Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 924: Demonstrating loyalty

When the King of Hell chooses a temple god, he will integrate his own rule power into the curse seal.

So that all the temple gods dare not go against his will.

However, when Zhuo Bufan made a contract with the King of Hell, Zhuo Bufan kept a watchful eye.

It was not Zhuo Bufan who made the contract with the King of Hell, but the Glazed Green Fairy Lamp given by the Green Emperor.

The Glazed Green Fairy Lamp was given to Zhuo Bufan by the Green Emperor so that he could escape danger in his trip to Hell.

And the Glazed Green Fairy Lamp did help Zhuo Bufan out of danger.

It was because of the Glazed Green Fairy Lamp that Zhuo Bufan was not controlled by the King of Hell.

However, Zhuo Bufan was indeed not controlled, but Chu Mubai was very unfortunate.

Chu Mubai did not have the Glazed Green Fairy Lamp. In order to find Yi Meng and the others, he had to be controlled by the King of Hell and was affected by the King of Hell's rule power.

The King of Hell's curse seal is actually a kind of rule power.

This kind of rule power is very similar to Wang Xingbadao's rule "Destiny", which means absolute obedience, otherwise the heart and liver will be broken, and the soul will be destroyed and die.

Zhuo Bufan naturally would not watch Chu Mubai die like this. Although this guy has cheated him again and again, Chu Mubai is indeed a rare friend in his i Cultivation World.


In the end, Zhuo Bufan decided to go to Guanyun Peak with Chu Mubai to meet their King of Hell.

"Boy, you don't have to force it. This guy's coming this time is ominous!"

Chu Mubai knew that the King of Hell suddenly summoned them, which must not be a good thing.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"I know that guy must be coming for us."

"Anyway, you are under his curse, and we must take this opportunity to kill him."

Only by killing the King of Hell can his rule power be removed.

Zhuo Bufan knew that this time was dangerous, but there were some things that had to be done, and they had to be done to a conclusion.

"Well, let's go together."

"That King of Hell is only at the Great Saint level. With the two of us working together, we should be able to kill him."

After Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai came to this world, they have improved a lot.

Among them, Chu Mubai has been promoted to the Great Saint, and Zhuo Bufan is already a Little Saint.

Although King of Hell has been immersed in the Great Saint level for a long time, Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai should be able to do it together.

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly to Chu Mubai's proposal, indicating his agreement.

"Well, I'll go and prepare now. By the way, do you need to take care of that kid Xuanyuan Hao?"

Chu Mubai thought of Xuanyuan Hao.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head slightly and said.

"No, that guy is busy talking about love, so we don't need to bother him."

Although it would be safer to call Xuanyuan Hao, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to bother him because of this kind of thing.

Solve your own business yourself.

And he also believes that with the strength of the two of them, it is enough to solve King of Hell.

So, the two did not notify Xuanyuan Hao.


Early the next morning, Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai set out from Taixuan Sect and rushed to Guiyi Sect.

"Boy, after the fight, you will be responsible for dealing with the temple gods around him. As for the King of Hell, leave it to me."

Chu Mubai has the cultivation of a great saint, and he thinks he is stronger than Zhuo Bufan, so he wants to take the initiative to deal with the King of Hell.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shrugged and said.

"No problem!"

Since Chu Mubai wants to be a hero, Zhuo Bufan will naturally give him this opportunity.

In fact, it is hard to say who is stronger between Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai.

In terms of cultivation, Chu Mubai is indeed stronger than Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is just a little saint.

However, Zhuo Bufan, the little saint, killed a great saint when he was in the Tongxuan realm.

Now that he has reached the realm of a little saint, I am afraid that even a first-class great saint is no longer his opponent.

However, Chu Mubai is not an ordinary person, so it is hard to say who is stronger between the two of them.

Of course, so far, Zhuo Bufan has listened to Chu Mubai's instructions.

Soon, the two came to the place they agreed with the King of Hell, Guanyun Peak, which is located outside the Guiyi Sect.

From a distance, Zhuo Bufan had already felt the breath of the King of Hell.

When they were about to arrive, Zhuo Bufan quietly saved a file.

After the save, Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai rushed to Guanyun Peak.

When they arrived on Guanyun Peak, they saw six black-cloaked men in cloaks on Guanyun Peak, with their backs to them.

"You two, finally arrived."

At this time, the six cloaked men turned around.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and saw that the four people in front of him were the King of Hell, the God of the Demon Snake Temple, the God of the Tiancan Temple, the God of the Haowan Temple, the God of the Dengyan Temple, and the God of the Jiuwu Temple.

It seems that all the gods of the temples in hell have arrived.

Those who have not arrived have all sacrificed themselves magnificently.

"Six, can you handle it?"

Chu Mubai said quietly to Zhuo Bufan.

There were more people than they thought.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

Zhuo Bufan meant that he could handle the five temple gods by himself.

As for the King of Hell, that was Chu Mubai's task.

"As long as you're fine."

Chu Mubai was worried about Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, the King of Hell looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others, and then said coldly.

"The God of the Absolute Sword Temple, the God of the Holy Eye Temple, what have you two been doing recently? Tell me about it, Father God."

The old man still dared to call himself the Father God in front of Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not immediately rebel against him, but smiled.

"Of course we are constantly working hard to conquer this world."

"You have also seen that the people in this world have profound cultivation and are much stronger than us."

"So we must keep a low profile."

Zhuo Bufan explained.

However, the Demon Snake Temple God laughed after hearing this.

"Boy, don't think we don't know. You are now the extraordinary saint of the first palace, the first of the ten little saints in the world."

"You still call this low-key?"

Zhuo Bufan was speechless after hearing the words of the Demon Snake Temple God.

It seems that he is indeed not very low-key. Now Zhuo Bufan is the target of people all over the world.

Who doesn't know that he is the extraordinary saint of the first palace?

Zhuo Bufan is an invader of hell, but he is so high-profile and happy in the Yang world.

Compared with him, other temple gods are like rats crossing the street, being shouted and beaten everywhere.

Even the King of Hell himself almost died at the hands of the Emperor Tianlong.

So, these people have quite a few complaints about Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan smiled awkwardly after hearing this.

"To be honest, the elites of the Kuangmen I led were wiped out as soon as they arrived in this world."

"So I can only hide in the Deyi Palace. I didn't think of being so high-profile, but I definitely didn't forget my mission."

Zhuo Bufan looked at everyone present as if he was listening to my explanation.

But no one present believed him.

"Boy, you said you are from the underworld, but why do you practice the spiritual arts of the Yang world?"

"You still want to deceive me now?"

"Very good, since you said you are loyal to me, then I will give you a chance to show your loyalty."

As soon as the King of Hell finished speaking, he suddenly took out a brocade bag from his waist and threw it to the ground.

Then, a person fell out of the brocade bag.

Zhuo Bufan looked carefully and found that the person who fell out of the brocade bag was actually Luo Yi, a disciple of Deyi Palace.

At the same time, he was also the prince of the Great Xu Dynasty.

"This kid claims to be the prince of the Great Xu Dynasty. Since you are loyal to me, then show your loyalty!"

"Kill him!"


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