind, we can go for a walk to Sakura Island together. "

Sakura Island, where are you going to do what?" the Desert Reaper pouted.

"A group of human beings who are barely breathing, I don't bother to look at it.

"Even if you survive, it's human. The Hailuo Beast Emperor smiled slightly.

"The ocean, but the territory of our beast clan, it stands to reason that Sakura Island is surrounded by our territory and can be destroyed at any time!

But why didn't we destroy Sakura Island, but made a deal with them?

It's because their essence is still human!"


Could that be true?" The Desert Reaper was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something.

"You saved Sakura Island's life, and then trained the people inside to be moles...

Then, let them infiltrate the major human groups?"

"Yes!" the Hero Beast Emperor laughed.

"We can ask the people of Sakura Island to help us investigate, within the Terrans, which of the congenitals have been

to the Wind and Snow Plains! There are only a few Terran innates, and even fewer have gone to the Wind and Snow Plains

! In this way, it will soon be locked

!" "Good!

Good! Good!" "The Desert Grim Reaper is overjoyed!"

Let's head to Sakura Island and ask the group to help us investigate!"

The Beast Emperor nodded.

So, the two of them set off at the same time! Go to

Sakura Island!

A few hours later, the two beasts really met on Sakura Island!"

"Seeing the appearance of the Hailuo Beast Emperor, the people of Sakura Island immediately panicked!

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