Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 939: Candidates for the Leader

When Zhou Yong selected Bai Zifan as the leader candidate, everyone present was shocked at first, and then relieved.

"I think the leader's proposal is good. Although Zifan is a junior, but he can be recognized by the ancestors, his talent is naturally beyond words."

"Yes, Zifan can be selfless and give up the inherited skills. His character is worthy of recognition."

"Zifan can move into the Candidate House."

The candidate for the head of Taixuan Sect was originally only the eldest disciple Li Changsheng.

And now, there is one more candidate for the head position: Bai Zifan.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan did not pay attention to the feelings of Li Changsheng next to him at first glance.

Unexpectedly, Li Changsheng didn't show much change in his expression.

There seemed to be no hostility towards this sudden competitor.

After the previous cocktail party with outstanding figures, Zhuo Bufan probably knew the character of Li Changsheng.

He is the kind of person who is indifferent to fame and wealth.

However, when this person goes crazy, it is really frightening and terrifying.

"No, no, no, Master, this disciple is still too young to be a candidate."

"I am willing to give up my skills without any compensation or transaction."

Bai Zifan, on the other hand, began to shirk the blame. He did not dare to hope for the position of leader.

It must be said that Zhuo Bufan educated his son very well.

Although he is not his biological child, Bai Zifan has been influenced by it since he was a child.

His father was extraordinary and a hero in his eyes. Regardless of fame and fortune, pursue the truth and implement justice.

In Bai Zifan's eyes, Zhuo Bufan is his role model.

Therefore, faced with the decision of the leader Zhou Yong, he refused.

Because he knew that his father would definitely refuse.

However, Zhou Yong said.

"Zifan, I chose you as a candidate not because you gave up your skills. Even if you didn't give up your skills, I would still choose you as a candidate."

"You have received the inheritance from the ancestors. Since the ancestors have recognized you, how can I doubt your ability?"

"Therefore, I have carefully considered my decision to announce your candidacy."

"That's right, Zifan. Even our ancestors recognize you. Are you still worried that us old guys don't recognize you?"

"If you can obtain the inheritance left by your ancestors, then you are the most qualified person to obtain the position of head. If you are not qualified, then no one in Taixuan Sect is qualified."

"So boy, let's go on! You still have a long life, and you will have a bright future in the future."

Faced with the insistence of the leader and the affirmation of all the elders, Bai Zifan seemed a little at a loss. Finally, he looked at Zhuo Bufan behind him.

Zhuo Bufan touched his head and then smiled lightly.

"Promise! As a man, you have to do what you do and what you don't do. Being a father doesn't teach you much. I only teach you one word, responsibility."

"Zifan, you have grown up now. You must learn to take responsibility."

Zhuo Bufan only teaches by words and deeds. For Zhuo Bufan, responsibility is as big as the sky.

He has been working hard because of these two words.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan looked at his father deeply. Finally, he nodded and said.

"I understand, father, okay, I accept this candidate position."

"However, you are right, father. There are things a man can do and things he should not do. If there are certain responsibilities that are not suitable for me to bear, then I will not force myself to do so."

After hearing Bai Zifan's words, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"Hahahaha, you silly boy, you can draw inferences from one instance to another."

"Okay! Let's do it then!"

"I'll give you two more days to copy Xuanxuan's creation skills, and then we'll go home."

Zhuo Bufan said.

"go home?"

Bai Zifan was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, go home. It's time for our family to reunite."

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Bai Zifan was so excited that his whole body trembled.

Go home, return to the world of cultivation, and save your mother Bai Su.

This is Bai Zifan's long-held wish.

Now, this wish is finally coming true.

Two days later, Bai Zifan finally made a complete copy of the Xuanxuan Creation Skill and handed it to the leader.

When the master took over the creation skill copied by Bai Zifan, he burst into tears of gratitude.

Then he regarded the "Xuanxuan Creation Skill" as a treasure and prepared to pass it on.

"Are you really going to leave? Zifan, you have just become a candidate for the leadership!"

Bai Zifan was about to leave, and everyone in Taixuan Sect was obviously a little reluctant to leave.

"I'm sorry, Master. Compared to the position of Master, in my mind, rescuing my mother is the most important thing."

"Nothing can stop me from seeing my mother."

The most important person in Bai Zifan's mind has always been Bai Su.

If Bai Su hadn't saved him at the beginning, he might have been a corpse long ago.

The importance of Bai Su in his mind is self-evident.

"Don't worry, Master Zhou, I will definitely bring this kid back."

"Father, will we come back?" Bai Zifan asked blankly.

"Of course she will. Your Aunt Xiaomei is still studying in the Guiyi Sect. She will not go back with us this time."

"However, I will come to greet her sooner or later."

"When the time comes, it's time for you to come back and fight for your position as leader."

Zhuo Bufan promised Zhou Yong and Bai Zifan together.

"Then there's Lao Xiaozhuo."

Zhou Yong values ​​Bai Zifan very much, so he hopes Bai Zifan can come back again.

"Don't worry, Master Zhou. My son hasn't seen his mother for a long time. Let's go back. We'll be back in a few years."

Zhuo Bufan came here specially to wait for Bai Zifan, so for Zhuo Bufan, going back this time is to reunite his family.

Therefore, Bai Zifan must be brought back.

"Brother Zhuo, I also have a merciless request."

At this time, Li Changsheng stood up suddenly and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Oh, Brother Li has something to explain, but it doesn't matter."

"Take care of my sister. I know she left with Xuanyuan Hao. I don't know if she can come back, but I hope she can be happy."

What Li Changsheng cares about is his sister Li Miaoyin.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"Brother Li, don't worry, Xuanyuan is a very reliable man. Your sister will be happy."

"And I believe they will come back sooner or later."

"Thank you very much."

After receiving Zhuo Bufan's promise, Li Changsheng felt relieved.

"Then it's time for us to go."

Finally, Zhuo Bufan took Bai Zifan with him and left Taixuanzong.

A cultivator is free and easy-going, without much worries about parting, and can leave as soon as he wants.

When Bai Zifan left, everyone in Taixuan Sect came out to see off their candidate for leadership.

Bai Zifan was able to selflessly give up the "Xuanxuan Creation Art", and he was deeply respected by everyone in Taixuan Sect.

From now on, everyone in Taixuan Sect can practice this heaven-defying technique.

Of course, whether one can reach the pinnacle of cultivation depends on everyone's destiny.

Just like the name of this skill, it is created by nature. Without your own creation, even if you practice this skill, you may not be able to reach the peak.

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