Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 920 It’s hard to find a soulmate

Li Miaoyin is a famous talented woman in Taixuan Sect.

She not only has a profound cultivation, but also extraordinary talent.

More importantly, no matter what she does, she will do it to the extreme.

She is proficient in everything, including music, chess, calligraphy, painting, sword, fist and foot.

And the most praised is Li Miaoyin's music art.

Li Miaoyin cultivates the way of music, and she has reached the peak of this road.

The moment she played the "Taixuan Forbidden Divine Song", a magical power spread out.

Under this music, Zhuo Bufan, who was watching the battle, was in turmoil.

When Zhuo Bufan was about to use divine power to suppress, he suddenly found that all his power could not be used.

"No way! This woman actually banned all my power?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised. He found that most of his power could not be used.

Including the soul and spiritual power.

Fortunately, not all abilities cannot be used.

For example, he can use divine power and immortal power freely.

However, not everyone has divine power or immortal power like Zhuo Bufan.

In other words, if someone else were to face Li Miaoyin's "Taixuan Forbidden Divine Song", they would have no power to fight back.

Simply put, the "Taixuan Forbidden Divine Song" played by Li Miaoyin is equivalent to a huge silencing spell.

This is actually a rule power, and Li Miaoyin has integrated her rules into the sound of the piano.

Therefore, the seemingly powerless sound of the piano actually possesses extremely terrifying power.

The rule power is mixed in it, which will obviously cause extremely strong suppression to Xuanyuan Hao.

However, Li Miaoyin would never have thought that her opponent Xuanyuan Hao had mastered the power that she had never mastered, the divine power.

The divine power is the power of the underworld.

The rules of this world cannot restrict it.

Therefore, when Li Miaoyin's piano sound was transmitted to Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao simultaneously vibrated the strings of the piano, and then a sound wave vibrated and spread out.

The divine power was injected into the sound wave, defeating Li Miaoyin's piano sound.

Clang clang clang!

Dong dong dong!

The two played the piano in harmony, and the rhythms rose and fell, which was pleasant to the ears.

However, at the same time, the rhythms of both sides were secretly competing.

Li Miaoyin's rhythm was like a dragon, magnificent and powerful.

Xuanyuan Hao's rhythm was like a phoenix, dancing in the sky, lonely and powerful.

The dragon sound and the phoenix sound began to entangle with each other.

With the collision of the rhythms, the whole small world began to collapse.

The dragon roared in the sky, shaking the earth and mountains.

The phoenix fire spread across the prairie, burning the four seas and eight wastelands.

In this piano duel, the two sides were evenly matched.

"What a joke, there is actually someone who is as good as me in music."

Li Miaoyin didn't expect that Xuanyuan Hao's piano skills were so great.

But in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, the surprise should be whether Li Miaoyin's piano sound can be in harmony with Xuanyuan Hao.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Xuanyuan Hao was a man who loved piano.

Back then in the Blood Desert, everyone went there for the inheritance and secrets of the Four Emperors.

Only Xuanyuan Hao went there for a piano score.

It can be seen that in Xuanyuan Hao's mind, music is very important.

When Xuanyuan Hao was not practicing, playing the piano became his main activity.

But after coming to this world, Xuanyuan Hao was greatly enlightened.

So for such a long time, he did not play the piano again, but kept practicing hard.

Now, the appearance of Li Miaoyin made Xuanyuan Hao regain his passion for piano art.

So Xuanyuan Hao was excited, and he began to play the piano frantically.

The sound of the piano was faint, shocking the nine heavens.

The phoenix danced in the sky, and the world was auspicious.

Xuanyuan Hao's piano sound actually slowly suppressed Li Miaoyin.

Compared with Li Miaoyin's piano sound with the power of rules, Xuanyuan Hao's piano sound was very ordinary.

The most ordinary piano sound, but with the most powerful power.

Xuanyuan Hao used the purest piano sound to fight against Li Miaoyin.

Gradually, Li Miaoyin felt powerless.

At that moment, Li Miaoyin seemed to have an epiphany.

She tore off all her power, even the barrier.

Then she also used the purest piano sound to play against Xuanyuan Hao.

At that moment, neither of them mixed any power into the piano sound.

No spiritual power, no divine power, no rule power.

What they had was just the love for the piano.

The two of them put all their love for the guqin on their fingertips, and then played together quickly.

A sad song, where can I find a soulmate in the mountains.

The piano sounds of the two people, from hostility at the beginning, to slow confrontation, and then to harmony later.

They seemed to have found a soulmate, and the music contained a kind of appreciation and joy for each other.

Xuanyuan Hao, he was not good at expressing his feelings.

So, he put his feelings on the piano sound, and then passed it to Li Miaoyin on the opposite side.

And Li Miaoyin, from Xuanyuan Hao's piano sound, felt Xuanyuan Hao's appreciation and admiration for her.

A beautiful smile slowly emerged on her face.

She began to convey her feelings to Xuanyuan Hao across from her through the sound of the piano.

The two of them conveyed their feelings to each other and communicated with each other through the sound of the piano.

There was no more tense atmosphere in the air.

Instead, there was a sense of ambiguity and disgust.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after seeing this scene.

He was happy for Xuanyuan Hao.

Obviously, Xuanyuan Hao found the woman he loved.

On Xuanyuan Hao's face, there was a rare happy smile.


Gradually, more and more people gathered around.

Many people were attracted by the melodious sound of the piano.

Of course, some people heard that Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao, two outstanding people, came to Taixuan Sect, so they came to greet them.

However, they saw the scene of Xuanyuan Hao and Li Miaoyin playing the piano.


Among the people who came, there was naturally another focus person, that is, Li Miaoyin's younger brother, the chief disciple of Taixuan Sect, and Li Changsheng, who ranked third on the Little Saint List.

Li Changsheng saw his sister playing the piano with Xuanyuan Hao, and the piano sound was filled with the atmosphere of mutual appreciation and admiration, and there was some indescribable taste in his heart.

And Xuanyuan Hao and Li Miaoyin, who had not noticed that so many people had come around, continued to talk about love with the piano.

Until the last page of the piano score of both sides was played. The sound of the piano also stopped abruptly.

At this time, when they came to their senses, they found that the surroundings were full of people.

"Changsheng, why are you here?"

In the crowd, Li Miaoyin saw Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng said to his sister with a cold face.

"Sister, what were you doing just now?"

Li Miaoyin hurriedly explained when she heard it.

"Sister was playing the piano just now! Sister was helping you teach them a lesson."

Li Miaoyin seemed to feel the loss of composure just now, and was afraid that her little thoughts would be discovered by her brother, so she hurriedly explained.

"Haha! Sister, I'm not a fool!"

"Master asked me to welcome you two, please come in!"

Li Changsheng was ordered by Zhou Yong, the head of Taixuan Sect, to come and welcome Xuanyuan Hao and Zhuo Bufan.

I didn't expect to see my sister flirting with other men.

"Please come in, both of you!"

Everyone is a guest, and Li Changsheng is not exclusive.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao followed Li Changsheng and entered Taixuan Sect.

"It's so embarrassing!"

Seeing Xuanyuan Hao's back, Li Miaoyin blushed.

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