Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 968: Holy Lock of Heaven and Earth

Zhuo Bufan left the Moon God Palace with Xuanyuan Hao and the others.

The trip to the virtual world is obviously not over yet, Zhuo Bufan is going to the Sun Temple to have a look.

During this process, Zhuo Bu told him the secret that Xuanyuan Hao might be a descendant of the Star God.

Because Zhuo Bufan believed that even Xuanyuan Hao himself didn't know this secret.

As expected, Xuanyuan Hao was shocked after learning the news.

"You mean, I am a descendant of the Star God?"

Xuanyuan Hao never thought that he was the descendant of the Star God of the Void Realm.

"Yes, this is what the Moon God himself told me."

"The Moon God said that he felt the power in you that only the Star God can have."

"Moreover, every ancient god you summoned was a subordinate of the original Star God. They all represent the stars in the sky of this world."

Zhuo Bufan felt that Zi Ji should tell Xuanyuan Hao the truth.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao fell into deep thought.

Xuanyuan Hao has never had any doubts about the origin of his entire family.

However, the Xuanyuan family is indeed somewhat incompatible with the world of cultivation.

"I want to go to the Sun Temple first. After that, we can go to the Star Temple. Maybe many of your questions can be answered."

Zhuo Bufan's practice is not to pursue invincibility or supreme strength.

His practice is more of a pursuit of truth and knowledge.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to live in such a muddle, so he wanted to answer all the questions and secrets he encountered one by one.

"No need, yes or no, it's all in the past."

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that Xuanyuan Hao did not decide to go to the Star Temple.

Obviously, compared to Zhuo Bufan, he preferred to live in confusion.

Sometimes, knowing the truth is more confusing than not knowing it.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan respects Xuanyuan Hao's decision.

After all, there are still some differences in their personalities.

"Then we will go directly to the Sun Temple, and then head to Paradise Island."

"You haven't seen Zifan for a long time. Go to Meicheng to meet him!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he sent Xuanyuan Hao into Meicheng again.

In Meicheng, Chu Mubai was reunited with Yi Meng Lin Xi and his mother and daughter.

When Bai Zifan saw his master Xuanyuan Hao, he immediately ran over and knelt down to worship him.

"Disciple has met Master."

Bai Zifan hasn't seen his master for a long time.

Li Miaoyin on the side saw this and hummed.

"Boy, you are also a master. Why don't you worship me, Master Miaoyin, but your Master Xuanyuan?"

When Bai Zifan heard this, he quickly said.

"But, Master Miaoyin, aren't you on good terms with my master?"

"Should I call you master or master wife from now on?"

In order to follow Xuanyuan Hao, Li Miaoyin was willing to give up everything in the Yang Realm.

Their relationship is already known to everyone, even Bai Zifan, a dull man, knows about it.

After hearing this, Li Miaoyin felt extremely ashamed.

"Good boy, are you making fun of your master?"

"Let's see how I deal with you."

After Li Miaoyin finished speaking, she rushed towards Bai Zifan.

The three of them, master and disciple, were finally separated again.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, was alone outside and rushed to the Sun Palace.

The Sun Palace corresponds to the Luna Palace, on the other side of the sky.

Fortunately, there was the Abi Beast, which led Zhuo Bufan through the space quickly.

What originally took several months of flight time is enough for Abimon to travel through space a few times.

Abimon kept calibrating the direction of travel, and after five shuttles, it finally arrived outside the Sun God Palace.

"Is this the Sun Palace?"

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw a huge suspended mountain of flames appearing in front of them.

It's more like a huge island than a mountain.

This floating island is already comparable to a continent on the earth.

However, this Sun Palace is exactly the opposite of the Moon Palace.

The floating island where the Moon God Palace is located is covered with snow-capped mountains and is covered with snow all year round.

The floating island where the Sun Palace is located has rivers of lava and volcanoes everywhere, emitting powerful heat.

However, there is one thing that Sun God Palace and Moon God Palace have in common.

Those are two floating islands, with almost no other life.

After all, there is a Moon God in the Moon God Palace, but in the Sun God Palace, not even the Sun God is left.

"Is this the Sun Palace where the Red Emperor is?"

"It's completely in ruins."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Sun Palace that had completely turned into a lava world, feeling filled with emotion in his heart.

After walking around the Sun Palace, Zhuo Bufan finally saw a palace, which was a ruin to be precise.

"Xiao Lin, go down and take a look."

Then, he rode the Abi beast down to the palace.

This palace is located in a magma lake, wrapped in layers of magma, and looks particularly deserted.

Stepping into the palace, there are ruins everywhere.

Obviously, many people came to visit Sun God Palace after it was ruined.

The entire palace was basically swept away.

Only some useless stigmas remain.

Arriving at the empty hall, there was still lava bubbling around.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the empty hall and saw the magma throne facing him.

"The Moon God asked me to come to the Sun Temple. It should be a reminder."

"Obviously, something should be left behind in the Sun Temple. Not everything should be moved away."

Zhuo Bufan believed that the Moon God would not let his life go in vain.

No matter what, coming to the Sun Temple is also a kind of worship to the Sun God.

"Try with divine power."

Zhuo Bufan said, mobilizing the divine power in his body.

Zhuo Bufan practiced the Chidi, which is the faith and cultivation of the Sun God.

So the divine power he cultivated can be regarded as a special solar divine power.

When Zhuo Bufan released the solar divine power, suddenly, the whole hall began to make a buzzing sound.

It seemed that Zhuo Bufan's divine power triggered a response from some kind of power.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and his eyes lit up.

"It's really a good idea!"

So, he accelerated the release of divine power.

As he released more divine power, white runes began to spread from Zhuo Bufan's feet.

These runes began to spread in all directions.

Then they began to spread around the stone pillars in the hall.

Gradually, the whole hall was covered by a special rune.

"It seems that the Sun God set up some kind of mechanism in the hall."

"It must be activated by his sun god power."

Zhuo Bufan quickly understood the mechanism set by the Red Emperor.

As Zhuo Bufan's power became stronger and stronger, the Red Emperor's mechanism finally showed signs of opening.

Soon, the space in the entire hall began to distort.

From the distorted space, golden rays of light were slowly released.

When the light pierced the dark sky and enveloped the entire universe.

As Zhuo Bufan slowly adapted to the light in front of him, he was shocked to find that a round wheel appeared in the air of the temple.

On the wheel, a six-pointed star array was inlaid, which looked like a huge golden sun.

And in the center of the wheel, there was a very complex structure.

Overlapping, like a flower interweaving.

This huge wheel was obviously not a simple thing.

"What is this?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

And at this moment, suddenly the infinite sword in Zhuo Bufan's mind trembled.

"Master, it's the Qiankun Holy Lock, it's the Qiankun Holy Lock!"


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