Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 966 Descendants of the Star God

The Moon God told Zhuo Bufan and Su Yao everything.

It turned out that the faceless killer god who had recently frightened the Yang Realm was actually the successor that the Moon God had been secretly cultivating.

Because of the bondage agreement, the Moon God could not directly interfere with the development of the virtual world.

However, he could not watch the virtual world being destroyed.

So, he secretly looked for a successor and passed all his abilities to the other party.

He hoped that this successor would realize his wish to maintain the virtual world.

"Yijian is the successor I have cultivated for more than three thousand years, and he has lived up to my expectations of him."

"Now, he has a high reputation in the virtual world. Soon, he will be able to become a god respected by all living things."

"One day, he will surpass me and become the patron saint of the virtual world."

"This is not in vain. The energy I have spent on him for so many years."

The faceless killer god, whose real name is Xigong Haoyue, is a rare mortal in the virtual world.

The virtual world is mainly composed of humanoids, such as mountain people, flower people, wood people, water people, orcs, etc.

However, there are very few people who are completely mortals.

Xigong Haoyue is a pure mortal. Because mortals have more firm minds, they are more suitable for practicing the faith and cultivation of the Supreme God.

That's why the Moon God picked up Xigong Haoyue in the war.

"Haoyue is a child with extraordinary talent. He can understand the mysteries of my faith and cultivation of the gods in just a hundred years."

"Now, he has obtained 90% of my divine power and is undefeated."

"I believe he will become the future of the virtual world."

Zhuo Bufan, who was standing aside, seemed very calm after hearing this.

He asked the master to tell the Moon God that he practiced the faith and cultivation of the gods and understood it in less than two days. He didn't know how the Moon God would react.

Zhuo Bufan certainly didn't have time to continue delaying with the Moon God here.

He didn't care about Xigong Haoyue, he only cared about his friends.

"Lord Moon God, I have revealed everything I know. Please let my friends go."

"I will take them away from this world right now and will never stay here."

Zhuo Bufan was anxious to go back. Something big happened in the world of cultivation.

The devil may have turned the world of cultivation into a hell on earth.

I thought that after everything was said, Moon God would let Xuanyuan Hao go and not make things difficult.

But Moon God looked at Zhuo Bufan carefully again, and then said with a slightly cold look.

"Young man, is what you just said true?"

The Moon God seemed to have some doubts.

"It's true. If you don't believe it, you can ask my friend."

"Haha, then tell me, what is the origin of your white-haired friend?"

"White-haired friend?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. The Moon God was talking about Xuanyuan Hao.

He didn't understand why the Moon God suddenly mentioned Xuanyuan Hao.

However, Zhuo Bufan now believed in the Moon God, so he still told the truth.

"To answer your Highness Moon God, his name is Xuanyuan Hao, and he is my best friend."

"We both come from the world of cultivation, and he is a rare genius in our world of cultivation."

Zhuo Bufan's words made Moon God slowly shake his head.

"No, boy, you still didn't tell me the truth!"

"You just said that you are from the world of cultivation. But why does your friend use divine power?"

"Moreover, it is the power of faith that can only be used by the Supreme God of our world!"

"To be precise, it is the power of faith inheritance that only the Star God has."

Moon God's words made Zhuo Bufan stunned.

"What? You mean, the divine power in Xuanyuan comes from Moon God?"

"Yes, I fought with that boy, and he clearly used the inherited divine power of the Star God."

"Even the gods he summoned are the millions of star subordinates of the Star God!"

This time, Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

"No way? Xuanyuan, is he the descendant of the Star God?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand at all.

"Lord Moon God, I don't know the details. I only know that the ancient gods of the Xuanyuan family come from a long-ago inheritance."

"Their Ancient God Temple is also a very different sect in our cultivation world."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about the Ancient God Temple, after all, he had only been there once.

The Ancient God Temple is actually very different in the cultivation world.

Because as a sect in the cultivation world, they practice divine power.

And Xuanyuan Hao has inherited divine power since he was a child.

A powerful divine power makes the world's talents pale in comparison.

"Could it be that the Star God also went to that world?"

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the Moon God murmured.

"I didn't kill him because I felt the power of the Star God in him."

"I thought he had inherited the Star God. Now it seems that he is the descendant of the Star God."

"This is incredible."

The Moon God couldn't figure it out, and neither could Zhuo Bufan.

"In fact, I don't feel any strong hostility from this young man."

When the Moon Goddess said this, Zhuo Bufan was completely shocked.

The Moon Goddess didn't feel much hostility from Xuanyuan Hao.

Does that mean that Xuanyuan Hao is the same as Zhuo Bufan.

Whether it is the world of cultivation or the virtual world, they can enter and exit freely.

Are they the existence that broke the law of hostility?

"Boy, tell me honestly, are you also a descendant of the Star God?"

"I think you should have mastered the divine power!"

When the Moon God looked at Zhuo Bufan seriously, Zhuo Bufan knew that he could not hide it anymore.

Zhuo Bufan was silent for a moment.

Then he looked at the Moon God and stretched out his hand.

A stream of divine power began to gather in his palm.

Zhuo Bufan finally showed his divine power.

The moment Zhuo Bufan showed his divine power, the Moon God widened his eyes.

"What? This is, this is..."

The Moon God seemed very excited, and Su Yao beside him asked quickly.

"Father God, what's wrong?"

"Boy, you, you are the descendant of the Sun God?"

When the Moon God said this, Zhuo Bufan was slightly dazzled.

He guessed right, the legendary Red Emperor was the Sun God of the Void Realm.

Facing the Moon God's question, Zhuo Bufan shook his head slightly, and then said.

"No, I am the successor of the Sun God, and he passed on to me the belief in cultivating the gods."

Zhuo Bufan's words made the Moon God look at him with admiration again.

"I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it."

"It turns out that the inheritance of the Star God and the Sun God was actually obtained by you two guys."

The Star God and the Sun God are both supreme gods in the virtual world.

They disappeared mysteriously after the Mirror Chaos Era.

So far, there is only one supreme god in the virtual world, the Moon God.

If the three supreme gods were still there, the current virtual world would not be so defeated.

So, when the Moon God saw Zhuo Bufan returning as the inheritor of the Sun God, he was very surprised.

"Lord Moon God, now, do you have anything else to ask?"

Zhuo Bufan has done what he should do.

Now, he just hopes that the Moon God can let Xuanyuan Hao and the others go.

After hearing this, the Moon God sighed.

"Okay, I can let you go, but I have a condition."

"What condition? Please tell me directly, Moon God."

"Can you stay and save the world with Haoyue?"

When the Moon God made this request, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.


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