Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 962 Meeting the Moon Goddess

Under the leadership of Flower Fairy Su Yao, Zhuo Bufan quickly arrived at Moon God Palace.

Moon God Palace is a huge floating island.

This floating island exudes a cool light.

The closer you get, the more you feel the coldness of Moon God Palace.

Even with Zhuo Bufan's level of cultivation, he felt a little bit cold.

The Moon God Palace is covered with snow, and all the palaces are actually made of ice.

Ice trees, ice flowers, icebergs, glaciers.

It's not only cold here, but also deserted.

Almost no life survives here.

And on the top of the mountains, there is an independent palace.

All the cold light was released from that palace.

"Sir, when you see my father God later, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Although we haven't seen each other for a thousand years, he is not an unreasonable person."

"I will also intercede for you."

Su Yao has a great impression of Zhuo Bufan.

That's why she took the initiative to take Zhuo Bufan to the Moon God Palace.

"Okay, thank you Fairy Su Yao."

Zhuo Bufan understands Su Yao's affection very well, and will definitely reciprocate this affection in the future.


Zhuo Bufan quickly saved the file, they were about to arrive at the Moon God Palace.

Soon, they arrived outside the barrier of the Moon God Palace.

An invisible energy shield blocked their way.

Su Yao saw this, took off the hairpin from her head, and then drew it in the air.

A hole was opened in the barrier, and then they flew straight to the Moon God Palace on the top of the mountain.

Before they arrived at the Moon God Palace, they saw a middle-aged man wearing a white robe and silver hair standing on the lookout below the palace.

He raised his head and looked at the float flying above the sky, and then took the float down with a casual move.

"Father God, Yaoyao wants to see you!"

Seeing that the float was out of control, Su Yao quickly announced herself.

However, the floats were still rejected unanimously.


Seeing that Su Yao was about to be thrown off the float, Zhuo Bufan quickly supported her.

Finally, the float landed on the lookout.

"Are you okay?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't feel the danger, but Su Yao was beaten to pieces.

"It's okay, thank you sir."

Su Yao held her forehead and got off the float.

Immediately, she looked at the man in front of her with resentful eyes and said angrily.

"Why is Father God making things difficult for Yaoyao? Is it because Yaoyao has never seen you for thousands of years?"

The frosty man in front of him is Su Yao's father-god, the legendary supreme god of the virtual world, the Moon God.

The Moon God gave Zhuo Bufan a very mysterious feeling. He was like an ordinary person, with all the precious light all over his body, and no sense of overbearing divine power at all.

Instead, Zhuo Bufan saw in him an involuntary helplessness and a state of worry about gains and losses.

It's like an old man who lost his wife in middle age and lost his son in old age.

It seems that Luna is still very young, but his heart and soul are already very old.

People no longer believed in him, and the divine light of his Moon God Palace became increasingly dim.

"Didn't you say that you would never step foot into my Moon God Palace again?"

Luna snorted coldly.

It can be seen that he does not welcome the arrival of Su Yao and Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Su Yao bit her lower lip, slightly angry.

"Father God, why, why are you like this?"

"Once upon a time, you were such a revered god. Under your leadership, the whole world was developing prosperously."

"You are the object of admiration by everyone in the world, and my mother is even more conquered by your brilliance."

"But why are you like this?"

"You know, you are now like a stubborn, weird, little old man who dares not take responsibility."

Facing the Moon God, Su Yao dared to accuse without mercy.

After hearing this, Moon God snorted coldly.

"It seems that I have really spoiled this girl like you. In front of the elders, you are neither old nor young."

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

The Moon God was angry, and the aura on his body suddenly erupted.

But Su Yao was not afraid at all, but also took a step forward and said vigorously.

"Do you think you are still the moon god respected by thousands of people? You are just a god abandoned by the whole world now."

"If you abandon everyone, everyone will abandon you."

"One day, you, the moon god, will be forgotten by the world."

"One day, this lofty moon god like you will slowly fall."

"One day, the light of your Moon God Palace will be dimmed."

"One day,..."

Faced with Su Yao's endless accusations, Luna became furious.

"That's enough! I thought you came here specifically to visit me today. It turns out that you came here to investigate."

"Go back, Moon God Palace, you are not welcome."

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He didn't expect that the father and daughter would be so tense when they met.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly gentle Su Yao would be so strong when facing her father.

It can be seen that the flower fairy Su Yao has a strong sense of justice.

Her father has been her idol since childhood and is the most righteous person.

However, one day suddenly, this belief collapsed.

The collapse caught her off guard. She was at a loss and didn't know why.

That's why she has so much resentment.

However, in her heart, she still loves her father.

"Please calm down, Moon Goddess, and please calm down, Fairy."

"Please give me some face, Fairy, and don't be so hostile to Moon Goddess."

Zhuo Bufan is very nervous!

He came to negotiate with Moon Goddess today.

How could he know that the helper he found almost detonated the gunpowder.

Su Yao realized that she was not here to quarrel with Moon Goddess.

She came to help Zhuo Bufan and rescue his friends.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhuo, I was too impulsive."

Su Yao said, and bowed to Moon Goddess.

"Sorry, Father God, I was reckless, I apologize to you."

Su Yao is also a girl who can take it, let it go, and speak her mind.

This character is very pleasing to Zhuo Bufan.

"In fact, I came here today to ask for something."

"Hmph, beg me, was that your attitude just now?"

"Also, if you want me to help, then please go back. I should have given you an answer eight thousand years ago."

The Moon God was still angry, and it was obvious that she would not forgive Su Yao for a while.

Su Yao saw this and hurried forward to say.

"Father God, I came here today not to ask you to help."

"Now that the situation in this world has been determined, destruction is inevitable. It doesn't matter whether you help or not."

"I came here today for another request."

Su Yao knew right from wrong, and knew that she came here for Zhuo Bufan today, so she regained her composure.

At this time, the Moon God also slowly regained her emotions.

He looked at Su Yao and asked casually.

"What's the matter?"

"It's about my friend, Mr. Zhuo, you tell me!"

Su Yao stepped aside and let Zhuo Bufan tell the Moon God in person.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan did not flinch, but took a step forward and bowed to the Moon God.

At that moment, the Moon God's eyes suddenly focused, and a powerful divine power poured into Zhuo Bufan's body.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt his soul tremble, as if a pair of big hands were digging frantically in the depths of his soul...


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