Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 945: Mountain People

The purple light illuminated the world, causing changes in the world.

Above the sky, there was a goddess playing the piano, an immortal laughing, and a fairyland disappearing.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and found that the source of the purple light was actually a purple plant.

"What is that?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

The birth of the divine flower actually caused changes in the world, and it was a miracle of the immortal.

The woman saw Zhuo Bufan approaching and shouted.

"Get out of here, the Nine-Turn Purple Extreme Flower is not something you can get your hands on."

"Nine-Turn Purple Extreme Flower?"

Zhuo Bufan looked confused, he had never heard of this flower.

It was obvious that this was a divine flower in the virtual world.

And this mountain man and this woman were waiting for this flower to bloom.

That's why they were so hostile to Zhuo Bufan.

The divine flower bloomed, shaking the world, and the light has not disappeared yet.

"Xiaoxiao, get ready to pick the flower!"

The woman said to the mountain man under her feet.

Then, the Purple Crystal Mountain Man put his hands into the soil, and then picked up the Nine-turn Purple Extreme Flower with the soil and roots.

The woman kept staring at Zhuo Bufan, obviously alerting him.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of taking the flower.

The woman was obviously overthinking.

However, at this moment, the ground suddenly began to tremble.

Then, Zhuo Bufan saw that the mountains that were crawling on the ground not far away actually stood up.

One, two, three!

For a moment, three mountain men stood up.

This scene made Zhuo Bufan dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that there was more than one mountain man, and many nearby mountains actually came alive.

For a moment, the ground was full of huge mountain men.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

These mountain men took steps and slowly walked towards the Purple Crystal Mountain Man.

Obviously, these mountain men were all coming for the Nine-turn Purple Extreme Flower in the hands of the Purple Crystal Mountain Man.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan discovered that there was a person with wings standing on the shoulders of these mountain men.

They were both men and women, all of them were looking at the Nine-turn Purple Extreme Flower.

"It seems that this mountain man and this winged person have a symbiotic relationship."

Zhuo Bufan had never seen such a combination before, and it must be a creature unique to the virtual world.

Faced with this situation, Zhuo Bufan hid aside very tactfully.

It was obvious that a big battle was about to break out.

Soon, the three mountain men had surrounded them.

"Ziyun, call out the Nine-turn Purple Extreme Flower!"

A man on the shoulder of one of the green mountain men stretched out his hand and shouted at the woman on the head of the Purple Crystal Mountain Man.

The woman's name was Ziyun, and she was not afraid of the man.

"Get out, don't even think about it!"

"Since you don't hand it over, don't blame us for being rude."

"Lü Shang, destroy them."

As soon as the man finished speaking, the green mountain man under his feet suddenly ran away and punched the Purple Crystal Mountain Man.

And he connected his divine power to the green mountain man.

That fist, with boundless divine power, had a terrifying power that could crush everything in its path. Even a giant peak would be blown up by such a powerful fist.

"Xiao Xiao, hold on to the Purple Extreme Flower and fight them."

After Ziyun finished speaking, the purple crystal giant Xiao Xiao under her feet rushed towards the green mountain man.

When the green mountain man swung his fist, it threw him out with a shoulder throw.

At this time, the other two mountain men also rushed over.

One was khaki, and the other was royal blue.

The two mountain men attacked from the front and back, knocking the purple crystal mountain man called Xiao Xiao to the ground.

"Ziyun, hand over the Purple Extreme Flower, and I'll spare your life."

The man and woman on the shoulders of the two mountain men shouted at Ziyun.


Xiao Xiao shouted loudly, breaking the two mountain men apart, and then flipped over from the ground.

Then he kicked the sapphire giant and sent it flying.

At this time, the green mountain man who had flown out before fell from the sky.


He punched down, and Xiao Xiao dodged at the last moment.

This punch hit the ground and directly shattered the earth.

The ground began to collapse, and a hundred miles around was instantly a ruin.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned by the unique battle in front of him.

It was the first time he saw such a wonderful battle, which was incredible.

Such a powerful mountain man, his movements were so smooth. The most important thing is that the power of this battle is really amazing.

This power is comparable to the little saint of the Yang world.

Back on the battlefield, Xiao Xiao and Ziyun, who dodged a move, were once again surrounded by three mountain men.

"Ziyun, give up. Even if the mountain god is resurrected, it is impossible to solve the current situation."

"With the Nine-turn Purple Extreme Flower, why don't we mountain people choose a mountain god again?"

Xiaoxiao and Ziyun were trapped in the center, and the man on the green mountain man advised Ziyun for the last time.

In the end, Ziyun still did not compromise.

"Lv Zhong, you betrayed the mountain god and dared to seize the mountain god's position."

"Today, I will kill you first to avenge the mountain god."

"You don't know how to live or die, and you don't know the time. Kill her!"

The last negotiation broke down, and the three mountain people killed the purple crystal mountain man.

This time, the three mountain people attacked at the same time.

Although the purple crystal mountain man is very powerful, two fists cannot beat four hands, not to mention that the opponent has three people and six hands.

Gradually, the Purple Crystal Mountain Man fell behind.

He suffered a lot of heavy damage and was blasted with holes one after another.

"Xiaoxiao, can you still hold on?"

Ziyun, who was standing on his head, kept integrating her divine power into Xiaoxiao's body.

To help it recover from its injuries.

However, no matter how much divine power she had, she couldn't keep up with the speed of injury.

Once injured, the three mountain men's attacks became more fierce.

Bang bang bang!

Xiaoxiao was blasted by the three mountain men and finally knelt on the ground.


Ziyun cried and cried.

She didn't know if her persistence was right.

However, she was unwilling to give up like this, and even more unwilling to give away the Nine-Turn Purple Extreme Flower.

"Ziyun, this world is hopeless. Not to mention the mountain god, wind god, rain god, thunder god, fire god..."

"All the gods in the sky are dead."

"The world is about to be destroyed, why don't we follow God's will?"

"Since you miss the mountain god so much, I will send you to see him!"

Seeing Xiaoxiao fall down.

The green mountain man Lu Shang raised his fist as big as a hill and blasted towards Xiaoxiao and Ziyun.

The powerful divine power, with boundless suppression, oppressed Ziyun without any resistance.

At this critical moment.

Suddenly someone slashed with a sword.


A white light cut off the arm of the green mountain man Lu Shang, and then the arm fell from the air.

"Hey, hey, hey, three against one, isn't it too much?"

"If you have the guts, fight with me!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly appeared and joined the battlefield.

Ziyun was stunned when he saw this.

The other three looked at Zhuo Bufan as if he were a fool.

"Looking for death!"

Lv Zhong, who was standing on the green mountain man, was furious when he saw Zhuo Bufan.

Then, a powerful divine power burst out from him.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan tightly grasped the Wuliang Sword in his right hand, and boundless divine power rose to the sky, wrapped around the sword body, and burst out a sword energy thousands of meters long.

The energy of life and death cycle entangled the Wuliang Sword, wrapping the Wuliang Sword, forming an extremely terrifying energy.

"Sword cuts the cycle of reincarnation!"

Zhuo Bufan swept out with a sword, and the khaki mountain man was directly cut in half on the spot.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was full of fighting spirit!


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