Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 952 Thunder Sea Sky

Under the leadership of Shanren Lanyi, the Allied Forces of the Seven Kingdoms of the Yang Realm finally broke through the defenses of the Valley of the Giants without any effort.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of Union troops rushed in.

The supreme commanders of various countries are all great saint-level beings.

The allies who invaded the Valley of the Giants this time included seven great saints, half a hundred minor saints, and tens of thousands of real people.

The total number of mountain people in the Valley of the Giants is less than a hundred.

The mountain people were already a rare race, but now facing the invasion of the Alliance Army, it can be said that they are in an unprecedented crisis.

In the cave, after hearing the situation, he fell into deep thought.

After a moment, it suddenly raised its nose and shouted.

"Ziyun, please immediately ask Su Jin and the others to start the ritual of resurrecting the mountain god."

"I'll stop them!"

"The situation is urgent. In order to speed up the resurrection of the mountain god, you will use your blood as a primer when the time comes. Do you understand?"

Facing Lord Diting's explanation, Ziyun didn't think much and immediately agreed.

"I understand Master Tingting. Don't worry, I will definitely bring Master Mountain God back to life."

After Ziyun finished speaking, he took Xiaoxiao and turned around and ran towards the outside of the cave.

Seeing her leaving back, Di Ting sighed visibly.

"Little girl, I hope you can take on the future of the Shanren clan!"

Listening to these words, it is obvious that there is an atmosphere of heroic death.

"Young man, I won't keep you here, just escape during the chaos!"

"You are not a mountain tribe, I believe they will not make things difficult for you."

Diting then looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Its tone was slightly tragic, and it was obvious that it wanted to die.


Before Zhuo Bufan could come to his senses.

Diting suddenly rushed out of the cave and came outside the cave.

At this moment, an unprecedented war is breaking out in the Valley of the Giants outside the cave.

All the mountain men joined in the battle.

The warriors from the Yang Realm were like a swarm of wasps, rushing towards the mountain people one after another.

Although the mountain people are powerful, they are at their wits end when facing this vast area.

Some people with the highest cultivation level will form a legion of thousands of people to besiege the mountain people.

The little saint with a slightly stronger cultivation base can fight the mountain man alone.

As for the Great Sage, he just sat on the mountain and watched the fight between tigers and tigers, sitting on his own mount and waiting for the war to end.

But at this moment, there was a sudden muffled sound, the earth trembled, and the mountain collapsed.

The hope of the mountain people, the mythical beast Listening, appears.

The great sages who had not planned to take action at first brightened up when they saw the appearance of the divine beast Listening.

"Oh, it's out!"

"It seems that the information is correct. There is such a powerful beast hidden in the Valley of the Giants."

Seeing Di Ting appear in the world, the seven great sages flew into the air one after another.

The seven saints released powerful spiritual power at the same time, supporting the entire sky.

"Yang Realm Rats, let's fight!"

Facing the seven great saints, the divine beast Ting Ting has no fear.

It raised its hundreds-foot-long nose high and then flicked it toward the sky.

Suddenly, the boundless divine power turned into a violent wind that swept across the sky and swept towards the Seven Saints.

It was a violent wind condensed with pure divine power, and every ray of wind could blow away the souls of others.

The Seven Saints suddenly felt that their souls had been attacked by wind disaster.

However, they are great saints after all. Although they are just junior great saints who have just been promoted, they are still great saints!

"You evil beast, you want to deal with us just because of a mere wind disaster?"

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

After withstanding Tingting's blow, the Seven Saints began to fight back.

However, just when they were about to use the power of rules to crush Tingting.

Suddenly there was thunder and lightning in the sky.

Black clouds pressed over the mountains, and thunder spots were densely scattered.

In the thunder sea, there is a blue thunder dragon rolling.


Thunderous and unrivaled!

"All mountain people, enter the mountain!"

All I heard was that Di Ting suddenly sent spiritual thoughts to all the mountain people.

For a moment, all the mountain men who were fighting suddenly fell down.

They turned into mountains one after another.

At the same time, thousands of thunderbolts clashed in the sky.


I saw a purple thunder fall, like a spark igniting a pile of gunpowder.

The next second, the entire thunder sea above the sky was detonated.

"No, this old beast has set a trap."

"This trap has been set up with tens of thousands of years of divine power at least."

With the roar of the thunder sea, the sky is activated.

The great saints below were dumbfounded. One by one, they immediately erected defensive walls.

However, other people are not so capable.

Facing the sky thunder pool trap that Di Ting had prepared for thousands of years, they could only sit back and wait for death.

"Ancestor, save me!"

"Ancestor, let me hide!"

"Ancestor, I don't want to die, ancestor!"

The earth was filled with the miserable screams of those hard-pressed soldiers.

They don't have the power of those great saints, and they can't resist the power of this sky thunder pool.

Thunderbolts fell suddenly.

Along with it, all kinds of strange thunder beasts came.

There are thunder dragons, thunder tigers, and thunder elephants.

Thunder beasts are invading the earth crazily.

They were exuding terrifying thunder and lightning, running back and forth across the earth.

Wherever he went, there was a sea of ​​thunder and ashes.

Those warriors from the Yang Realm were wiped out in ashes after just being lightly touched by thunder and lightning.

The entire land was filled with mourning.

Zhuo Bufan, who was not far away, stared blankly at this devastating scene.

Suddenly, a small snake emitting lightning attacked him.

Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and threw it onto the cliff, directly smashing a hole in the cliff.

Then Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that his sleeve was actually burned with a hole.

"Really powerful!"

Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked.

Each of the thunder beasts flying out of the sea of ​​thunder has unimaginable power.

This is the trap that Di Ting has prepared for 10,000 years, just to wait for this day.

Now it seems that his trap is very successful.

Facing the massive invasion of the coalition forces of the seven countries in the Yang Realm, his sea of ​​thunder made it difficult for the other party to move forward.

The mountain people hid in their own mountains and were not affected by the tide of thunder beasts.

But the invaders were not so lucky.

Under the thunder condensed by divine power, they were just like melons, which would break at the touch.

"Damn it! This damned beast actually has such a trick."

"Everyone, why don't you join forces? When will you do it?"

At this time, the seven saints who were still struggling in their own defense shields finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

If they didn't take action, their alliance army might be finished.

"Join hands! Break this sea of ​​thunder and sky first."

While speaking, the seven saints suddenly flew together.

Then, they joined forces to concentrate their spiritual power together.

Then they forged a holy sword that could break the sky.

The light of the holy sword was sharp and unmatched. Wherever the light shone, the thunder beasts began to disintegrate.

"Break this sky for me!"

The seven saints shouted loudly, and the holy sword flew into the sky and pierced through the sky.


The next second, the light directly penetrated the sky and the earth.

Instantly, the sky and the earth were bright.

All the creatures below were hurt by the light.

The endless sea of ​​thunder and sky disappeared in an instant.

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